
13 February 2014

10 practical baby gifts/10 things to throw on your registry

Yay!! You're having a baby. And you're trying to figure out what to put on your registry (I think I registered for a million burp cloths and fancy bottles ... can someone say Alicia and someone else say Silverstone? I was super clueless.) This list isn't complete but I can almost promise that you won't not use every single one of these.


Yay!! You've been invited to a baby shower and you want to buy something the new mom will actually use because everything on her registry has been "fulfilled'' (or maybe that only ever happens to last-minute-me). Hopefully these will help. And hopefully they don't play the guess the candy bar in the diaper game ... I mean ... isn't that fun?
I need to start this by typing as loudly as I possibly can that when it comes to baby gear -- no one agrees. So ... you won't agree with this and that is just fine. I'm not a veteran in the baby wrangling department but after having three babies all with their own precious little unique personalities of fun ... these are what I would recommend to any and all moms to be. I could write several more of these posts (and maybe I will .... evil cackle with throw back of the head) but here are some of my favorite favorites ....

joke. that was a joke because I'm a maximalist (well ... minus the use of a video monitor because I'm heartless). Katrina is a master minimalist ... check her list out right here.

1. Aden + Anais Classic Swaddle Blankets - I only recently used these with Theo but we loved them. My favorite swaddling blankets are squares of flannel hemmed around the edges (thank you to my mom and sister Sarah!) but this baby might not love a sweat bath in the heat of the summer and I need to stock up on a few more. They are nice and big and get softer with each wash and can totally be used as a nursing cover (not that you have to cover up, moms .... not that you have to at all .... ).

2. Humidifier -  not fun to give, not fun to get but SO nice to have. Julia occasionally gets really hacky night time coughs that are only (mostly) cured by a blaring humidifier, and the Vicks on the bottom of the feet trick, and sleeping at a 90 degree angle. She's always so sweet to time these fits for the nights Simon is on call .... God bless the humidifier. I like this one because the filters can be purchased at Target if you're in a bit of a jam .. and your child's cough wasn't planned. Like always.

3. Sophie the Giraffe - is Sophie still a thing? I don't know but I totally bought into the hype when Julia was teething and she loved it. Sebastian loved it. And now Theo loves it even while he's cutting his molars.

4. Nursing Cover - I know ... not a necessity and some moms are really skilled at nursing in public sans cover but I'm a bit of an awkward prude and reallllllllly appreciate the cover and don't care how silly I look. When I'm trying to wrestle the newly stocked Dolly Partons and a hangry little baby face ... I appreciate the security of the cover. If you're feeling crafty and/or nesty ... this tutorial is REALLY easy to follow and I'm terrible at sewing ... trust me.

5. HoMedics Sound Machine - I just typed about this but this would've been life changing when Julia was a baby and on her delightful little 6 cat naps a day kick.

6. Oxiclean - the only match for the blowouts because you don't always have time to separate your darks from your lights AND your whites to bleach all the dirty-dirties.

7. Wrap Carrier - I only had one of these (Happy Baby Wrap) with Theo but it was really great from day one. I'm in the 0.000001% of moms that is not a lover of the Ergo (but I do like the Bjorn -- stone me now) but I do love a good wrap. It's really stretchy and surprisingly sturdy and it was a lifesaver before we bought the triple jogger (and will be a lifesaver when I take the kids on speed walks this summer).

8. Carter's Onesies - for life. Gerber onesies are boatnecky - or maybe my kids just have broad shoulders like their mom but these are SO much better and last a lot longer and don't get stretched out ... in my opinion. And when they are super little it's nice not to fiddle with outfits and just throw them in a onesie and swaddle them good.

9. Old Navy socks - the only socks that don't fall off little hooves. I've never had to pay full price because Old Navy is always having some sort of sale but I would pay full price because they are just great. When Theo started sitting up in grocery carts (my favorite milestone of all time) moms would stop me and ask where I bought those magical socks because they'd never seen socks so sticky. Okay I think that happened 2-3 times but still .... don't waste your money or frustration anywhere else.

