
Nesting Days Giveaway

19 May 2014

As far as 
the outfit goes
I don't know.
Churchwear meets comfort
or something.

I was pretty sure I'd heard of all the baby carriers out there and I was pretty sure that I'd made my mind up about the majority of them. They all have their pros and cons and what works for some moms doesn't necessarily work for me so I was really curious to try the Nesting Days carrier after they got in touch with me a few weeks ago. I wasn't skeptical but my hopes weren't terribly high because Grace + optimism have never been best friends forever but once it came and Phoebe and I had the chance to test it out ... we were sold. 

I'll tell you why. 

The carrier is designed for babies 0-4 months (5-20 pounds) and can be worn while nursing (game changer! hands-free, baby!) and giving the baby more skin-to-skin time beyond the day of delivery. I don't know about you but I rarely have the time to even think about giving newborns more skin-to-skin love so ... the carrier is great for that. There's no guesswork as far as putting the carrier on ... it's simple and holds the baby nice and tight every single time.  It's lightweight and washes and dries easily and quickly (think swimsuit material ...). There are no buckles or Velcro or hard edges or wrapping ... which saves me a lot of time in the mornings when I'm trying to get the kids out the door and into the stroller for our walk to preschool drop off. And so far ... it has a 100% success rate for lulling Phoebe right to sleep which is probably my very favorite feature. 

Let me walk you through how to put it on ... (I've opted not to showcase how to wear the carrier utilizing the skin-to-skin option ... you're welcome) ...

1. Either step into the carrier and pull it up (it's basically a tube top ... if that makes sense?) or pull it over your head ... I've done both. Put the bottom layer over your left shoulder (the black "strap").
2. Put the patterned layer/sleeve (also known as the "apron") on your right arm.
3. Pull it up over your shoulder.
4. Well, this step is just for show ... got it? Good.

5. Put the baby inside the bottom layer 
6. Tuck the baby's head under one or both layers. Tie the patterned layer together with the back flap on your left side
7. Adjust the bottom layer (you can wear it down as a body shaper or fold it up halfway like I'm wearing it or pull it up completely over the carrier for added support like I'm wearing here).
8. Go about your day.

Nesting Days is generously giving a carrier away to one of you lucky readers ... and in case you aren't the winner ... feel free to use the coupon code: camppatton to get 20% off your carrier until May 31st.

May the very best reader win. And please keep in mind that cheaters never prosper around here ... the winner's name is always triple checked for mandatory entry completion.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. The polka dot is adorable and I love that you can use it while nursing! I'm due in November and this would be awesome...

  2. Love that polka dot pattern! Is the back covered enough that if you were wearing it skin-to-skin, you could go out in semi-public??

    1. yes! I should've gotten a shot of the back - I'm guessing they have a photo on their website. It's basically just like a tank top :)

    2. That. Is. Awesome. If I don't win this one, it's going on my wishlist fo sho'.

  3. I need this for Baby #2 on his/her way!

  4. I love the polka dot and LOVE this idea!

  5. So cute and it looks so easy! I was a big fan of the Ergo with my daughter but would love to try this with baby #2 coming in August :)

  6. I love the polka dot! It looks so snug and comfortable!

  7. I like them both, but I'd pick the polka dots. Of course, I don't have kids yet, so...planning ahead?

  8. Polka dot. And I like that it's wrap style, but not as terrifying (for me) as a Moby.

  9. The polka dot is too cute! What a great design to snuggle a little!

  10. Okay, the polka dot is stinking cute. I got a sakura bloom for baby due in June, but wouldn't mind having a second option and this looks WAY easier than that wrap thing!

  11. I would love to try it out with Baby Boy due in June!

  12. This looks amazing! Love the polka dot!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I would go polka dot mostly because it is fairly gender neutral. Also, I love polka dots.

  15. Fave feature is that the patterns are patterns I'd actually wear on a shirt ;)

  16. Love the polka dot pattern! And it looks so easy - perfect for new mommas :)

  17. The polka dot is really cute and I really like that it's worn like a tank. Seems easier than trying to adjust straps to fit.

  18. Polka dot. For sure. Always love a carrier that is easyyyyyyyu

  19. The polka dot is super cute!

  20. Love the polka dot and how easy it is to wear. Would be perfect for my sweet, snuggly babe :)

  21. A. WANT and B. How are you so tiny already??

  22. So we've probably passed the time when I could use this (although it looks awesome). But you know what else looks awesome? Your hair! It's probably ok to call off the quest for more volume, because, man! your locks are gorgeous!

