
10 February 2014

if you don't have anything to say ... blog.

Generally I have a pretty good idea of what I want to blog about by the time the kids go down for their naps but today ... I do not.

(And now it's the night and lots of kind folks over on the Facebook page have given me oodles of post ideas so ... let's get ready to rumble with those very very soon).

But let's just run through the day realfastlike. Theo has yet another runny nose (I blame his staunch opposition to wearing hats out in the cold) and is having trouble figuring out that he has to switch to mouth breathing while sleeping even though I have explained to him in the greatest of d'tail ... so he's spent much of his nap being rocked and spoiled and rocked some more in the upright position. Wait. What's that you're saying?? That babies don't keep? Yes, I know but mommies don't keep their marbles locked up nice and tight unless those babies nap independently. Trust me.

Yesterday's trip home made Friday's trek look like a little frolic through Candy Land and I believe we'll all be emotionally recovered and speaking to each other again by mid-June. And SO the morning that accompanied the trip hangover was embarrassingly and laughable frantic as I faced a morning of getting the kids out the door to preschool (you call it glorified daycare - I call it preschool - you're probably right) followed by a race to fill the Odyssey's bone dry gas tank and to my OB appointment in a very small window of time with Firehose Nose in tow.

Small potatoes for many a veteran mother but the high for today was 15 cursing degrees and this kind of frigid puts this novice in a really rosy mood. I know everyone is sick of the interminable winter that keeps on giving and hearing people talk about the interminable winter that keeps on giving but really ... this winter is out for blood. A frozen blood slushie maybe but Spring 2014 is really jonesing for a raging welcome home kegger, isn't she? I'll host and I hate hosting things but I'll host big. I'll even host tomorrow. Or in an hour. I don't care - I'll love it.

I had to wait sort of a long time at my appointment which was fine because I don't normally have to wait and my OB always cheers about excessive weight gain rather than scolds which is probably the most important lesson you can learn in obstetrics (okay - within reason - but really ... hormonally charged houses don't need to be lectured on giving into a few too many of their cravings, in my hormonally charged opinion).

Theo scored a (generous) 5 out of 10 on the behavior scale so I rewarded him with a trip to the post office.

His favorite. 

And all of Saint Louis was in line to send 99 individually wrapped Valentines to their bevy of loved ones. I got myself, my two non-Valentined packages, and my whinepot of a child to the front of the line and WELL would you look at that? Break time for the Postlady. I really wish I were exaggerating when I report that there were at least 12 people behind me in line that had the pleasure of watching the "Grace gives Theo a toy/wallet/sippy/ and Theo dramatically throws it across the room and Grace retrieves said failed distractor and repeat and repeat again" show but ... no exaggeration here. And when another Postlady came out and opened up the other line and people tried cutting me and my errand rat you better believe I wasn't going down without a fight that may or not have involved bloodshed.

I won and no one lost a drop of blood and the rest of the day was just fine. Julia gave a ten minute report on her preschool friend's diaper deets and Sebastian (as usual) reported that he played with, "chrucks!!!" ...

I made a pretty run-of-the-mill vegetable soup for dinner and half way through the meal Simon politely and tentatively asked, "was there a recipe involved or just .... ???" .... trail off. My domesticity skill set knows no bounds these days or any days ever.

And now for a very important question .... we are two episodes into this season of Downton and does it get better? We used to be diehard .... when Sebastian was a baby we would watch as many episodes as our greedy little Downton paws could get a hold of ... in a row ... backtobacktobacktoback ... but now it lulls me right to sleep. We'll forge forward if you say it gets better ... it has to .... right?

I'm thinking - right. Absolutely right.


  1. I've forgotten what the second episode this year was like, but I do remember the first was a total snooze-fest. Things are ramping up a little now (just in time to come to a close in a few weeks!). Definitely not the best BEST season, but worth watching. At least for me, because nothing else is on...

  2. The mouth breathing!! They just don't get if Theo seems to grasp it can he phone over here and give Avalon the cliff notes version? She just doesn't seem to get it, but neither does my two year old so I guess I can't blame her baby self too much. And the post office? Glorified torture chamber for parents with small children in tow!

  3. I think this season of Downton gets better. It's definitely slightly darker, but I have been enjoying it immensely.

    Those pictures of Theo are totally adorable!

