
Win $150 to North American Bear Co.

25 November 2013

I'm sure you remember Sebastian's birthday cake? You better. Well on Sebastian's birthday when I was supposed to be stressing about frosting and frosting and wrapping and acting a fool about a two-year-old's birthday celebration that involved solely immediate family North American Bear Co. sent me an email and stopped me dead in my stress tracks. Their inventory seemed to have Julia and Sebastian all figured out and I couldn't stop scrolling and clicking and scrolling and looking some more. It's one of those companies that would've sent out their holiday catalog and I would've taken it straight to my room when I was little and hemmed and hawed over which doll to ask for - or maybe a tutu - or perhaps a super hero cape? Which is exactly what Julia did when I showed her the website ... she loved every doll better than the last and couldn't get over the tutu kits and was generous for .5 seconds in her life and thought Sebastian might love the Little Red Riding Hood doll because he has a very bizarre fascination with the big bad wolf.
She settled on the princess cape so that she and Sebastian could match and when they came in the mail we all fell in love. I was so happy that they were short enough for the kids to run around the yard and not trip over their finery. They are nice and thick and made well enough that their siblings will inherit the capes in a few years, they have a bunch of pockets on the inside for whatever zillion of things Princess J is hoarding on that particular day, and you can change out the design on the cape (make your own? throw in a million Dora band-aids .... creative freedom is yours) which will be fun when the kids learn how to draw more than fake cursive. Simon and the kids Skyped with his parents this weekend and the cape was the first thing that Julia ran to grab and show them ... it's been a huge hit under our roof.

Julia WAS right and Sebastian did love the Little Red Riding Hood doll that they sent, it made the cut as a bedtime companion and even when he throws one of his craziest nap tantrums and empties ALL the things (pillow, pillow case, pants, diaper) out of his domain Little Red always stays safely nestled in his cage.

They also sent Julia the amazing tutu kit that I let her do while the boys were sleeping which she loved and I highly recommend it for girls her age (and up -- or maybe you have super talented and mature 1 and 2 year olds, I don't know).

And Theo was quite taken with the softest stuffed rabbit and baby rabbit rattle in all of the land. Don't tell him but if I get my act together with this next baby I might have to do the monthly photo shoots showing off the baby's growth next to a stuffed animal and I might be borrowing his bunny.

Anyway - their dolls are just the cutest I'm totally guilty of momentarily really wanting a girl baby just so that she can cuddle with a Sophie.

So ... you want to win $150 to this magical shop? You do. You definitely do.

Follow the copter to victory and hopefully next Monday will be your luckiest day.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My daughter would LOVE LOVE LOVE the pull along puppy. How adorable!

  2. This may be the most adorable website for kid toys I have seen in awhile!

  3. I love companies like this that offer toys that are well made and just what kids want.

  4. Love the pirate adventure pack.

  5. Although it's expensive Make My Own Monster looks amazing!

  6. The Girls on the Move ballerina doll is adorable! And, the nesting Goldilocks puppets! And, so many other things! It's no wonder Julia loved the next thing better than the last!

  7. Muffy VanderBear! That was my sister's favorite when we were little! And I love all of the variety of flesh tones in their dolls!

  8. Oh my--so many beauties! I love the Topsy-Turvy Clara/Nutcracker Prince doll, the Gigi Ballerina, the pink Tutu Kit, and the Oatmeal bear...but I think the Muffy VanderBear Gone with the Wind/Scarlett O'Hara doll is my favorite! How cute!

  9. I hate to steal Sebastian's thunder, but our niece would love that Red Riding Hood doll

  10. all the purses/bags are so cute! Lots of great ideas for Christmas presents.

