
11 February 2014

do you work?

(this will just take a literal minute + one second of your time ... or you always have the option of hitting: SKIP IT. SKIP IT GOOD.)

sure don't from grace patton on Vimeo.


  1. thank you, I was just asked this question today!

  2. OK, every mother of little's weather they are at home or go out to "work" needs to see this video!!! brilliant :)

  3. Words can't describe how awesome this is.

  4. Due to moving, we just switched our utilities over the phone last night. The gas company asked my husband, "Is your wife still unemployed?" I got a good laugh out of that! No, my five kids keep me so over employed that I couldn't possibly even think about working anywhere else!

  5. HILARIOUS!!! You are a WAHM!!!:)

  6. Oh yes you do! (As do I . . . in the home and outside it. Oh, and so does my hubby!) :o)

  7. Thatttttt was awesome. Well done. And all that laundry! Insert shocked/fear emoticon here.

  8. I LOVE IT. I'm so glad someone else has a laundry pile, but you're doing better than I am! The kids know to "cover the clean laundry" with a blanket when I cook dinner. Sad.

  9. Best. Post. EVER!! Except the baby announcement videos. I heart those the most. And the laundry. Don't get me started on the laundry.

  10. So wait, everybody gets a bath on a "typical" day? Oh man, that really IS work!!!

  11. Love it!
    Btw, I should have taken my own video during that because McCartney got DOWN to that song!

  12. That was a great video!

    I tell people that taking care of children is a job that leaves you overworked and underpaid. I don't usually get a repeat of "do you work" after that.

  13. This is awesome and soooooo true!! :D

  14. I was just talking to my mom about this the other day. No, I don't work…for pay.

  15. Yes! Yes yes yes!!! (This from a mom who works part time and considers the "job" to be my break!)

  16. I'm exhausted just watching the video--you definitely work, girl!

  17. Love it :-) For a while last year, I was interviewing for part-time jobs, not so much for the money but because I wanted it to be a break from my real job of being home with my son. Ha.

  18. This made me laugh so hard! I can completely relate. Sometimes I'm tempted to right "retired" on those forms. ;-)

  19. Oh how I love this.
    I am about to cry with how rough this day was and somehow watching someone else's makes mine bearable;)

  20. oh so funny! definitely worth the minute of my time.

  21. Hahahaha! Work is my "vacation" from life, because the real work begins when I get home. I don't know how SAHMs do it.

  22. Never showing the amount of laundry you completed to my family who basically live out of wrinkled, but clean laundry baskets.

    I think Sundance has its next indie movie maker!

  23. I "technically work" and I still love this.


  25. I always say, "Not for a paycheck and not outside my home."

  26. Do you plan on going back?
    Do you miss working?
    I don't know how you handle being with your kids all day!
    It must be nice to get to stay at home and relax.
    You're having more???

  27. This is great! :) I am not yet a mother (or married for that matter)... but I still appreciate this so much. SAHMs are some of the MOST hard-working people I know.

    Keep at it, sister! You are doing a wonderful job! :)

  28. THIS. IS. THE. BEST.

    Super cliche periods necessary.

  29. YES!!!! I'm with the others who considers leaving the house for my part-time job a vacation!

  30. this is just where you really shine. and you should know that .

  31. Bloggers Block?? What is this?? That was the BEST minute and one second of my day!! Thank you for showing me what "not working" looks like. I had no idea you were such a lazybums. I mean the bon bon eating really must stop. (rolling of eyes at said doctors office workers).

  32. You have such a way with vlogs. And I'm impressed with you keeping up with that laundry! Laundry is the worst.

  33. Exactly. And you are way more on top of the laundry situation than I ever am.

    I was at the dentist and she asked if I worked. I didn't say yes or no - I said I stayed home with my baby and she said, "That's almost like a real job." I gave her a huge dirty look but of course she was (literally) all up in my grill so she missed it and her hands were in my mouth so I couldn't give a snappy verbal comeback (if I had thought of one that is - I am seriously so bad at witty remarks on the fly).

  34. The best video I have ever seen. I ask patients "do you work outside the home?" Is that better?

    1. Yes! That is the question that people are really asking anyway.

  35. Perfection. From the music to the photos to the timing. Perfect.

  36. Like everything on your blog, this is amazing. I love, love, love it (and am so happy to see that other people use the stairs to the basement for the laundry pile). I don't know what I would do without your blog - fantastic.

  37. That was brilllllant! You're so funny. ;)

  38. P.S. We had dinner at my parents' house the other day, and the conversation somehow revolved around to, "Well, you know, Grace is expecting her fourth baby and she has three age three and under! And that middle one--so I know she has one like me, perhaps a bit worse. His name is Sebastian. Guess what his nickname is?"

    ". . ."

    "BASH! Get it?"

    ". . . Who is Grace?"

