
15 September 2013

Discovery Zone

Not the place. Although I'm fairly certain those are now extinct ... but I could be wrong. And I'm also fairly certain that there is at least one other post on this here blog that goes by the name of Discovery Zone as well. Live and let live and move on. Now, Grace.

Tonight was the last super depressing Sunday afternoon of 2k13 that Simon had to trudge into the trenches. The float will be waiting for him in January but let's focus on the positive and the present that is the last week of this rotation that will not kill us dead. Oh, it's tried rill hard. Won't work.

In the mean time ... some things from the weekend. 

The movie Safe Haven ... right. More like Horror Haven. Nicholas Sparks is treading in some very dark waters these days as I genuinely could not watch a very large chunk of his latest novel-turned-movie last night. Simon got to pick the last movie we watched (Safety Not Guaranteed ... which was admittedly WAY better than I anticipated ... even though I fell asleep after the first 8 minutes ... I liked the beginning) so he agreed to watch the romantic drama before he realized it was a Sparks masterpiece. Theo loved it. Simon tolerated it.

And I'm still having nightmares about it even though I couldn't even begin to tell you what the villian looked like because I distracted my eyes by snapping quality cellular images whenever I sensed he was coming on the screen (often - it was often).

Tone it down next time, Sparkie. I should disclose that I could never in a million years read any of The Hunger Games books alone at night so .... my scary standards are 96 yards below the lowest low. Seriously.

I'm not the lazy piece of trash I thought I was. Well not as lazy. Maybe. I found myself with some freeish time (?!) after Julia ruined a family outing to a playground on Saturday morning because she suffered a paper cut of a scrape to the shin and acted as thought we were going to have to amputate at the sight of .05 drops of blood. After we drove the bleeder home Simon made it up to Bash by walking him to a nearby playground, Theo was sleeping off the PTSD of listening to her screams, and the patient was talking herself off a ledge in her room. So I went outside to attack the weeds in our driveway's crevices -- you know the ones that creep and grow and all of a sudden it's sort of Jungle Booky looking? Yes. I hated pulling weeds when I was younger but found the task to be ... enjoyable. Almost. Definitely gratifying and why is she typing about this? I don't know. Not that I'm any sort of Cinderella (laughlaughlaughlaugh .... if you've ever come over) but the change of pace from light (VERY light) housework and child rearing and feeding and bathing and mediating and diaper changing was really nice. So basically if you want me to come pull weeds --- I'm game as long as you watch the kids which should be a real picnic for you. I have to add that Simon came home and finished the job and swept the driveway back into tip top shape so I really shouldn't be waxing boasty about my 27 minutes of yard work. But ... I yam. If I ever take up gardening ... I just don't know if the internet has enough word space for me because you know I'll be walking you through every painful 'tail. Every one.

Self-timer family portraits attempts are rarely futile.

 Sebastian had dashed five miles by auto-snap numero dos.

 Theo graduated to the big kid bath club and dramatically improved my quality of life.

I love chucking the baby bathtub into the storage room around this age because what a buzz kill that thing is. It's always in the way and it's so nice getting them all bathed in one fell swoop of a session and Theo's new happy sound is a roar and he just roars up a storm from his perch as caboose because he is clam-level happy. The getting them all out and dressed while trying to avoid a cluster of meltdowns is still a work in progress but ... we'll get there.

We'd starve in Hollywood. We made a little movie for Wendy's flatbread sandwich (we tried the Asiago Ranch and it was so good) on Saturday night. Our acting was atrocious and people thought Sebastian was cursing (never out of the realm of possibility) and I've not a creative bone in my bod so ... watch and cringe. And then cleanse your palate and watch about a billion more creatively hilarious clips and even add your own right here. I know you can do so much better.

In a moment of dizzying thirst and insanity I bought a bottle of kombucha. I gave it five thoughtful sips and came to the conclusion that it tastes exactly like carbonated feet. Sweaty Sebastian Feet. Never ever again.

I'll stick to my old faithful and familiar carbonation (sparingly, I swear). Forever.


  1. Please never stop blogging. Your posts are the highlight of my days right up there with Party of Five reruns (that makes me sound so horribly sad). I always hate getting to your last sentence.

    I love Julia's little pigtails.

    I have Safe Haven on my "to watch" list on Netflix. I'm not sure if I should be scared now or what. I guess I better give it a go.

    I'm so happy your latest rotation torture fest is over at least for a little while. If only women stopped having babies outside of the 9-5 time slot. Dang newborns and them ruling the world. It would also be nice if hospitals weren't a 24 hr operation. I'm willing to compromise though and say it should only be closed one day a month and all important holidays, feast days, and holy days of obligation. In my world that seems reasonable. I guess until then... hospital widows unite!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OMG... I've got the Discovery Zone jingle in my head now. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

  4. Thanks for the tip on the movie! I have it in the que but will being deleting! I hate, hate, hate anything even a little scary.