10. Mustela Foam Shampoo - I guess this stuff is a little ridiculous (and Johnson & Johnson makes a foaming shampoo now too) BUT it gets rid of cradle cap in a snap and foam doesn't slip and slide into their eyes. AND it's easy to just pump and use with one hand while you're figuring out how in the hell one is supposed to go about bathing a slippery little tadpole. Julia would only bathe while nursing the first six weeks of her life (so I would bathe with her - before you get any sort of terribly traumatic mental image of me gracefully leaning over the tub or something hilariously awful like that) which tells you a lot about how great of a handle we had on parenthood back in the early days. Okay and it smells the best of all the rest. When did my life become all writing paragraphs about baby shampoo? I don't know but help.

So. Help me help the new moms .... anything you'd add?? I'm planning an actual gear (favorite cages, strollers, etc) post sometime soon but as far as the littler things ..... what do you think? Share your wisdom ... don't be stingy. Please.


  1. This is pretty fabulous. The only thing I didn't use ever was a sound machine, and I did ditch the nursing cover second baby because both my kids had thought of it an attention grabber rather than a privacy thing. Tip: for mamas like me - the Aden and Anais blankets double as a simple cover.

  2. NoseFrida...the concept is disgusting but after using it once I was a BELIEVER!!! No more bulb aspirators!

    1. I second this! Forgot about it til I saw this - I bought one for #3 and used it quite often. LOVED it!

    2. And third. Don't know how we lived without it.

    3. Amen. And I now non-believers are all worried about getting their kids snot in their mouth, but if you can get that much suction on the thing to even come close to that happening...I want you to come over and clear my poor kids sinuses!

    4. This is what I was going to add! Bulb aspirators don't even come close to the greatness of the NoseFrida. With the bulb, by the time you get the snot almost out of the nose, it's being sucked back up by your own little booger (aka your child). With the NoseFrida, you can suction for as long as and as hard as you need. Love it, get it.

    5. fifthsixthseventh this! I got the NoseFride at one of my showers this past summer and baby born in July... NEVER used it until last week because the pediatrician said it was the best. It always weirded me out with the whole sucking the snot out thing but I am now Team NoseFrida fo' life.

  3. I just want to second the Aden and Anais swaddling blankets! I didn't use them til my 3rd either, but oh my, they are WONDERFUL! Soft, lightweight, and they work wonderfully as a nursing cover, like you said.

    Also, if everything is already bought off the registry - you can't go wrong with diapers (unless they are cloth diapering and even then, sometimes it's nice) or toiletries. OR a treat for mom (and dad)! I always try to include something for Mom, even if it's small. And Sandra Boynton books. I think that's all that I can think of that isn't likely to be on the registry already :). Good list!

    1. Yep, I agree with the above. Aden and Anais blankets are my standard shower gift for everyone. I love them. I also really like their bibs which drape around the shoulders, go all the way around and double as face-wipers for spit-ups and/or baby food beginners.

  4. Yayyy! I love this list! Thank you so much for posting! And now I'll check back on the comments too :) xoxo

  5. Okay, I might have to try that cover and wrap. I'm the world's worst nursing mom - I don't love it, and I feel so awkward if I'm not in my room with the door shut, alone with the baby. I'm not sure that's ever going to change. And, I'm not much of a baby wearer, but I might have to be this summer. Thanks for putting this together!

  6. Every first timers should have some other mom make her registry! Or maybe that was just me. I love all that stuff but # 9 and 10. Because I haven't tried them, but I will. Because I hate baby socks. So next time it will be Old Navy.

  7. These net food holding teething things. A life saver for both teething girls. I filled them with refrigerated watermelow chunks, apple and banana. They're a pain to clean but totally worth it. And they're cheap!

  8. Your timing is impeccable -- I'm currently working on/stressing about my registry deets since I'm a first-time mom and baby is coming end-of-May-ish. I've heard amazing things about those swaddlers - they were already on my list but now I might double-up. Grazi.

