
13 September 2013

Seven Quick Takes

Joining Jen and her flock.

1. Hopefully you're all reading Regina's blog by now because it's really good and hilarious and edifying but you should especially pop over and read her most recent post. It is beautifully written, poignant and tear jerky and worth your time. SAHM's honor.

2.  I've read a few different people claim that Instagram is in and blogging is out or that Instagram is the new blogging. NO!!! While I love Instagram and seriously abuse the system at least three times a day ... please don't let this be true. I don't think it will really happen because books aren't even close to being an endangered species and I don't think humans will settle for grainy postage stamps of babies, food, feet, skylines, and more babies (guiltiest party right here) in lieu of fantastically written posts like the one you're reading right now. Wink wink wink. Frantic wink.

3. So Theo has been in rare form the past few days.

okay, fine. But this was after Simon woke up for a few minutes today and gave him lots of attention which proves my parent thesis that moms are just eager and useless servants. KIDDING, calm down. But anyway I think he just has a little cold on top of teething or something but he acts like any surface other than my body is molten lava that is scalding the shit out of his little rolls and so ... I hold him a lot. And that would be fine but ... this is not the month for that, dear Theodore + other children + how can I miss you if we're alwaystogether??

My point! I ordered an amber teething necklace which I've always thought was a little hocus pocus but people swear that they work and I don't care ... I'm really desperate for a shower to the soundtrack of not a screaming bebe. I don't even care if Julia comes in and gives me a factorial on why Sebastian is ruining her life. Bring it.

I'll let you know if it works and I'll eat my big fat doubting skeptic Thomas for three squares.

I realize this makes me sound super heartless ... I don't think I am. I hope I'm not! I'm just short on arms and sleep and patience. 

4. In our wanderings of the hospital this past month we've deduced that Julia la-la-la-la-LOVES riding elevators. She welcomes the awkward quiet with strangers and flirts with pushing the alarm button but doesn't ever go so far as to push it (thus far!!) and so we thought she'd love a little escalator ride. WRONG. She freaks and cries and freaks some more while Sebastian looks at her like she crazy because he is a lover of the 'lator.

Things you've always wanted to know. I'm full of them.

5. A week from Saturday we're flying to my native land and I'm super excited but accompanying that excitement is a small to medium wave of pure terror because of Sebastian freaking Patton. I think Julia will be okay because she's sort of out of the restless body syndrome bologna at Mass but Sebastian is not and he is a large boy and once he starts flailing and kicking ... watch your teeth that happen to house fillings.

6. Stretching this into two because I'm boring and tired. Basically I'm hoping there are some magical apps you fine people know about that will work in the sky? Or can I download shows on iTunes for him to watch? We don't have an iPad or anything like that (and the ONLY reason I can ever come up with to try and convince Simon we need one is for when we fly with the kids and we RARELY fly so ... moot point) but we have our phones and hopefully he'll be lured by the glow of some long clips of trucks (we are REALLY into trucks right now ... ) or something. Help me if you can. I don't want to bring (any, really) gobs of toys or books because Sebastian eats board books and loses toys. FuN mOm fOrEvEr!!!!

7. Now that Julia is over her phobia of public restrooms (not that she can be blamed) - tonight I took her to a new-to-her bathroom at the hospital and she swung the stall door open, audibly gasped, and exclaimed, "what a PERFECT toy-wet!!" and then thanked me profusely for bringing her to said sparkling throne. Lest you think she is all sugar and no spice - this is after she pitched a mini fit that one of Simon's co-workers couldn't come home with us for the night (feel loved, Allison -- or feel sufficiently smothered by toddler infatuation). Anyway, maybe for her birthday I'll make our toilet shine like the sun and wrap it with a pink ribbon. The third birthday is the bleach-on-porcelain birthday, correct? Good.

Have a nice life.

jk. I'll never e-die.


  1. Kids vehicles-- it is an iPad app but I am pretty sure my sil has it on her iPhone as well. Annoying game but my son will sit there and play it forever. Another one is the easy back oven app, both my kids like that one. We got an iPad in February and while I like it we could have lived without it. But for now I use it to babysit the big 2 while I am tending to the little one.