  11. So many well made cute things! The little pull along puppy is something my daughter would drag everywhere!

  12. Awww...I love the capes the most! The froggy rattle would be so good for my nephew too!

  13. oh my. such cute stuff. thanks for sharing, grace! i think my miss merrick is going to need that little mimi doll

  14. I love the baby cozies and the activity mats!

  15. We'd love the travel mats, particularly the abc animals.

  16. Since I can never get my act together and actually make a quiet book, I'm loving the activity mats.

  17. My girls would love the Goody Bags! I think the hedgehog ones are beyond adorable. They'd also love the tutu kit!

  18. I think I'd have to go with the princess cape or ballerina doll for my own little princess :)

  19. Well obviously I need a Sophie doll for my Sophie!

  20. Paul's been loving capes lately.... he'd love the Secret Pocket Cape™ Super Hero

  21. The tutu kit is genius, activity mat me away!

  22. The tutu kit is genius, activity mat me away!

  23. Love, love, love the on the move ballerina doll. Our little ballerinas would love it!

  24. I really do like the activity mats, but I think I'd have to go with a doll--we're all about the dollies here!

  25. Ok, the BUNNIES. I die. None of my kids have ever been real big into stuffed animals but I have high hopes for the next one.

  26. My boys would love the capes or the My Own Monster stuffed dolls!

  27. Oh wow! So many wonderful things to choose from...

  28. I think that princess cape is too cute! Lucy would love it!

  29. You did it again Patton…making me go buy things! But I am happy that this time it is for my kids, and not on a quest for a plaid vest :) And how cute is Theo with that bunny??

  30. Little Red Riding Hood is adorable!

  31. These are the kind of stores that birthdays are made of.

  32. would most definitely buy one of the dolls for the little girl I mentor for Christmas <3

  33. what cute stuff!! I would be the coolest-aunt-of-all if i got these for my little nieces/nephews!

  34. Cute stuff! My daughter would love the little gymnastics doll!

  35. My daughter would love the Wizard of Ox Dolly Pockets.

  36. love finding out about shops like this! my kids would FLIP for the capes!

  37. I would get a million First Mate bunnies. So stinkin' cute.

  38. We've been big fans of the Flatsopups for years here--my son got one as a baby gift and he's been known as Mr. Floppy since then (Fabius Floppy, if you must know). He's been replaced a few times, due to being lost, but my kids never seem to care. But I do love the capes, and the Dorothy and Wizard of Oz doll is just so cute!

  39. I love the Dolls and Dinosaurs for my little girls!

  40. That nursery verse egg chime is SO cute!!

  41. We'd go with one of the Wizard of Oz themed items- our son loves the story!

  42. What a great find! These products look great.

  43. I love how the baby "cozies" come in 2-packs! My son's lovey doesn't get laundered nearly enough since we only have one! I would SO get him the "Make My Own Monster" when he's older (he's only 7 mo. now).

  44. Ohhh man, in love with that Red Riding cute.

  45. this sounds amazing! can't wait to check it out!

  46. Love the Garden Hop Activity blanket! so cute!

  47. I love the variety of all the dolls - you can get one to match your little girl. Adorable!

  48. I like the orange hedgehog purse. Not entirely sure why, but adorbs.

  49. I don't think I would have a hard time spending this!

  50. I would love the capes or tutus for my nieces! Muffy Vanderbear brings back so many memories as well!

  51. The Buzzing Beehive is adorable! We have an Angel Boy that sits next to the footprints of our first baby boy who passed away. Our little girl is due any day and we are so excited to give her the little angel to snuggle! Also love the flatopotamus and all of the sweet little girl dolls!!

  52. Um...can I say I'm on love with all of them? cause, yeah.

  53. Everything. Actually I kinda want some of those cute dolls...

  54. Darling! I love the Little Princess Happy Birthday!

  55. so sweet! love the sophie doll.

  56. The capes! The capes! We need the capes!!

  57. These are so awesome! Oliver would love the red riding hood for he is obsessed with any and all wolves.

  58. These are so awesome! Oliver would love the red riding hood for he is obsessed with any and all wolves.

  59. These are so awesome! Oliver would love the red riding hood for he is obsessed with any and all wolves.

  60. i must say....that bunny rattle is really awesome! im sometimes worried my daughter will give herself a concussion with her hard rattle...but she loves the rattle noise so she still plays with it.


  61. The Peanut Bunny looks so much like the bunny from the Knuffle Bunny books. Hannah would be in love.

  62. i never win anything but i'm putting all my good karma eggs in one basket and hoping for a miracle.