  9. I loved my sling - I never used a baby carrier and hated any of the ones I tried - sling all the way. And I love the little onsie "gowns" that are open at the bottom for nighttime, when they are newborns. I also always give something called the Ultimate Crib sheet. It's a flat sheet that snaps onto the crib rails, on top of your pretty crib sheet. You can still see the crib sheet along the sides. But this thing snaps right off when it gets dirty or wet and you can put another one right on and it's not a horrible pain to change. Love it. I still use them to line regular beds for sicky kids to prevent (hopefully) massive bedding changes.

  10. Old Navy socks so good to know! I have never found good socks for our babies little piggies!

  11. Separate darks from lights AND whites? Ain't nobody got time for that. A million times yes to the Happy Wrap and Old Navy socks! Love them both.

  12. THANK YOU!! We're moving a month before this baby is due, and I was dreading hauling all the extra random loot I panicked and added to the very bare registry - now we'll have stuff we'll actually use!! :D

    Also...this is probably a stupid question, but what do you usually bring with you to the hospital to deliver?? Totally clueless first-timer here - keep the wisdom coming! ;)

    1. Someone just emailed about that! Look for a post next week :)

    2. I got an amazing tip for hospital packing. Pack 2 bags for yourself: a labor bag and a post-partum bag. Keeps everything organized and you don't have lug all your stuff in for labor.

  13. Ha! I have a baby shower on Saturday that I may have forgot about!! Whoops!

    And thanks for making this post friendly for the child-free readers. :)

  14. My mom insisted that I get the Aden and Anais swaddle blankets. I thought she was being persnickety, but (as usual) she was right, and I love them!

    I agree with Ben and Jenn above, the Nosefrida is a MUST!

    Lastly, I was so thankful that someone had thought to give me all of the baby medicines- Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl, etc. I hadn't thought to buy them ahead of time, but when my little boy spiked a fever at 3am, I was beyond grateful to have them on hand.

    1. Yes! I bought Baby Tylenol for a baby shower goodie basket for a gf because I had to go to CVS with a screaming baby after getting our 2 mo shots because I didn't have any and I had no idea what I was doing and wished I just had it at home already, wah!

  15. Oh we are loving this: Keeps meddling strangers away from the baby and also works like a bird cage- keeps him from getting over stimulated and stays asleep at the grocery store...usually.

  16. I just had a baby a week ago. Halfway through that week someone sent us some SwaddleMe swaddlers. GAME CHANGER. I'm also about to run out and buy the Nosefrida thing. This Midwest air is friendly to no nose.

    1. Oh yes. The SwaddleMes with the Velcro….I couldn't have lived without them!

  17. 1. I hate 99% of all baby shower games, but the candy bar one is by far the worst.
    2. I'm a incredibly awkward prude too, so I know nursing covers are going to be a nonnegotiable for me someday.
    3. This is super useful because I never know what to get my sisters for their babies (my oldest sis is pregnant with #3) and no I'm not pregnant yet but *fingers crossed* hopefully soon!

  18. YES!! Henry LOVES Sophie. And the nursing cover you listed is THE BEST cover. I have 3 different ones, so I feel I can speak to that. I am still not comfortable nursing without a cover because I'm a big prude.

  19. A wet bag/laundry bag (even if you use disposables it's good for potty training time as somewhere to store wet clothes in a car trip!), a basic food processor (for picky eaters!) and extra wash cloths! If it's just something for the mama, how about a new set of comfy pajamas?

    Oh, and how about we start gifting new moms a couple months free Netflix or Amazon prime subscriptions!

    1. LOVE the Netflix/Amazon subscription idea!

    2. Or another thought - for audiobook downloads. I remember a co-worker swearing right and left that I wouldn't finish a book for 5 years after my first. So I proved her wrong and read 5 in about 2-3 months just show myself that it was possible.