    Good luck flying!

  2. Kids vehicles-- it is an iPad app but I am pretty sure my sil has it on her iPhone as well. Annoying game but my son will sit there and play it forever. Another one is the easy back oven app, both my kids like that one. We got an iPad in February and while I like it we could have lived without it. But for now I use it to babysit the big 2 while I am tending to the little one.

    Good luck flying!

  3. I know that I'll regret reading this "Friday" post on my Thursday night. Oh well.
    First recommendation: if you haven't already. My son LOVED it when he was littler.
    Also, iTunes videos should work on your phone even on a flight. I think a lot of the apps will work too...Dora skywriting was popular around here awhile ago, my son held our iPod touch hostage over that one. Also, my kids always get a kick out of the Madagascar "I like to move it" video (available on iTunes). Just make sure you have them downloaded to your phone before you get on the flight.
    Best of luck...and ain't no shame in downing a mini-bottle of something strong on the flight.

  4. How are your kids with stickers? Mine can be entertained by sticking them on a piece of paper

  5. We live in south Korea so we've done a fair bit of long distance flying with our 22-month daughter. She really likes an app called "My Animals" (which is free). She also gets some good mileage out of tic-tacs, pipe cleaners, stickers, flash cards in a zip bag, and a calculator (which she pretends is a phone).

    1. calculator!!!? What a GENIUS idea... must try this tomorrow with toddler who is addicted to cellular devices:)

  6. Not that this will help you convince Simon that an iPad is necessary BUT if you bought a seat for Sebastian (and any other minor Campers) maybe I can convince you (if you don't already have one) to get this

    Seriously was a major hassle saver when we took the girls down to the DR last year - and if you lived closer cleared I'd let you borrow ours. Alas. Anyways, security was breeze-like because we could unload all our computers, shoes, liquids and the girls were strapped in and 100% contained. We just pulled them out to go through the x-ray thing-o and bam popped them back in. We were super nice and let them out once we found our corner of airport paradise but at least we were not wrangling them to the gate. When it came time to board you can just roll them in the seat down the jet way. The only bummer is you have to lift the seat with kid in it to your airplane seat which can get heavy. But the seat + the roller fit in the airplane seat and all you need is the extender for the airplane seatbelt and BAM... you're done. Scroll to the way bottom of this post and you can see how easy these things are...

    I could do a whole post on them... which I pretty much did in your comments sections... forgive me : )

  7. Flew in April with a 5,3&2. Managed to get play dough through security for in-flight entertainment. And...lots of snacks. Tootsie roll lollipops last a bit (the longer the better!). We had a bag of tricks - but were exhausted from the intensive entertaining by the end of the flight. Good luck!

  8. hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! When my son was Julia's age he was on the elevator with only his grandfather. His grandfather "allowed" him to push the alarm button. It scared the shi*t right out of him and he never ever wanted to do it again ;-)

  9. Theo looks JUST like you! He is so freakin' cute and happy!

    Megan from Chasing Davies

  10. Are you flying on Southwest? They have some flights with free TV now. You just log on to the Wi-Fi (also free for this purpose) and watch through whatever device you have. I'm not sure what channels are available yet.

  11. There's a free Mr. Potato Head app that the twins love. It's borderline ridiculous excitement, what with the dressing and undressing of the potato.

  12. Make sure to bring headphones! I got admonished on our flight home yesterday because I was trying to watch the free TV on my phone without headphones (we flew SW). So I watched House Hunters without sound.

    Toddler and 5yr old were entertained with candy and plane snacks and also those dollar store glow bracelets we'd bought for Disney and the toddler spent over an hour making chains (the connectors are tiny choking hazards though).

  13. You seriously had me cracking up throughout these 7 thanks for that :) Good luck with the flight !

  14. Oh, are so funny!
    What about food for the plane? Can you just feed Sebastian for the whole flight? Kind of works for us in a pinch...
    Poor teething baby with a cold and POOR MAMA!

  15. Thanks for linking to Regina's blog!
    Also for the plane flight: wear ear plugs and a blindfold? (I don't have kids yet.)