  4. Sorry to say… sooooo super bored with Downton this season.

  5. Love your writing, so very true on all counts!:)

  6. A. Downton does get better. At least I think it does by episode #4.
    B. This winter is indeed "out for blood" and I for one, as a former winter lover, am done, done, done! My marbles are no longer locked up tight and I realized that it is indeed possible to OD on Peanut M&M's. A very sad fact discovery.
    C. One day it will be spring and we will rejoice. Seriously. There may be dancing on the front lawn. I need to warn the neighbors.
    D. I pray Mr. Theo feels better soon and you are able to get some sleep. I myself have decided to give up sleep for the rest of my natural life. At least that what Miss Courtney would like. Sigh...

  7. Ha. I got bored with Downton in season 2 then stuck it out until the end of 3. Haven't even bothered this season.

  8. I hopped in the car and my 5 year old said "violet (6mo) can only breathe through her nose can't she mum?"
    Yes he did find this out by holding her nose closed.
    And those people in the post office have serious problems if they thought cutting in front of a pregnant mother of a baby was a good idea. Sometimes I fear for the demise of society.

  9. I was so pissed about how season 3 ended a swore it off but good ole hubs drug me back for the premiere of season 4 which I was still really pissed about the season 3 ending even more. I read a spoiler for episode 2 and declared me done with Downton - for now. Now that football season is F-I-N-A-L-L-Y over I think the hubby will be hitting up the DVR which features Downton.

  10. Downton is a total snooze-fest this season. I think I'm done.

  11. "Mommies don't keep their marbles locked up nice and tight unless those babies nap independently" Yes!!! In fact, my almost five-year-old who never naps anymore still has quiet time in her room while her sisters sleep. Like, two hours of quiet time.
    Aaand, this might be a hint that I stalk your blog too much, but I was in Costco today for the first time in almost a decade, and I saw those little tables at the front and I thought, "Oh, I've seen those! That's where Grace gives her kids snacks!" :)

  12. Stick with Downton. I'm on episode 4 and it gets better. Mrs. Hughes is the bomb this season and I love what they are doing with her character. Slower paced than previous seasons for sure, but I still love it. And I will co-host the spring party with you - we're on our second set of "snow" days here in the ATL and I'm SO over it. And no snow has even fallen and yet ALLLLLL my children will be home tomorrow. Bleh.

    1. Mrs. Hughes *is* The Man this season.
      And, yes, please have Ms. Spring over for a party im-mediately.

  13. Theo is too precious! My OB never once complained about my weight gain but I've heard stories of OBs who scold after like 20 lbs which is absolutely absurd! Let us gain as much weight as we dang please!

  14. soooo....when I saw you at church I didn't say 'Congratulations' in person. so lame me, I guess, and congratulations to you guys, again. Patton children are cute children. And Theo is a big boy.

  15. Downton gets much better! I promise!

  16. Oh, and you can always have fun reading Downton FB recaps on Happy Place. They are freaking hilarious.

  17. Are the ob / people in the office usually cool with you bringing Theo to your ob appointments? My first baby is Theo's age and baby #2 is coming and I don't want to waste my husband's vacation days on watching baby #1 while I'm at an appointment for baby #2... How is it for YOU bringing Theo to the ob?

    1. I had my first 3 pregnancies in Chicago & brought #1 to appointments for #2. It was a large practice and their policy was to see different drs in case your dr wasn't at the hospital the day of your delivery. So I saw maybe 6 drs over the course of my pregnancy and they never batted an eye. There were always other babies/toddlers in the waiting room too. My advice would be to bring an umbrella stroller if you have it because exam rooms are small and bring twice as many things to entertain him as you think you need, because the wait might be longer than anticipated & you don't want to run out of toys/drinks/snacks riiight when you need to see the dr. The only time I didn't bring #1 was to the ultrasound & we got a sitter for that.

      Also at the end of the pregnancy I needed gyno physical therapy & no way could you bring a baby for an hour for that, so I would trade with a neighborhood mom. She would take my son while I was at my weekly appointments & I would take her daughter while she was taking free yoga classes at Lululemon. We would watch each others kids for about 2 hours so it was manageable for both of us. Maybe a child care swap is an option for you. If possible want to save those vacation days for when you are transitioning to life with two babies. Good luck!

  18. Pre school is awesome! It's so great for kids. Glad yours are enjoying it!

  19. We've finished the entire season and it's meh.

  20. has the entire season of Downton posted if you want to skip ahead. I agree that it was a bit slow, btu still worth watching!

  21. i'm up to the end of the current season, and i think it gets better, but honestly will never be as good as the first couple of seasons. mary & matthew for life.