  23. Oh my goodness. I'm kind of with you--I love the idea of baby carrying, but I just haven't found one that I LOVE yet. I'm due in 4 weeks (YAY!) with #3, and we've got Family coming in July that we're planning to walk all around Chicago. The sleep/nurse on the go feature would be a lifesaver. I think I'd like the polka-dot...

  24. I like the fact that you can breastfeeding while wearing it. The polka dot one is really cute!

  25. I like the polka dots pattern best. I love how easy it is to put on.

  26. It looks easy on the back, too. I like the polka-dot one!

  27. I would love this for baby #3 due in October!!

  28. The polka dot is definitely my favorite. And fast drying? At the rate my four week old spits up, this would be handy indeed!

  29. That looks so awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

  30. Love it! Polka Dot is perfect!

  31. Loving the polka dots! #2 due in September so I'm looking for an easy carrier.

  32. this is so cute! i've been babywearing since 2008 and usually do ring slings and Ergo. loved the idea of the moby but ALL THE FABRIC. as a doula, i've helped clients with baby ktans as well, and was thinking about that for the kid - its just nice to have the snuggly option for brand new squishes, esp easy nursing. but this! looks much less complicated than the K'tan! really like the polka dot bring best, much less busy :)

    1. eek address is admin at women-serving-women dot com :)

  33. Love this! My lil sprout is coming in October and this looks perfect

  34. I like the polka dot one. Baby #3 is 3 weeks old, so this would be perfect!

  35. I love the polka dot one and the fact that it serves as a body shaper too!

  36. How sweet, I would gift this to my cousin with a 3 week old. He still hates the stroller so maybe it would work for them.

  37. Baby #2 will be here any day and this would be so helpful!

  38. Love the polka dot!! This would be perfect for my first due in Aug!

  39. I love how easy this looks to use. My favorite is the polka dot print.

  40. I like either, but it looks like it's easy to put on, I hate that it takes forever to tie all the wraps before putting the baby in there, especially when I'm at the grocery store.

  41. polka dot for baby #2 please!!


  42. Love that this carrier allows for skin-to-skin contact and seems really easy to put on. Love the polka dot carrier.

  43. I'm due in three days, and although I have a bjorn from my last one, I really wanted to get a something like this for the beginning this time around. This looks perfect!

  44. I love the polka dot pattern and that it is black because slimming! AND that you can nurse while wearing it. AND AND that it is a shirt. Hello all I will wear for the first 3 months!

  45. Very cute and looks easy to use - I love the polka dots!

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. This is absolutely lovely! I adore the one you're wearing.

  48. wow! I love the polka dot one and I love the fact that you can have skin to skin contact and would still be able to walk around and be in public!

  49. I like that it seems to work like a wrap, without the 10' fabric trailing on the dirty ground "feature".

  50. Love the polka dots! Too cute! (and so are you and Phoebe!)

  51. Ooh, love this! I have an Ergo but even with the infant insert, it was a little awkward for the newborn stage (plus it seemed hot for my August baby and a bit bulky for bringing it on-the-go.) This one looks PERFECT!

  52. Polka dots! I love my wrap but this looks awesome! Less fabric and you still get that snuggle the baby while running around like a busy mom time! Love your blog!

  53. This would be perfect for my first baby coming in July!

  54. This would solve my debate about which carrier to get for my little girl coming sometime in the next month (hopefully not later as I do NOT want to be overdue again!! I'm due June 19) I love how easy it looks to put on while still keeping baby close and snuggly and polka dots are always my choice (unless stripes are involved)!

  55. Love the polka dots! Too cute! (and so are you and Phoebe!)

  56. I never enter giveaways, but this carrier looks really excellent--and I have tried them all.

  57. I've never heard of Nesting Days but I like it already. Seem so much nicer than my Moby (and I'm not a Moby hater by any means). I like the polka dot pattern though I do wish there were more options so I could be indecisive as usual.

  58. It looks so light weight! I'm don't for anything that doesn't have me wrapping myself in swaths of cloth. Other wraps make me feel like I'm wearing a monks robe! I love my ergo, but it's just too bulky for the newborn stage.