  20. I love this! I always like finding out what products other mamas feel are helpful! And I am going to pick up that humidifier tomorrow, Pierce just started with this crazy cough, only at night and only once he gets to his room. This cold is a killer! So when in doubt humidify it out? Is that a saying?? Oxiclean-lifesaver, Mustela-best shampoo, if your kids have super sensitive skin and get diaper rash easily Burts Bees Baby Multipurpose Ointment is a champ!!

  21. Thank you for making it ok to like nursing covers and the Bjorn! I can finally come out of the closet.

  22. I've been wondering how you are going to wog with four young children. :) I was guessing three in the triple jogger and newest baby in a carrier? I hope you will post a photo because I imagine you will look like a Superwoman.

  23. Yes, this. This is incredible. Thank you, Grace!

  24. I definitely agree about the A&A swaddle blankets- but you seriously have to try the bamboo ones. They are so soft! My son always sleeps with one. We love that noise machine too!

    1. shoot. I didn't know there was a difference --- I'll have to see what we have! thanks for the tip :) will have to place an order today!!!

    2. So glad you got them and LOVE them!!

  25. Old Navy socks FTW. The best! The sound machine was a lifesaver for us too! The JJ Cole Bundle Me car seat cover was great for hauling a teeny newborn around during cold months- much better than trying to get them into some kind of coat.

  26. Question: What year was your Ergo made? Not that I'm trying to convert you, BUT I have one from 2009 and one from 2013 and my 2009 one fits a LOT better - for some reason they lengthened the straps and made it bigger overall, so I really can't comfortably wear my new carrier with a baby on my front, only on my back. I'm guessing that if the one you tried is a newer model, you probably would have the same problem since your frame is on the smaller side?

    In any case, I would *highly* recommend finding a way to wear this new baby on your back once he/she is old enough - it makes doing stuff around the house SO much easier than wearing a baby on my front! And with 4-under-4, baby wearing beyond the wrap stage is soooo helpful!

    1. I'm with you on the Ergo Grace! It just feels so bulky and awkward on me. But I do LOVE the Beco (I have a gemini). It's similar but a lot better fitting. And you can wear the baby on the back which is the ONLY way I can handle baby wearing. Especially for taking a walk or some sort of physical activity. Ok let's be honest. Walking is my only physical activity.

  27. FANTASTIC list! Oxiclean is everything! It has kept all of baby girl's clothes looking brand new. And Sophie will always be near and dear to our heart.

  28. Ha! You are sweet. If my boys could read, they would be shouting, "She's just cheap, Mrs. Patton!!"

    Yes to the Gerber boatnecks. When I put one on Conor, I'm always like, "Umm where do I find this neckline for myself?"

    And did I ever tell you about the lady I ran into last summer who had two sets of twins two years apart? She had a custom made jogger that fit all four of them ... they were like ducks in a row.

  29. For nursing mamas the boppy is a true lifesaver. Use mine every day of the last 10 months--including at the hospital! I also love the swaddlers that Velcro shut, keep those little Houdini arms in their spots and away from punching themselves in the face...

  30. Just have to agree with you on Carter's onesies. Another problem with Gerber's is that their sizes are ridiculously off. I seriously have no clue what they base them off of.

    The only little thing I'd add is changing pad liners -- the waterproof kind you can stick in the washer. (Boppy makes them, as do others.) Especially when they're newborns and peeing with every diaper change, these things are lifesavers!

  31. I second, fifth, and tenth Nosefrida. My kids hate it but I LOVE it! Those little bulb ones don't do a thing, but this will get you sleep at night if your little one is congested.

  32. I just did a post on my favorit-o baby brands. Even though I'm not pregnant sure seems like E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E is. I totally agree on the Gerber oneies though I like the Precious Moments brand ones at Target because they come S/M/L rather than by age so I think they are more useable longer.

    One single thing I would register for again is a Britax convertible carseat because they are the best and they are super $$$ but some people might go in on one for you and you know you'll need it eventually!

  33. I've never used the Ergo but only because I have been really happy with my Bjorn, why fix when it's not broke, right? I have a couple of drug store suggestions, Sudocrem for diaper rashes (I think it's the antiseptic that gives it its magical healing powers!) and Mylicon for any super gassy, just mine??