    And I get you on the weeds. I'm as lazy as they come, but last week I found myself power washing the entire house. It was fun!

  5. Thanks for the tip on the movie! I have it in the que but will being deleting! I hate, hate, hate anything even a little scary.

    And I get you on the weeds. I'm as lazy as they come, but last week I found myself power washing the entire house. It was fun!

  6. My mom makes her own kombucha. Seriously it smells awful. Like "I think I'm gonna die" awful. I'm too afraid to try it so go you.

    Those family pics... perfect!

  7. While I miss your posting in the afternoon, since I definitely need some major energy boostage around then, this morning arrangement gives me a laugh to start my day. Thanks for thinking of me when you change your schedule ;)

    Seriously though... Any post any time is a treat. Keep 'em coming.

  8. my sister also said safe haven was disturbing. i've never seen it myself, but i trust you two.

    also, yes, kombucha is the narstiest thing to ever be carbonated. blech!

  9. Bash is such a clever guy! So little and he swears already, LOL! ;)
    And, I'm seriously thinking about creating a "Theo's fan club", I'm sure I'll have tons of followers...

  10. Thanks for the movie review! I hate all things scary. Theo is the cutest little boy baby (obv Sophie wins for girls! Wink) and you should def share a video of his roar.

  11. I'll totally take the weed-pulling for child watching swap. I have a big, ole' vegetable garden that has seen some serious neglect in the past month and is a weed-infested jungle. I can handle Julia - bring it.

  12. The multi-kid tubby is always traumatic. I always have to take my youngest out first. Punishment for splashing you know....

  13. I'm about to tread the kombucha waters next week when my mom uses me as a tester for her first batch. Thanks for the heads up. However, I would recommend kefir water soda. YUMMY! My mom used grape juice, so it tastes like...dun dun dun...sparkling grape juice. With a little bit of an alcoholic smell/taste. YUMMY.

  14. At the suggestion of the local Le Leche League, I bought some Kombucha. I have yet to gather my courage to actually try it though. Now I'm really not feeling the bravery. But I do love me some carbonation.

    It's probably expired by now.

  15. ROTFL that video is hilarious!! I accidentally told our friends out loud at dinner last night that I just wanted a quiet moment alone with my tortellini. I think my husband died a little inside after I said that, and made a mental note to stop taking me out in public. I cannot for the life of me remember why I started telling you that story (I've been interrupted ten times in the last two minutes of writing this), but maybe it was Simon holding the sammich that made me think of awkward moments?
    Anyways, we agree with you guys that safety not guaranteed was wonderful and safe haven was regrettable.

  16. i liked safe haven, but it was definitely a bit much for sparks. gardening is the best! who knew?! i didn't think i'd like it until a couple years ago i had to do something with the front of our house. now, if it's not 100 degrees, i absolutely love to go out there & garden.

  17. My mother also suffered from the Safe Haven nightmares. Straight up PTSD for Mary Carol. Made me come over and sleep with her when my dad was out of town, PTSD.

    I'm sure the littles will be more than happy to snuggle up.

  18. Julia's face in that last pic is hilarious.

    And any Nicholas Sparks story/movie is horror to me... but I'm a cynic. Also a total chicken when it comes to actual horror, so I get you. I've been forbidden to see scary movies since Secret Window. So now if I'm curious I just wikipedia the storyline. That still gives me the heebies half the time.

    1. Oh, and I have a lot of weeds here... and a dog who loveslovesloves kids, so as long as yours don't mind their faces being squeaky cleaned (by a dog), we've got a deal.

  19. I make my own carbonated kombucha and it's a family favourite treat. My husband and kids drink it like it's soda. My sisters, however, won't touch it and call it "Emily's fungus water".

    The self timer pics are hilarious. Ours always look similar.

  20. Oh my freakin' goodness. What are you doing wearing a sweater and scarf??? DOn't you know it's 90+ degrees here in Texas?!

    Oh, but not everyone lives in Texas. That's right.

  21. My SIL makes her own kombucha. And after I saw it, I decided that I would never ever touch the stuff not a tiny bit. Gross.

    And, I also did yard work for the first time in my entire life the other day. I pulled some weeds, trimmed some stuff, and then left it all on the ground for Mike to clean up. Similar.

  22. Have you tried the "green chia" kombucha? Sooo good.

  23. Ugh. If only Discovery Zone still existed!! :)

  24. I'm ALL about the multi-child bath. SO much better.