  16. When we flew with our boys (2 and 10 months) they were actually pretty good due to their love of snacks and short videos from Thomas and Sesame Street. Our flight was 3.5 hours long. We made sure to take their "lovies" and I got them each a new (cheap) toy which I surprised them with about half way into the flight. Bring lots of baby wipes (they can "clean" the trays, window, each other...)

    I was looking into those amber teething necklaces, too. Please let us know if you think it helps! And I hope y'all have a fun weekend!

  17. If Sebastian loveeees trucks and you get a chance, you can pick up free (disposable) mags at gas stations and have him destroy them with no loss to your wallet. Truck Paper is one with semis and Tractor House has every type of farm machine ever invented. My cousin's kids love them so much that I get one every time I see a gas station in the country. (I think you might be able to find out locations that have them too on their websites? not sure).

  18. If Sebastian loveeees trucks and you get a chance, you can pick up free (disposable) mags at gas stations and have him destroy them with no loss to your wallet. Truck Paper is one with semis and Tractor House has every type of farm machine ever invented. My cousin's kids love them so much that I get one every time I see a gas station in the country. (I think you might be able to find out locations that have them too on their websites? not sure).

  19. Loved amber necklace for teething. Plus, it makes little boys look like surfer dudes which is awesome.

  20. 1. Amber necklace hat eater over here! It worked wonders for our 7 month of drama king. (Ps squishy theo is SO cute!)
    2. Easton is an iPadaholic (& I'm a mom of the year!) and loves peak a boo barn and one called wheels in the bus at Bashs age! He also loved anything with trucks so I looked for anything free and kept only the ones that needed a lot of poking because that's all Easton wanted to do. Poke the iPad. But it works. He will sit quietly for a road trip poking as most iPad apps have Iphone counterparts! I know peak a boo barn & wheels on the bus because those is on all devices!!
    3. We also downloaded a couple coloring apps that have served us well.

    Good luck! Hopefully you all have a great trip and enjoy your family time!!

  21. Have you ever seen those mini hot wheels cases that fold up? We have some that are about this size:

    and there are a few even tinier ones (about 6x6 inches that fold out to 12x12 -- each one has a tiny ramp or building inside and you can fit a few hotwheels or matchbox cars. They fold up small and are SO nice for a little boy to play with on the plane.

    My little guy is 4 but he's been loving on these for a couple of years now, and I finally just broke down and bought a lot of them on ebay so I could dole them out on birthdays and for Christmas. Some are large, some are mini -- but even the minis are fun.

    Oh here is a great one-- look how small!

  22. A couple of flying suggestions - I always made a little backpack or bag or something for each of mine that contained "new" toys - you can get stuff at the dollar store that you don't care about losing or breaking. Pack a 2nd set in your suitcase for the return trip. It can be anything that would keep them occupied for a bit. If it's new, they will stick with it for awhile. Food is good. I liked the baby wipe idea that someone else suggested. Mine are also totally intrigued with the headphones and the changing radio stations in the armrest - that's good for a good 30 minutes of the trip. We also spent about $80 on a portable DVD player - from Big Lots. It need know plug and the charge holds for 4 hours if it's all charged up and off before you leave. That will get you two DVDs. When you get to your destination, charge it back up for the return flight. I promise you it's $80 well spent. Ours has two headphone jacks, so you could put it between S and J and then can both watch.

  23. I am a believer in amber necklaces! Every baby I see around here is wearing one! Maybe it's just in my head but she has been a much happier baby since. Another mommy I know steals her son's necklace when she has a headache and wears in on her wrist, she swears by it! Hope it works out well for yoU! Just get ready to have to explain it to Everyone ALL the time.

  24. My 3 year old adores anything from these people. The Toca band is her favorite, and my one year old is pretty enamored of it too.

    Good luck!

  25. giiiiirrrrrllll we are amber necklacers 4lyfe

  26. my kids are most thrilled by those tiny little people toilets is the parents rooms that sit right along side the regular toilet. They INSIST we pee simultaneously.


  27. p.s it's 5:08 am (i've been awake since 3) and i'm hitting your archives, hard. thanks for the entertainment!