  59. Love the polka dots! Too cute! (and so are you and Phoebe!)

  60. I love the polka dot! Thanks for the opportunity!!

  61. I love that it is specially targeted to newborns and it looks so much easier to put on than all of the other tie style wraps! As everyone has said, the polka dots look great. You always manage to find the cute ones (like the teal happy baby one too)!

  62. Love the polka dots! Too cute! (and so are you and Phoebe!)

  63. loving the polka dot & i have to say im intrigued by the simplicity of this - since I will have a newborn & active 4 year old boy on my hands.

  64. I like how easy it looks to put on, and I would get the polka dot one for sure!

  65. I'm intrigued by this carrier- esp since you can nurse in it! Love the polka dots as well!

  66. Looks very easy, would love this for#4 due in August!

  67. Did you find the sizing they have listed on their site to be pretty accurate? Is it pretty stretchy? It looks like great support for a newborn

    1. yes! Mine is really snug -- I'm not worried about it being loose as I shed the baby weight :)

    2. Thank you! That is very helpful!

  68. Polka dots all the way. I have a bunchother carriers, but this one looks like it takes the cake!

  69. I love the polka dot one! #2 is due in December and looks way easier than the moby!

  70. My sisters due in September and I am obsessed with carriers!

  71. I love the polka dot, and also how comfortable it looks. Skin to skin all the way!

  72. What a great carrier! The ability to nurse hands free would be amazing!

  73. This looks great and so easy!

  74. Such a cute carrier and love that you can nurse hands free!

  75. I'd have to go with the polka dot :-)

  76. I love this, so cute and dainty compared to the usual baby carriers! Cute as per :) x

  77. This is one of the cuter wraps I've seen- I'd love to win one!

  78. We're adopting a baby so this would be great for skin to skin for bonding! I would love to win it in the polka dot print!

  79. What a great giveaway. I was not familiar with this company. I like that the carrier is concerned with ergonomic correctness AND is super cute!

  80. "post-partum body shaper" Sold. :) ...polka dots please!

  81. i like the polka dot print!

  82. How is it on the back? It looks adorable and lightweight and amazing and i want!!

  83. I love this. I am due in December and am eager to try baby wearing. This looks like a great carrier option for my needs!

  84. I have a baby due to be induced in one week if not born first. I would love to try this carrier. I like that it looks so simple compared to my current wrap!

  85. Love the polka dot- my 2 week old I am sure would be blessed to ride in it too!!

  86. I love the polka dotted one you're wearing. Looks really comfy!

  87. I love hearing about amazing new products, and this one looks extra amazing!

  88. Love reading your blog everyday! It gives me a good laugh and a break from my medical school filled days!

  89. Definitely like the polka dot one the most. I am researching wraps right now for my August baby's arrival.

  90. I want I want I want! I wish they weren't so expensive (although I understand why) because that looks so awesome!!

  91. Like everyone else, I'd choose polka. Dot, that is.

  92. Oh my, this could change my moby-hating life (well putting the moby on, which is basically enough to make me hate the whole thing). I might actually just splurge if I don't win! Love that polka dot one.

  93. Not entering to win (obviously) but I just wanted to say you look amazing. Thanks for the awesome review!

  94. whoa this thing looks amazing! I'd love to give it to my brother and SIL due in July (and then have them give it back to me if I'm blessed with a third munchkin! That actually DOES look nursing friendly unlike some of them that say nursing friendly but really you have to be a freakin wizard to be able to do it

  95. The polka dots are great! I love that there's not a ton of finagling involved to strap baby in-just a couple of steps that seem easy enough!

  96. I've never heard of this carrier, I'm very intrigued! :)

  97. Agreed on the anti-Moby thing! This looks much better!

  98. Wow! I'm not a carrier queen by any means, but this contraption looks awesome! Fingers crossed that this is my lucky blog giveaway!

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. Wow this carrier looks so easy to use! I would pick the polka dot pattern! So cute!

  101. So much simpler than some of the other carriers!

  102. I've never heard of this brand - will have to check it out. I wasn't a big fan of carriers but now with #4 coming I'm reconsidering!