  34. I love this! I feel like everyone posts the "10 things you need for baby" and it's mostly useless shit. I'm a bare minimum person when it comes to this baby. It's our first, but we're moving right after the baby comes (location TBD) so I want as little crap to move as possible. Plus, how much stuff do babies really need?? Clearly, I don't know. I'll probably be really thankful for Amazon Prime when the baby comes and I realize how much stuff I forgot!

  35. Gearing up (literally?) for #2, so I definitely have baby stuff on the mind! I love ON socks (probably most of what we have), but I also really like the Trumpette socks - the ones that look like shoes. They make me feel like I am actually putting shoes on the kid, but not. Plus they are as "sticky" if not more than ON socks (and a great gift price, so a good thing to register for, since you wouldn't necessarily want to pay as much yourself on socks). Side tip: I put dirty baby socks right into a lingerie wash bag to keep them together and wash in the bag. I keeps them from inevitably vanishing in the abyss!

    Also a nosefrida, noise machine, Sophie, and A&A fan!

  36. I just pulled out allll my baby stuff in preparation for #3's arrival next month, and of course the A+A blankets are the one thing I can't find. I totally agree about them, they are the best! I can't live without my boppy either, otherwise I look like a hunchback when I nurse :)

  37. The boppy lounger if it's your 2nd, 3rd, ,4th etc. It allows you to keep the new one out of the reach of siblings and in a comfy safe place. our newborn lived on that thing her first few weeks. loved it!

    1. hmmm is this like the regular boppy?? I love the boppy but must look into the lounger ........ thank you!!!

    2. The lounger is "filled in in the middle" so you can set an infant down in it without the slooooow slide, like in the regular boppy. We loved ours, it was one of those things we used every single day and could not live without, til we just didn't need it anymore.

  38. I buy everyone night lights now. We were so fortunate to be hurricane -style rained on in the baby gifts and hand-me-downs, so we literally didn't want or need anything. But we made one 9pm run to Target and it was for night lights. I just could not see well enough in our bedroom at night to get him latched on right. I had three of them plugged in all around out room. It was enough light for me to see to get him latched on (and change diapers), but not so much to prevent us all from sleeeping/going back to sleep/staying asleep. I also gift at $10 itunes card for purchasing Nicolette Larsen's "Sleep, Baby, Sleep" album (it's "out of print" & only available through download). That album saved my skin more times than I can count when I had a screaming baby. Hmm, sound machine is definitely clutch, as are the good swaddle blankets (people who say their baby doesn't like to be swaddled are lying to themselves...). Snappies are a good little gift too. They're really for securing cloth diapers, but I sucked at tight swaddling and I was able to use these to secure the ends of my swaddle blanket and make it stay put. For mom: a nice, but practical, bathrobe; Earth Mama, Angel Baby Nipple Butter (yes, it's better than everything else); EM, AB New Mama Bottom Spray; and EM, AB New Mam Spray (aromatherapy spray for baby blues). That it. Great List!

    1. Snappis to hold a swaddle in place is the BEST IDEA EVER!! I need to try this! Thanks :-)

  39. The cover is definitely a necessity for me since Finn has to look at EVERYTHING that moves/makes noise/shines while he nurses so I would be very exposed. And even with the cover on he tries to get out - it's like he's saying "hey look at me I'm under here!" Ugh drives me crazy and makes nursing a much longer process than it needs to be but its that or a peep show for all the other restaurant goers!

  40. I'm totally with you on a lot of these, especially the white noise machine!! We have the older version of that one (I think) - we picked it up at the drug store for $10 when we had our first, and it's still going strong! I'm sure someone before me must have mentioned it, but another great item to add would be the NoseFrida. Weird at first, but very effective.

    1. Oh, and I forgot to add - the indestructible rubber bibs that you just rinse off and re-use a billion times! Babypotamus has the best ones, but they are hard to find (maybe not even on the market anymore?). Tommee Tippee has decent ones. We only own one bib per child (plus a spare for the diaper bag). It's awesome.