  22. Hats: pilot caps. Tie it on. Or a balaclava, then you don't need a scarf. Have never understood regular hats on small persons for whom two seconds of attention represents long-term thinking. (Same for mittens without strings, might as well throw them away myself.)

  23. I watched downton this autumn in London and it was pretty lame. The Christmas special (should be the season finale for y'all) actually put me to sleep. Actual sleep. Do you guys have snoods there? It's a hat and scarf combo and my three year old can't manage to pull it off herself.

  24. He's a doll... runny nose and all.

    Hubby and I gave up on Downton by the middle of the third season (though I stuck that one out because I had to SEE WHAT HAPPENED). It used to be so interesting, but it's just a lame soap opera now.

  25. Ha! I've totally been there at the post office and right now I only have ONE kiddo. It blows my mind though when I'm clearly very pregnant with a toddler and a person tries to cut in front of me. Really? REALLY?

    I also love a man's subtlety... or lack there of. David has a similar style ;)

  26. Downton doesn't get better.
    I get grouchy with our post office lady, too...but then, she's usually really grouchy with me.

  27. I can one up you at the post office. When I was very pregnant with my second I was needing one of those priority mail labels at a counter that an older woman (and her adult daughter) were standing in front of. I politely asked if I could get a label and the old woman started loudly (and I mean she was shouting) cussing me out! I didn't know old ladies even knew those kinds of words! Everyone in the post office turned to look at the little old lady cussing out the pregnant women. The daughter was so embarrassed and kept telling her mom to be quiet, she kept going on and on and on. I realize she probably had dementia or something, but still not fun for me!

    Congrats that you survived the trip home. We made a 16 hr. road trip for vacation this year, the return trip is always worse.

  28. I don't watch Downton so I can't help there but I would like to mention that I think Theo is the most adorable baby ever. Can't wait to see what #4 looks like!

    And even though my cooking is basically horrible, my husband knows better than to say anything about it. My grandfather used to tell my grandmother, "That was good but don't ever make it again." after any meal he really did not like. I told Dan that once, he thought it was hilarious, and will occasionally use that line on me after a particularly offensive meal.

  29. I am not impressed with Bachelor or Downton this season. Move on to House of Cards, you won't regret it!

  30. The post office is hell on earth, staffed by Satan's own minions.

  31. Several things (I wish I had bullet points): the title of this entry is basically the subtitle of my entire blog; that drool hanging from Theo's mouth; and Simon seems like he has a lot in common with my husband based on that recipe comment.

    Also, I once got a lecture from a dude at the post office on why sending letters at the post office was better than emailing. And I was like, "This conversation is proving to me the exact opposite."

  32. i was soooo blah about downton in the beginning. we watched two episodes and then stopped for like two months. then i saw all these tweets, "anna! cannot believe downton did that!" and sucked me back in. i'll say, it does really end up being a good season. you see mary smile again, and it doesn't end on some crazy cliffhanger (i watch it all on the simply june blog, so im done the season). i did miss matthew though.

  33. Theo looks so much like Julia here!

  34. Downton does get better. I'm loving Mrs. Hughes this season and I am interested to see where they take Edith's story line. As far as the "glorified daycare" thing goes, don't let the haters get you down. My oldest started preschool at 2.5 and he LOVED it. He made a little bff and was always talking about his friends. The very first day he came home and cleared his plate at dinner! My mom called it glorified daycare too, then she came for a visit in the winter and her whole attitude changed...."that school was the best thing you could have done!!"

  35. I eagerly pre-purchased the DVD from Amazon and have viewed the whole season.
    You can look forward to more restful nights! Theo gets cuter everyday. Your kids are all so cute.
    love the blog too!

  36. I almost threw in the towel 15 minutes in to the first episode of this season. It gets better. I'm 2 episodes behind right now and suspect it is about to get a lot better, in fact.

  37. Mike asks me that question about recipes frequently, it always gets him the same scowl, always.
    I really want your doctor, I would pay mine extra to shut up, but I would give her the child I bore if she PRAISED me for weight gain!
    Sorry Theo is sick, hope he is better soooooon!

  38. I so love how it is always break time at the post office right when it is your turn. Happens every single time.

  39. Gotta agree. Downton this season (and last, really) is just blegh. And the costumes are hideous as well...

  40. His eyelashes!!! Sorry, that's all I saw ;) Theo is such a cutie!!!

  41. This season of Downton Abby is worth watching, but do keep your expectations in check. I'm afraid it will never be as good as season 1 and 2. I'm kind of still reeling from season 3.
