
It's a Breeze! {really}

01 June 2014

I've mentioned how much I love the ease of the 4moms Breeze a few times. And I'm going to mention it again today because I really love it. These days there are very few moments throughout the day that I'm not holding a child ... which is great! Really! But ... it leaves me with exactly one hand (complicated math ... I see that impressed face of yours!) to do pretty much everything. So I really appreciate any type of baby gear that is easy to operate with one hand because generally as soon as Theo spots me feeding Phoebe he decides that he needs out! of! his! highchair! right! NOW! And as soon as Phoebe hears me giving Theo attention she decides that she's really! really! really! hungry! .. you get the point. I know you do.

Anyway. My time with two hands is pretty limited (like all moms! I'm not special!) when Simon isn't home and so when I find myself needing to set up the Breeze for Theo or Phoebe (usually Theo ... when I'm trying to get a little tiny something done around the house and he is extra determined to bite my kneecaps all day) I can do it in less than 10 seconds. That is not an exaggeration. This thing is amazing.

I remember trying and trying and trying and trying to get portable cribs set up for my younger siblings with my mom when we were on vacation as a family. It was awful. And so frustrating. You'd think all 4 sides would be up but NOPE. None of that with the Breeze. None of that at all.

I also worship the waterproof sheet it comes with and really wish they'd make a whole line of waterproof sheets for regular cribs and twin beds and toddler beds because my kids could use them all.

AND I think I've told you that it's a little bigger than a standard portable crib which was awesome for our little giant Sebastian who called the Breeze his permanent bed until very recently. There was no way he would fit in a regular portable crib unless he curled up nice and tight like a "creepy crawly" (what Julia calls roly polies).

Want one? I knew it!

4moms is giving one away to one of you and their giving one away every single day over on their Facebook page too ... double your chances by heading over there when you're finished here.

Good luck! I'm pulling for you. Yes, you.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Definitely the breeze. #3 on the way and #2 is barely squeezing into our pack and play for nights away so this would be perfect!

  2. The mama roo has always looked pretty amazing, but you're kind of selling me on the breeze too!

  3. I would love to try this...the extra space seems like a dream...other travel beds are just too small.

  4. This looks way easier and better than the pack n play we have now! I'd love to try one!

  5. The breeze looks awesome, I think my pack-n-play is 8+years old. The new stroller they are coming out with looks pretty amazing.

  6. We have loved the mamaroo and would love the breeze for our growing girl!!

  7. Dying over their new stroller. Strollers are like crack to me now. The more the better..... And the breeze seems fantastic for apartment loving like we are doing now.

  8. Honestly, I would like any of their products. I love how easy their products are and piiiiine for them.

  9. That baby tub. (My kids all hate baths, maybe they wouldn't with that thing? Then maybe I would bath more often...regularly at least...ever?)
    And the Breeze. Yep. The breeze. My babies sleep in pack-n-plays...we need at least one Breeze in this house.
    Oh, and the stroller, too.

  10. The Breeze looks amazing! The video on their website is especially impressive :)

  11. It would be a toss up between the breeze and the mamaroo - both look like new mom essentials!!

  12. mamaroo and the breeze make my top list but they are all rad!

  13. Definitely could use a breeze!

  14. The breeze and the mommaroo are on my wish list!

  15. The mammaroo or the breeze would be pretty sweet.

  16. I'm so in love with the mommaroo!

  17. I am not sure they make anything that I do not covet. Yes, covet. I think I currently have everything they make on my baby registry - the MommaRoo, the breeze, and the spout cover. Honestly, there is a part of me that wishes this baby were coming later so I could also have the infant car seat. That looks AMAZING. Seriously amazing.

    Grace, does it count if I pick multiple products? Please, please, please say so. I couldn't pick a favorite if I tried.

  18. the mamaroo is my dream product!!!!


  19. I hated our last play yard with a passion. I never took it out of our bedroom because I knew I would just struggle and struggle to set it back up, which is exactly what happened whenever we brought it with us on vacation (there's nothing quite like swearing at an inanimate object at the end of the day of a very long car ride). The Breeze would be so wonderful to have, especially now that I'm wrangling a toddler and have another baby due any day!

  20. This would be so helpful. My baby is only 1 month now but I can see us getting a lot of use out of this in the future!

  21. Would love the Breeze or the mamaroo for our baby that is due July 3rd!!!

  22. I would love any if their products! Would love to try the MamaRoo...heard great things

  23. The origami mini looks awesome.

  24. It's amazing at 9 months how much of this stuff we've already gotten out of, but the stroller or the breeze would still be handy for years. Thanks!

  25. My fav product is the mamaroo! I only had to babysit one child with it to realize how amazing it is.

  26. The Breeze! Quick and easy to set up and would be SO perfect for the transient lifestyle we lead.

  27. The Breeze really does look amazing!

  28. I don't have a 4moms product, but I would try the mamaroo or the breeze

  29. Awesome- this would be so handy!

  30. We have the mamaroo (and really liking it!), but I'd love a more user friendly crib/Breeze!

  31. Umm… that origami stroller looks pretty awesome!

  32. I've always thought the Origami stroller was supper cool!

  33. The breeze is my very favorite product, and I'm dying to have one although I also love the mamaroo

  34. Looks great! I love the mamaroo for my daughter!

  35. The Breeze and the MamaRoo look great!!

  36. Oh gosh I would love to have the Breeze. We have one on the way and our ENORMOUS 20-month old will still need someplace to sleep when we travel to where my family is -- she's seriously running out of space in the Pack'n'Play!