  41. Miracle Houdini their arms in that thing
    First didn't sleep through the night until after 12 months and second is the best sleeper ever, hence Miracle

    1. Second on the Miracle Blanket. Maybe I am a poor swaddler, or my son has superhuman strength, but he would only stay in the Miracle Blanket (and even at 3 ish months he was breaking out of it, but less easily/frequently than a regular swaddle).

  42. If you aren't a veteran baby wrangler then WHO THE HELL IS?!?!

    Totally love the Old Navy socks. The kids have a communal sock drawer just full of 'em. My MIL is always aghast that my daughter doesn't get her own (pink) socks but come on, keeping track of different socks is THE WORST.

  43. i must admit - when i read that you had to nurse julia while bathing her, i pictured you leaning over a kitchen sink... that's better than leaning over the tub, right? please say i'm right.

    anyway, my only excuse is that i've never had a baby...

    and i hope that's considered a legit excuse. (:

  44. I just ordered us a humidifier. We can't live without fleece sleep sacks. I am going to order that shampoo. CT has some cradle cap going on.

  45. Cradle cap: oil the offending head, put a hat on, wait a while (an hour maybe), use a lice comb (plastic) to comb all the nastiness out, wash hair.

    1. it's funny .... it always takes me weeks to find the time and energy to actually do this .... maybe it's just me :) so in the mean time I take the lazy shampoo route .... SHHHHH :)

  46. We discovered Paul Mitchell - No more tears - shampoo for cradle cap when our oldest was suffering. I have used it for all my babies since and never had an issue again - and one bottle easily lasted us a year - but we have almost hairless girls and head full of hair boys.... where's the justice in that?
    My MUST HAVE that I just discovered with baby #3 is the Fischer Price Rock and Play Sleeper. The kids slept great in it from the get go (vs the pack and play in our room) and they were able to use it until about 6 months old when I was ready to move them to their own room. LOVED that thing - it was like a miracle product for us and our fussy babies who only wanted to sleep in someone's arms (which were mine, because I also housed the lunch room on my chest too)

    1. I second the Rock and Play Sleeper! It is GREAT. And super easy to take in the car when visiting overnight somewhere. I love that it is inclined; my newest little one seems to have some reflux issues and he does really well in this bed.

  47. Where was the tip for Mustela getting rid of cradle cap a few months poor nugget had it hang around for almost a full year. I will file that tip for the next one!

    Also wanted to share my go to shower gift... the Totseat its a portable baby chair that is soft and can fit any chair and fits nicely into a diaper bag. It was so immeasurably helpful I get it for everyone. No worries about going to someones house who doesn't have children or all the child seats being taken at a restaurant. Perfect for feeding meals on the go!

    1. Totseat, that looks awesome. I've never seen one, it must be a European thing? I would have killed for one of these when my older ones were little.

  48. I have such a hard time with socks. Not sure if this is unreasonable...but can you link to the ON socks again? The ones linked are out of stock and I am really curious as to which ones actually work. Is it all ON socks or specific ones? This is actually on my to do list for the weekend.

    1. any socks!!! sorry!! I changed the link to a cute pair of girly socks :)

  49. Thank you for helping solidify my Gerber vs. Carters argument. My husband claims he can't tell a difference but I say Carter's are superior! And thanks for the tip on socks. It seems like every time I turn around, my little guy has lkost one or both socks. Planning a trip to Old Navy soon.

  50. I don't know if someone else has said it, but Robeez shoes are a must in this house to keep their socks on. And I would add bibs which we stupidly didn't really use until our 5th baby, but then realized that if we put one on in the morning, when he was drooling so much, we could just change the bib instead of the shirt and save a lot of laundry.

  51. Ah, Grace, you are the best! I've been working on my baby registry this week and this came at the PERFECT time. I might need to register for every single thing you mentioned... thanks. :)

  52. Thanks for sharing! I love reading other momma's newborn faves! I would duplicate your whole list (trading Gap socks for Old Navy) and add Nose Frieda (uh-maze-ing....way better than the bulb syringe), Gripe Water (truly a lifesaver the first few weeks!), Mother Love Nipple (another lifesaver for the beginning nurser), and a WubbaNub (Ted's most treasured item for sure!)