    1. oops. I'd get ryder the big mouth dinosaur.. or the farm animal activity mat..OR the super awesome make-your-own-monster kit, even though that would probably more for me than ry.. :)

  63. OMG. All of it. So adorable and special!!

  64. The farm activity mat looks fun and probably a good transportable toy?

  65. I think my two oldest would have the best time with those capes!

  66. The gymnast doll is too cute. I know my big girl would love it.

  67. The tooth fairy dolls! We must have one of those-- either the Toothless Wonder or the Tooth Pirate. (I can't believe my oldest is old enough to be losing teeth!) Winning this would be so much fun! I'd also get an Orange Hedgehog Goody Bag and coin purse and some cozies for my nieces and nephews.

  68. Loving the capes! My boys are perpetually dressed up and with 2 older sisters it's generally as something seriously girly. They would just die for those.

  69. Oh my goodness, the picture of Bash and his doll!!! Too cute :)

    I think the kids would love the goldilocks puppets - one for each of them, and they LOVE acting out goldilocks!

  70. Oooh, fun! My boys would love this too.

  71. What a cute website! I love the princess cape and the first mates snuggle bunny!

  72. Maybe we should all pause for a moment and talk about how great this name is: Muffy Vanderbear.

    Also, I dig the world map book.

  73. My daughter would LOVE the tutu kit.

  74. I like the rosy cheeks girls and Oatmeal the bear!

  75. I'm thinking a pocket doll and a cute tote to carry her in for my 4-yr. old girl!

  76. I am still searching for the perfect Christmas gift for my little guy, and they have so many lovely choices!

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. I love the mama and baby plushies, but I have a niece who would love the tutu kit.

  79. the world activity mat is pretty cool!

  80. The dolls are so cute- I love the Wizard of Oz one!

  81. Ooh everything is cute but I'd start with the dinosaur!

  82. My kids would adore the monster kits!

  83. The velveteenie circus monkey is cool and so unique!

  84. Love this! I was just searching for a stuffed friend for the little mister. Can't say I would pick just one, but I do love Theo's pick on the firstmate bunny and the floppy bunny looks pretty cuddly. Crossing my fingers on this one!

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. I love the rosy cheeks boy doll, I'm currently on the lookout for a little boy baby doll for my 18 month-old son. This one is absolutely adorable!

  87. Fiona (my little princess) would love the Sophie & Lilli personal pick would be the animal alphabet mat but that's just the homeschooler in me.

  88. So many to love! Topsy Turvy Doll Dusk to Dawn, the purple tutu tulle kit, and the Joy 12" doll are especial faves.

  89. My boys would love the secret pocket capes.

  90. I have been instructed by my 4YO that he wants the Secret Pocket Cape in red!

  91. I would have a great time shopping for the grandchildren! I think the capes would be a big hit.

  92. The Secret Pocket Capes look awesome! As do the Dolly Pockets Dolls. I think my kiddos would love all of the above!

  93. It is impossible to comment via mobile, am I just failing that badly?
    I can't get over Theo's sweet cherub face.
    The Big Fat Bunny Cozy would be a winner for my boys.

  94. Love love love the secret pocket capes!!

  95. I love those capes. My 3 year old twins have been making do with bandanna capes for far too long!

  96. I would love to get my Goddaughter a Sophie doll! Precious!

  97. Oh my goodness, I love the capes! My boys would love them!

  98. I love the capes, the activity mats, and the stuffed spring time animals would make perfect Easter basket gifts! So cute!

  99. capes...and make my own monster kit - duh!

  100. Omg love it all! How did you choose???

  101. hmm...a nounou? activity mat? pullalong?

  102. So adorable! Would love any of these for my kiddos!

  103. Love, love the princess dolls! How many dolls does my little girl really need? A lot, I'm guessing.

  104. Very cute. Those capes would appeal highly to a couple people I know. It would probably make it easier to spot them when they're up to something questionable.