  37. I love the Breeze and the mamaroo!

  38. I've had my eye on one of these for my growing toddler for when we go out of town. So glad you love it!

  39. I've always lusted for the Mamaroo, but the Breeze is a close second!!

  40. I love the mamaroo but the breeze is a close second!

  41. I really like the rockaroo, but I would love to win a Breeze for my brand new baby

  42. Why am I just now hearing about this? Pack and play, who?

  43. I could definitely use the Breeze!

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. I would love to try out the Breeze or the Mamaroo with Baby #1 on the way!

  46. It has to be the Breeze, #3 on the way, and #2 is a handful, I could use all the help I could get!

  47. Theo is TOO CUTE. His hair!

  48. I can't stand our pack n play that never, ever wants to stay open and reallllly hope it breaks so I have an excuse to buy one of these. Ha.

  49. The momaroo looks pretty great, but I'd love the breeze as we currently don't have a portacrib!

  50. The Origami stroller and the Breeze are on my wishlist!

  51. My favorite is definitely the Breeze - it is always a battle to set up a standard pack n' play!

  52. The breeze! Headed to the beach soon and would love an easier crib for the baby!

  53. Oh the Breeze looks awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

  54. love the mamaroo and the breeze as well!

  55. Oh i desperately need the breeze! What a great giveaway! Oh, and we already have the Mamaroo but dont have the baby yet (coming in July) so I cant name a fav yet!

  56. I'm curious about the rockaroo.

  57. I think the Origami Stroller, the Mamaroo and the Breeze all look like they would be useful in this house. :)

  58. My husband and I were just talking about this company! My favorite would definitely be the Breeze. Thanks for the giveaway!

  59. The rockaRoo seems awesome, but I can never, ever get our pack n' play set up by myself, so I'd love the Breeze too!

  60. Oh man, that rockaRoo looks amazing, but what am I saying, they ALL look incredible.

  61. My favorite is...all of the above? That's not cheating, right?

  62. Definitely the breeze because ours is a nightmare to put up. . .

  63. I don't have any of these products, but they all look fantastic!

  64. Tough to decide between the breeze and the mamaRoo!

  65. oh my gosh, the Breeze looks fantastic

  66. As we get ready to start our family the Breeze would be so wonderful!

  67. The mamaroo and the breeze would both be so useful!

  68. Oh my. Just watched a video of the Breeze setup and that thing is absolutely brilliant.

  69. I just watched the demo on the Breeze and am mesmerized! So awesome - all of their stuff!

  70. Still think the mamaroo looks awesome!

  71. I could totally use a breeze but WOW that origami stroller looks AMAZING!!!

  72. The stroller looks great, but you have me convinced about the portable crib too!

  73. Ooo! The Breeze will be perf. to get with all the traveling we're doing these next few weeks. Yay!

  74. i have both the breeze and the mamaroo on my registry...and if no one buys them for us then i'll just have to get them myself. i hear they are both gamechangers!

  75. This would be amazing for my first bebe who is due in December!

  76. The breeze & the mamaroo are my faves!

  77. I watched the Breeze video and almost fainted.. that is super easy!

  78. The Breeze and mamaroo are my two favorites!!

  79. We are still using the old pack n play that was in Chris' family for who knows how long and then sent it to Chris seven years ago for any visiting bambinos. So. The breeze will seem so luxurious for Conor who now sleeps in said pack n play (which I have somehow never personally set up) :)

  80. I neeeeeed this! we have a trip to hawaii in july and my son HATES his pack n play!!!

  81. I love our rockaroo and I'd love to try the breeze!!

  82. The breeze would be fantastic :)

  83. The breeze looks amazing! I love to support any company/product that focuses on ease of use for moms!

  84. The breeze and mamaroo for sure!

  85. I think the breeze would be great I've definitely struggled with my previous play yard.

  86. I want the breeze! It sounds amazing!

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. Looks like a good pack and play.

  89. The breeze looks so nice compared to the annoying collapsible sides that never want to all lock/unlock at the same time! I'm still dreaming of getting a mamaroo for our little girl that will be coming sometime in the next few weeks!

  90. I love the breeze! Such a great product for taller children who don't fit comfortably in a traditional portable crib.

  91. The Breeze would be awesome! My daughter is so tall for 18mnths and I feel so bad when we travel and I have to stuff her in the port-a-crib!

  92. I'd love a decent playpen! I never used mine it was a pain!

  93. I could definitely use a corral for my little munchkin. I know the feeling of just needing a few minutes to clean/pick-up without someone making another mess faster than my rate of pick-up, it's so hard to get ahead! :)

  94. The Rockaroo--ahh! All of a sudden people are making cute baby chairs and I love it.

  95. Never used any of their products but t

  96. Rockaroo sounds and looks so cool. I try to win one of those every chance I get.

  97. How can I choose?? I love all their products! But the new mini stroller looks great!

  98. I also have a giant baby so the breeze would be great for travel!

  99. I'd love the mamaroo and of course the breeze! I don't have any pack and play but Seth's getting to the age when I could really use one!!