    Here's a link to my blog (shameful plug) with some of my newborn faves

    And Ted's faves around 6 months :)

    1. Also, I tried those crazy wraps and I really, really, really wanted to love them. However, nothing quite says "new awkward mom" like trying to wrap a mile long cloth around your child in a public space. I borrowed a friend's wrap and it just wasnt for me. For our next babe, I want to start with a sling early on so they are used to it too :)

  53. I know we'e talking about baby things here and I don't want to make it all serious, but if anyone is looking for the gift for the mama who has everything, my most memorable gift was from my sister and wasn't a 'thing" at all. My daughter needed resuscitation at birth and though she is fine, had we not had that care we would both have been in trouble. My sister's baby gift to us was buying a safe birth for a woman in a developing nation though (Canada, although there's lots of ways to fdo this kind of thing, I'm not affiliated). It was meaningful to me and still is, and it's my go-to baby gift for moms who I know will be well supported by family etc (and won't go without baby essentials otherwise).

    And for Pete's sake, let someone else buy you a sophie because if your kid doesn't like it it's hard not to feel resentful of the $20 dog toy :-)

  54. totally bookmarking this for my future self and baby showers! i may or may not also be a procrastinator when it comes to buyinig gifts!

    1. does saying 'bookmarking' make me sound old? maybe i should have said 'pinning to my secret pinterest boards' ;)

  55. nolan has the hacking cough fits too, and we have been doing the vicks on the feet trick. it's seemed to help a bit. we were told a humidifier could make it worse because of the dampness, but if it helps julia i'm convinced to maybe purchase one. i bought these little night light plug in's where you place a vicks pad on the warmer (on top of the night light) and it's supposed to give off the vapor when it gets hot. i don't know if it's helped or not, he still wakes up a couple nights out of the week with a cough. anyway, maybe to target i go!

  56. Taking a moment to e-pat Those Landrys on the back for having 7 of the (exact) items from your list and to plug a little Jude Landry design for doing the Happy! logo. It may not be the one on your wrap if it's older, but his logo's on their site now!

    Ok. End of horn tooting.

  57. I haven't check to see if anyone else is admitting this, but The Nosefrida is the other thing other than my kids that I'd grab in a fire. It's disgusting. Revolting. Horrifying. And wonderful when baby has a cold and can't breathe and you know that she would just sleep if she could breathe in her nose at 2am dearlordhelpme.
    Just so you know, you squirt a little saline solution up the nose, let sit for 30 seconds, then suck with the Frida. There is a filter, so calm yourself. Baby feel better, baby sleeps, baby gets better.
    Best worst gift ever.

  58. Carter onesies are THE BEST. I just absolutely HATE the Gerber ones so hard.

    My favorite swaddle blankets are from Swaddle Design, they're like giant square flannel ones and are sold at Nordstrom (or Nordstrom Rack if you're a cheapie like me, or on their website where they have special sales) and are my go-to gift for new moms. I have five of those and they've all gotten lots and lots of use (we swaddled to up to 12 months over here). I found the Aden and Anias ones too gauzey and it was hard to get super tight swaddles, but good for summer months when the flannel Swaddle Design ones were too thick.

  59. I got a Moses basket this last time around (no. 7) and loved it. So portable around the house, and it keeps the newborn cozy and feeling safe. I think all babies have a bit of agoraphobia for awhile, and the Moses basket seems to make it easier on them to be put down.

  60. I'm a huge believer in the burts bees shampoo/wash and lotion! I mean if you want your baby to smell like heaven… (who doesn't?!)

  61. We hated the diaper genie because it smelled something awful when you had to eventually change bags. My husband would gag everytime....kind of defeats the purpose. Instead for baby #2 we bought Sassy Baby diaper sacks, they are little mini grocery bags, to wrap the poopers in and you can just chuck in your kitchen garbage.