  103. Oh -and I like the polka dots :)

  104. I've never heard of this carrier, I'm very intrigued! :)

  105. ahh I love everything about this! And Im going to be a copycat and get the polka dottie one too

  106. Ooh would love a baby carrier like this for my little guy! Love the increased skin-to-skin time.

  107. Polka dot is seriously adorable. So are you and Phoebe!

  108. Love that you can be hands free while nursing. This would be perfect for baby #2 due in August. :)

  109. Easy hands-free has got to be the best feature there is in any baby apparel!

  110. Love the polka dots, the stretchy fabric, the way it goes on. Just love it all.

  111. I'd take either pattern, really. I also have an Ergo and I like it, but here in Phoenix it is just a bit too warm for the baby with the insert. How do you think this would hold up in a Phoenix summer?

    Also, I can't be the only reader who is looking at your pictures in this post and wondering how in the heck your body was able to bounce back so fast.

  112. I love the polka dot one. In also a fan of the fact that you can do skin-to-skin. Can you nurse on both sides while wearing it? Or just the side that doesn't go over the shoulder?

  113. Love the polka dot one! I'm due in October with our first and also a small business owner, so I love that this can be worn while nursing!! <3

  114. I love the polka dot pattern! I didn't use a carrier with my son, but would love one for baby #2!

  115. I love the floral, but I'm having a third boy... does that mean I have to pick polka dot? both prints are cute though :)

  116. I love the polka dot! Fingers crossed!

  117. The polka dots are great! I'd love to try a new carrier for baby #2 in December!!!

  118. I love how easy it looks to put on!

  119. Getting ready to have baby number 6 and with 5 others 11 and under this would be a great help!

  120. I like the floral pattern, it matches our car seat. Also, I'm already sold just on the no tying/buckling feature!

  121. Love the polka dots! Nursing a go go will be a must with Baby 2 in November!

  122. This carrier looks amazing! Just found out we are expecting #2 and would love to have one!

  123. The polka dot is so cute! Fav feature is that you can nurse while wearing it!

  124. I love that it's designed for newborns!

  125. This looks really cool and I love the polka dot. I live how it seems so easy. I'm currently borrowing a wrap carrier and love the results but not the ease of use

  126. The polka dotted one is so cute! I love how easy this looks to put on!

  127. Looks easy to use and you look great!

  128. i love both the polka dot & floral & i love the extra skin to skin time!! Im pregnant with #2 & would be thrilled to win!

  129. My favorite feature is that you don't appear to need 8 arms to put it on! (also, the polka dots)

  130. You look great! :) I love the polka dot fabric and that it's made in the US!

  131. I love that it looks so easy to put on. The others I have looked at seem so intimidating with all the wrapping.

  132. i need the polka dot one for baby #2 in december! :)

  133. The polka dot one is super cute! Definitely looks easier than the Moby!

  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. Love the polka dot! It looks so easy to use!

  136. I love the bottom panel that is so versatile for post-partum wear/support.

  137. I would love to win this for my daughter; pregnant with her first baby! If you can nurse in it yippee!

  138. I love that it is light-weight and looks super easy to put on! I also love that floral pattern!

  139. That carrier looks amazing- love that you can nurse in it too!

  140. This looks amazing!!! Love the ease of getting baby ready to go.

  141. i love the black polka dot (because black is my preferred color of choice (if black even counts as a color). plus it would go with everything!
    you are a very stylish! mama!
    -xx maureen (

  142. The polka dot looks so cute! I had a Moby with my first (and still only) and no matter how much I used it, it always seemed to take me hours to get it on and I could never figure out how to nurse in it. I love that it's easy to wear AND provides some nursing coverage.

  143. The polka dot is so cute and would hold my 1week old wonderfully

  144. Oh man those look comfy. I definitely would want the polka dot!

  145. Oh, I would love to win this! I've got bambino or bambina number 7 coming in the next 6-7 weeks, and I'm going to need a hands free option that doesn't leave me tying myself up like an ace bandage!

  146. Love the polka dots and the no wrapping feature!

  147. This looks like a great carrier...and you and your family are beautiful! Are you sure you just gave birth?! ;)

  148. So cute!! Love the polka dot one.

  149. Looks easier than my ktan. And polka dots !

  150. Love the carrier! How is it that you JUST had a baby?!? You look amazing!!!

  151. I love that there is no fussy fancy tying method!

  152. I love how easy this looks to put on! I reeeeeally hope I win as my husband may not understand a need for a third wrap...



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