  100. The breeze would be sooo much nicer than te awkward pack n play we currently (don't) use!

  101. I would so love the Breeze! I'm forever moving our old pack and play to different rooms for some little person's nap.

  102. I love the Breeze and the Mamaroo!

  103. Would love this to contain my newly mobile daughter.

  104. Replies
    1. And the Breeze would have to be my favorite ... it's the one I think I'd use the most.

  105. Would love to win this for my sister who is preg with her 2nd!

  106. We definitely could use the Breeze! We have two pack n plays that we use all the time (one three times a day, it's a bed) and they are both 10-15 years old.

  107. oh my gosh what an amazing giveaway!! this would be perfect for the new baby that's cookin in my belly oven ;)

  108. Oh my goodness, the Breeze looks awesome! Definitely would come I handy around here with my 3 boys 3 and under!!

  109. The origami in my fantasy life and the breeze in my real life.

  110. After the long time it took me to figure out the pack-n-play, the Breeze sounds divine! And I would love love love to try out the momaroo!

  111. Just got the rockaroo and love it!!

  112. I want the rockaroo so bad!!!

  113. My sister is pregnant with her first and I would love to win this for her!

  114. I would love the Breeze! We have the BabyBjorn portable crib, but our little girl is awfully long and it's beginning to be a tight fit!

  115. considering a 4th of july jaunt to GA. see another jail cell needed for the 3 little pigs!!!

  116. Pregnant with my first! Would love one!

  117. The breeze! Looks so much more comfortable than the one we have!

  118. the breeze and the mommaroo!!

  119. I would love this-my 1 year old moves around like it is his job and having him corralled for even a few minutes would be amazing!

  120. I would love to try the breeze!

  121. I think I'd like the Breeze the most because I'd get the most use out of it, but I've loved the MamaRoo since I first saw it!

  122. I have never seen or heard of these, but it looks awesome!

  123. The Origami Stroller...Holy Crap that thing is awesome! It's possible that I would forget I had a kid in there if I owned one...

  124. We LOVE the mamaroo and now I'm dying to have the Breeze!

  125. i love all of the 4moms product! I would love one of these!

  126. I am very intrigued by that origami stroller. I swear it has more features than my mini-van!

  127. I would def love the mamaroo or the breeze!

  128. WOW. I have never seen anything this cool before. I don't just want it I NEED IT.

  129. The Breeze really does seem easy to use

  130. I really would love a Rockaroo, but I would also kill for a user-friendly pack 'n play.

  131. What a cool crib! My kids are both old enough now that they could never be contained, but it sure would make an awesome gift for a new mommy I know :-)

  132. Well, Lucy sleeps in a pack n play currently, but it belongs to my mom, so when we move...she'll need her own!

  133. The breeze for sure. I love the simplicity of it. And the color, or lack of crazy colors!

  134. I definitely want the Mamaroo for our first child (coming in September), but the Breeze would be wonderful as well!

  135. The oragami stroller is ridiculously amazing! Thanks for the opportunity!

  136. Looks awesome! I have a giant too- I need this!

  137. The origami stroller! Amazing!

  138. The breeze looks awesome! It's on my wishlist officially :)

  139. Wow, their products look amazingly helpful and functional. It's a toss up between the Breeze and the Origami Stroller.

  140. omg. i only have 1 child and i feel like i need all these things. bless your heart.

  141. a.m.a.z.i.n.g.!!!!! :)

  142. I love all the 4 moms products, but the breeze definitely blows me away. I remember showing it to my mom and she was like "they're all like that." So we pulled a graco off the shelf and I told her to show me. She messed with it for 5 minutes and was like ok you're right :-)

  143. It's between the Rock a Roo and the Origami stroller...I mean, with so many awesome do you choose?

  144. Love the breeze. Or at least love what I'm seeing and hearing. Trying to win one for the new baby and the mamaroo is also on the registry!

  145. So far the mamaroo is our favorite, helps with our colicky baby so much! Would love to try the Breeze!

  146. I love the mamaRoo! Id have my eye on it for ever. I love how it soothes baby and has different settings.

  147. well... there's this... but I would also love to have the MamaRoo

  148. Ooh, I'd love a breeze - I've been trying to find a Mamaroo on Craigslist!

  149. This looks awesome and I'm all for fast and simple assembly!! :-)

  150. I would love to try the Breeze.

  151. I would so love one of these :)

  152. Looks way easier than the pack and play!

  153. I'm not sure how I could pick just one! Probably the breeze. We're also considering the rockaroo!

  154. The mamaroo for sure! That thing is a life saver!

  155. I would love to try this product! Amazing!

  156. Cindy B (on rc/fb) ~ what's not to love ~ I love their Origami, the two roo's and the Breeze ;) Hope to own one or all of them one day.



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