  105. Oh, my little girl would love about 99% of their catalog!

  106. The pirate adventure pack looks awesome!! Thanks Grace!

  107. My daughter would LOVE the soft stuffed animals... she is a sucker for anything cuddly!

  108. I really like that they have Wizard of Oz dolls!

  109. This would be great for Christmas presents for the niece and nephews!!!!

  110. The My Own Monster Yucky version has the creepy, cute thing going on- and I like it! Thanks for the giveaway!

  111. The capes -- Hilarious and darling. Perfect for my niece!!

  112. I'm digging the capes! My son and nephews would love them!

  113. The World Activity Mat would be a huge hit with my little nerdlet. We sing the "continents song" she learned at Montessori school 3,000 times a day.

  114. I love the "big fat chick" under the Easter section...perhaps more for the name than the actual product although it is super cute :)

  115. These are fabulous! Capes are awesome :)

  116. I'd love to get my daughter a big fat baby doll. She would LOVE it.

  117. I am pretty sure our baby needs Smushy Bunny 12" Pink...her older sisters have bunnies they sleep with at night and it would only be right to get her this soft little thing.

  118. I am loving those bunnies and the monsters!

  119. I don't know why but I have a weakness for Little Red and little girls. Love the doll!

  120. so cuteeeee... the cape. or the little rosy cheeks babies. thanks!

  121. I've been looking for a cute soft doll for my daughter for Christmas. I think these are perfect.

  122. That tutu is ABSOLUTELY precious!

  123. Pretty sure my 3yo would never take the superhero cape off, ever. Fun!

  124. If Theo's not looking the bear may be coming to live in my house.

  125. So cute!!!! Thanks for the opportunity.

  126. Love those capes! Seems to be a hit at your house :)

  127. We like to travel so the World Activity Map would be great.

  128. The Goldilocks puppets and capes would be a bit hit at our house.

  129. I love the softbooks!

  130. I used to collect Muffy Vanderbears when I was a little girl, so I would probably have to say THOSE are my favorite thing on their site... like the Muffy Couture Cookie Baking bear. But if we're talking about my child here, the Super Hero cape is pretty awesome!!

  131. My son is obsessed with anything and EVERYTHING associated with super heroes. Those capes would be a HUGE hit in our house.

  132. Make your own tutus would be the hit in our house right now. I think my new little guy should rock a little cape though too!

  133. Oh man, Mary would love one of those capes!

  134. I hadn't heard of this company but my boys would love some of the stuff!

  135. My son would love the big mouth dinosaur.

  136. They have some ridiculously cute stuff. I like the Topsy Turvy Dolls and the Sophie and Lili dolls.

  137. the Sophie and Lili dolls, definitely!

  138. Love the secret pocket capes. Thanks!

  139. I love the mama frog and babies and I think my niece would love the Topsy Turvy Snow White doll!

  140. I adore the Nutcracker Suite Dolls! I think I might buy those anyways, as they'd make a fun *only brought out at Christmastime* set of dolls! :)

  141. what cute things! boy dolls, cape, soft books to look at during Mass

  142. You have too many readers. How am I ever supposed to win? :)

    Love that World Activity Mat. And the Farm Animal Activity Mat.

  143. I want Theo's bunny wabbit. I love fuzzy stuffed animals.

  144. I love your blog, seriously. And I hope I win.

  145. the first mates snuggle bear! oh goodness. i love all things bears and lions for Caspian. so adventurous

  146. Thanks for helping with my Christmas shopping. Love you blog and I live in the StL too!

  147. How do you even begin to choose? I think I found some Christmas presents

  148. I like the Fancy Prancer Dancers dolls. We recently got the girls a puppet show and these would be perfect!

  149. I love all the Loppy plush play animals!

  150. I love everything!! The Wizard of Oz collection is by far the best, way too cute.

  151. I am due in 3 weeks and can't just pick one thing, I love everything in the baby section!

  152. I really love their Silly Old Rabbit stuffed animals! My toddler has a ton of animals but my twins only have one apiece so I'm thinking they deserve a few more soft friends. :)

  153. The tutu kit sounds great for my niece!

  154. Think my Elle needs a Lili doll!

  155. So much cuteness! The monsters! The soft books! A pull along puppy!! Thank you for the chance to win!!

  156. the capes are cool and the 'make your own monster' looks fun

  157. Velveteenie Monkey looks cool as does the Goldilocks nesting bears. I can see why you got lost for a while! Thanks for hosting!



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