    Hope that's not too creepy. :P

  39. Nailed it! I'm emailing this to my favorite SAHM's rightthisveryminute.

  40. Will never understand why childcare is work only if it's not your own children!

    1. Someone has to do the work of raising children! Child care workers all say they work!!!

  41. HAHAHAHAHA….Lately,I keep hearing from people "Yeah, but you don't need help" when we are referring to someone who gets A LOT of help from the family and all I can think is "Are you %$^*&#$ kidding me?" while a video very similar to this runs through my head. I think this just made my day. Thank you.

  42. Oh my gosh... BEST. VIDEO. EVER. <3

  43. You should put this on a dvd and keep it handy for the next time you're asked!!

  44. This deserves to go completely viral.

  45. Your blog is very inspiring, i really love it.
    You've got a new follower on Bloglovin!

    Have a wonderful day.


  46. Perfect, perfect, perfect...and perfect song choice!! I have yet to respond to that question with a tactful, yet mind-blowing answer. Maybe I'll just have to keep your video loaded on my phone for quick reference ;). I also really enjoy it when people look at me with disdain as I corral my 5 sons in the grocery store and say, "My, you've got your hands full!" Full of love, baby, full of love. That's what I always say.

  47. That. Was. Awesome.
    And so how I feel.

  48. Love...I got this question a few months back at 2am in the E.R. with my 8 yr. old (he was fine). The insurance person asked me "so you STILL don't work"...seriously??!! No good answer at that hour of the morning...

  49. Love this! LOVE LOVE!

  50. The music to this could not be anymore perfect. Obsessed! I love this so much, Grace!!

  51. Hilar...great response...I would have torn someone's head off. Or maybe that's just my 7-months PG brain talking...

  52. yup...nailed it! That was fantastic!

  53. Hahaha you are my idol. I wish we loved closer and could be bff because this was AWESOME!!

  54. I love this - please show them that video on your next visit. Hysterical town.

  55. Such a rude question! You're a video pro! So funny.

  56. Love that. Kept thinking about it all evening. That's not work, that's servitude! Work has breaks, a time to sit and eat lunch... You are so funny!

  57. My husband is a stay at home dad which still spins people's heads sometimes! I get asked if I'm coming back to work after mat leave and I tell them that yeah, we like buying food on the reg and having a place to live so I'm gonna come back. My husband is very concerned with job security though so Im knocked up again to make sure he's got a new project coming down the line ;-)

  58. I think the "best" is when they say...."So, do you JUST stay home with the kids?" I'll direct them your way for the answer next time :) Looks so much like my it.

  59. Amen sister, I love the way you preach!

  60. there should have been a shot of your beautiful belly, followed by one either of the toilet or trashcan, followed by one of a plate food and all your vitamins to show your additional (hidden) work of GROWING ANOTHER PERSON (AND an extra organ...placenta)!!

  61. Except I do all these things and work...............minus the kids part

  62. And that is why, when I worked in a doctor's office, I always asked women if they were employed OUTSIDE the home. And the SAHMs rejoiced!

  63. I don't know how you do it with the tree kids. But at least they're all bathing together now, yay!

    I was talking to a co-worker's wife last week and I was wondering if she stayed at home with her baby or if she still worked outside the home, but I was trying to think of a polite way to phrase the question, and I accidentally just blurted out "do you work?" which she probably felt very insulted by. Oh well.

  64. I love it!! I'm going to make one of my own, and I'll give you credit for the originality in the opening title ;)

  65. Is Bash giving you the middle finger there in his pack n play? That would be classic ;)

  66. By the way, whyoh why doesn't google want to recognize me? I don't mean to be "unknown". -Lauren

  67. This is the very best...I feel so not alone now!

  68. haha, love this! The music made it even better :)

  69. Love this and love how honest you are about parenting. I'm a WOHM of one little one and a stepmom to a preteen. We had 3 snow days this week, and I was VERY ready to get back to work today.

  70. Grace, how do you do it? I feel like I'm losing my mind with just two.

  71. Ha - that's fabulous. :)

  72. Haha! This is my first visit to your blog (courtesy of Christine posting a link to this on her blog) - Loved it and will spend a bit of time surfing about.

    For what it's worth, I'm a full-time working mom - and you WORK. I know how hard my daycare provider and the teachers work all day with my kids; and I know the effort involved (loving effort, but efforts) once I get home in the afternoon and evenings. Oooh - and the morning circus to get everyone out the door on time. Yeah - so clearly work.

  73. This is fantastic! Do you work? I always answer harder than I ever have in my life!

  74. LOVE this! I'm working on a post right now, writing a job description for what I do in my household. I do a lot!! One time we had a really interesting discussion in Sunday school about how homemaking/parenting is not paid work, so it doesn't "count" as work when governments calculate the GNP and similar numbers.

  75. Revisiting this from one of your latest posts and I come nannies and babysitters and daycare employees have "jobs" but a stay at home mom isn't considered one? Same. Darn. Thing. (Minus the pay) Still love this!

  76. I was up half the night with my 14 month old twins, in the WORST mood this morning, and then I saw this and burst into a smile and actually teared up just feeling reassured that the madness isn't mine alone, and also that it's adorable and funny. Thank you.