  28. I brought Ryder to Tom's work last week. I left Ryder on the 3rd floor with Tom, and moments later, they came RUNNING out because apparently Ryder pressed the emergency/alarm/fire dept button and Tom was terrified he would be fired. I'd love to tell you how that story ended but I have no clue because we didn't stick around long enough to find out!

  29. My three year old always gets really excited that public bathrooms have "evwything we have!" and that it's all so beautiful..haha cracks me up.

  30. Have you seen the "i'm an excavator" videos on youtube? Eli was way into those back in the day. We even have the DVDs, but the youtube feed is probably quite enough.

  31. I love your blog! Keep up the great job ♡

    Ps: may I invite you to my awesome Birthday Giveaway?

    Win 3 amazing prices with a total value of $650 on my blog:


  32. Audibly laughed at the perfect toilet comment (obvi). Can't stop, won't stop loving Little J!

  33. download The Adventures of Chuck and Friends from itunes...about 20 minutes long each. i got it free about 2 years ago - the sd versions are now $1.99 though. i also download the free tv episodes - they usually have Dora, Umizoomi, Backyardigans, and Bubble Guppies...

  34. Joey's fav apps are 'toddler fireworks' (gives mommy a mild seizure after 5 consecutive min but whatever) and 'scroll through every picture of myself and/or the grainy shots i just took of the airport floor.' Seriously, the kid could stare at his own face on a tiny screen for the entire flight. Sometimes I let him 'scavenger hunt' with my phone and then we look at the pictures he captured later and talk about them.

    Basically, i'm a homeschooling goddess.

  35. Yes! Yes, you can download shows onto iTunes and watch them on your phone when it's in "airplane mode." I spent nearly $20 on Yo Gabba Gabba episodes for my son to watch on the plane because I was TERRIFIED that he would meltdown on his first toddler flight. I was PLEASANTLY surprised when it turned out that he slept most of the way. Hopefully Sebastian will pleasantly surprise YOU!

    And yes, if the amber teething necklace works, please let us know!

  36. We live in a small town and very rarely ride elevators. Last time we visited my grandparents' condo, we took the elevator up to their floor. My dear 3 year old son saw that pretty red button which was conveniently located at his level and pushed it before we could stop him. We were instantly connected to a concerned operator at the elevator freakout department (okay, I actually have no idea what it's called) and had to talk her out of sending the fire department to rescue us.

  37. #2 was a laugh. mostly because i am realizing thefamilygal blog is a glorified insta (or should i say later) gram. oh well - extinction here we come. nothing could ever replace the Grace in our worlds - fear not.

  38. My oldest was terrified of escalators until he was 5. My middle hopped on one at 18 months, I'm almost certain. And my youngest, well, she probably thinks she was born on one and tries all kinds of tricks while on them.

    I love Instagram but no on taking over blogging. It's just not the same.

    I think you are sooooo normal for wanting a shower in peace...or semi-peace. I live for my showers some days. And we use amber teething necklaces, but I have no idea if it makes a difference. I just pretend it does in hopes that it really does.

    Plane rides- SNACKS. LOTS of food. Variety. Tiny pieces. And learn songs with hand motions. LOTS of songs or you'll be singing the same one for 3 hrs straight. My kids always get sucked in by Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Every single one of them. And Bob the Builder. I never bothered with toys b/c at that age, they play with them for 2.5 seconds before they get bored and throw it somewhere. Mostly, I just feed my kids. I did that with Matthew, my oldest, when he was 16 months old, on a 20 hour car trip. Nothing, but food. And he didn't cry once.

  39. Did anyone say to take your carseat on the plane? My kiddo was so used to travel in his seat so he didnt freak about being in it. Not that he didnt ask to get out but he was easier to talk off the ledge. Maybe he is still young enough to be a lap child? Good luck.

  40. I know this is a days old post but I just wanted to tell you that I really hope that insta isn't the new blogging, even though there is a HUGE instagram-fashion community now that post their daily outfits or what not. I was creeping on some people and saw there was a chick that said in her bio that she was a "fashion blogger/stylist" but had no blog. Like, seriously? You are a fashion blogger WITHOUT a blog? No. you are not a blogger. You are a person with an instagram account of your outfits.

    Have you gotten the amber necklace yet? DOES IT WORK????