  62. I love Baby Legs! They are far and away better than tights, in my opinion. They stay on for diaper changes, keeping little legs warm, they can go on under pants to keep ankles from freezing when pants ride up, they can be put on boys without people thinking you're making your boy wear tights. And don't get me started on tights and potty training! So much easier NOT to have to deal with.

  63. We hated the diaper genie because it smelled something awful when you had to eventually change bags. My husband would gag everytime....kind of defeats the purpose. Instead for baby #2 we bought Sassy Baby diaper sacks, they are little mini grocery bags, to wrap the poopers in and you can just chuck in your kitchen garbage.

  64. Great post and love all the comments. Bookmarking for future reference! :)

  65. I love the Summer brand SwaddleMe. That + a swing = sweet, sweet sleep for babies and parents.

  66. I see your old navy socks and I raise you - Zutano booties, game changers, especially for the cold weather babies - no way jose can they kick them off, they are soft and fuzzy and so cute.

  67. I second the comment above about the Miracle Blanket. Best swaddle blanket ever. I love A&A blankets too, but for getting baby to sleep through the night? Miracle. blanket.
    I also like the gross-seeming-but-not-really-gross-and-very-effective Nose Frieda.

  68. Yes, yes, YES to all your items! I also sing the praises of the NoseFreida (and share your disdain for the Ergo but luuurved my Bjorn). I usually always throw a pack of receiving blankets in a baby shower gift because they are so versatile - blanket, quick change pad, roll up for positioning, burp rag in a pinch, etc. And maybe this is just me, but I really love the Brica Baby in Sight mirror for the back of the seat. Allows you to see baby perfectly while driving. My daughter is 14 months and I still love the thing so I can see what's she up to and such. I was (is?) a real looney toon when she was first born so this allowed me to not freak out while driving and not having her in view.

  69. I totally had to sit in the tub and nurse/bathe baby #2.. and thought that I was probably the only crazy who had to do that. Glad I am not alone.
    Also, thanks for the rec. about the swaddle blankets. Baby #3 is due in July and I wondered if these would be good/great!

  70. Agreed on Gerbers onsies. Another thing I love about Carters onsies is that they fit babies with long torsos better than other brands I've tried. Not that a first time mom (or any, although so far I'm two for two with the long torso-ed babies so I'll bet on #3) will know the baby's proportions before birth, but either way the Carters are quality, and their stores almost always have sales and coupons.

  71. ah! must get myself to old navy asap for some socks. the ones we have do NOT stay on little brecken's toes! great list!

  72. I don't think anyone has mentioned Hyland's colic tablets....will change your life if the baby is fussy or even the tiniest bit colicky! My mother in law who is a pro with 8 kids bought me 6 bottles off of Amazon and we have them in all areas of the house/car/bags/purses. This is always a gift I will include for mom to be! Thanks as always Grace!

    1. thanks Maggie!! We love the teething tablets so I'll have to try these too!

  73. My carrier of choice is the Beco Gemini. It's pricey (we got ours used on Ebay), but you can carry the baby four ways (front facing in, front facing out, hip, and backpack) and you don't need an infant insert for a newborn. We started out with a Moby but never used it again after we got the Gemini because you just buckle and go instead of spending 20 minutes solving a fabric Rubik's cube. It also doesn't get the stamp of disapproval from the baby-carrier police (of which I am not a member).

  74. I love Carter's onesies. They fit my long skinny babies the best and wear so well. I like the lightweight Swaddle-Me's because the velcro means the newborns can't escape.

  75. I don't like disposable nursing pads so I sewed a few sets of cloth pads with a waterproof back. They can be found online if you don't sew/have the time or inclination to sew them. I totally recommend giving cloth a try.
    Another baby item I'd recommend is a diaper wallet with a built in changing pad. Now that I'm on baby #3 I'm over the bulky diaper bag with the entire nursery packed but I don't like losing the baby essentials in the bottom of my purse either.
