
07 November 2012

29 weeks

puffy preg or a menacing lioness? I don't know but puffy needs a comb and maybe a momcut.

Gestating right along here. I know the baby has a long way to grow and I'm not going to wish away the pregnancy because heaven knows those first few postpartum weeks have me longing for the last several pregnant weeks but the baby already feels BIG. But don't they all? And I'd say this baby is a real mover and shaker but I've yet to hear about an in utero babe that isn't. Not special.

I can happily report that I've experienced no visits from the heartburn fairy unlike I did with the other two Pattonlets and so I'm predicting that this baby will arrive sans hair not unlike a little Gollum. Poor thing. I'm measuring right at 28 weeks with the speeding weight gain train picking up an average of two weekly pounds. Things you needed to know.

One of the (many) emails I sent to Simon with a list of potential names prompted Gmail to ask if he'd like them to translate the email into the Spanish language. So, we are getting nowhere very fast in that department.

I've been working diligently on my birth plan which involves training Sebastian to take care of Julia in case of an unlikely precipitous delivery (talk her down from a meltdown cliff, lift her out of her crib, fix her morning "coffee" - the basics) talking in soothing and hushed tones to the baby about not getting antsy to arrive while his/her father is working an overnight shift. And I'm still debating a refresher parenting course.

And I'm guessing that about covers all of the unsolicited pregninfo you could ever want to know.

jegs: Target
shirt: Target
cowl: giveaway prize from Handmade by Meg K
boots: eBay

29 weeks along with J
29 weeks along with Bash


  1. Does he work at the hospital you will deliver at? Sounds like you need a middle of the night person you can call I was a precipitous birth baby, and my mother still hasn't forgiven me for it!

  2. Oh and PS you look great (as usual)!

  3. you are my preg idol. #creepythingstosaytostrangers

  4. The cowl!!!! It's cowl weather again, isn't it? Now to find my trainwreck of a cowl and put it on.
    Now I'm dying to know what names you had on that email. I keep trying to sneak a "Paolo" in on the Donaldson roster, but Ken keeps saying it's "too Spanish".

    ummmm....I wonder if he remembers that he was the one to name Joaquin?

    1. Paolo is much more italian than spanish

  5. I seriously love your sarcasm. It may be strange to say, but it's like a breath of fresh air to see your posts in my reader. Cheers to not taking ourselves so seriously!

    Also.. thank you for being one of the many that are perpetuating my baby fever. It's not agonizing at all ;)

  6. You look great, Grace! Love your outfit!

  7. The cowl, the boots, LOVE IT! I love the second picture - you look barely preggo, like you're trying to push that bump out :o)
    Overall, B-E-A-UTIFUL!

  8. Haha! I would kill to see your name lists! That's my favorite part about other people having babies is finding out what they name them!

  9. You look great! You look nowhere near 29 weeks and there is no way that is a big baby. lisak

  10. As always you look amazing Grace!

  11. Here is what I am wondering, what sort of inner thigh work do you do? Because, well, it's not for certain but it's possible, maybe that mine might gravitate towards each other. Like all the time.

    That is all.

  12. God Bless! As I type this, I am taking a break from walking my steps because I am three days overdue and at my wits end. Enjoy 29 weeks! Can't wait to hear the name!

    it is to DIE for.

  14. You could not possibly be any cuter!! My heck! I love it!
    I hope the evil heartburn fairy continues to stay far far away

  15. You better have one epic birth story to spill when this one comes. Mama needs a birth story fix.

  16. I love that cowl! Maybe we can convince Meg to make and giveaway another? :)

  17. There is no way you can be 29 weeks! Wow you look great!

  18. Cute! Oh...and how in the world are you 29 weeks already?

  19. P.S. What's the watch/bracelet you've got on there??

  20. P.P.S. Are you gestating part of the baby in your hair? Because you are TINY. xoxo

  21. Bitty bump. Looking incredible for baby #3!!! Wahoo. Share the secret...

  22. Looking good, chica! And your posts always make me gigglesnort.

  23. I feel like you are just NOW starting to look pregnant.

  24. I am 14 weeks, and I pretty much look exactly like you do, except with bigger legs and smaller boobs, so.......thanks for that! ;)

  25. Haha, we haven't met a non-Spanish Gabriel yet so it's all good. I say you ought to pick a name from that e-mail!

  26. Hey lady- thanks for the shout-out! You look great- especially your girls (yes, I'm commenting on your boobs...are we there yet?)! Birth plan? Ha! I laugh in the face of birth the training for Sebastian though- mornings with Julia sound delightful :)

  27. ahhhh - cutsie tootsie. lovin' it!

  28. Don't know about anyone else, but I'd definitely like to know what names the Mister is rejecting...the more outrageous the better.

    And if I know myself at all, I think my future husband better watch out for prank names just to mess with him :)

  29. I love reading your posts they always make me laugh :)


  30. You're so darn cute pregnant! It's like you defy nature and say, "I refuse to look frumpy and like I just ate my way through a gallon of strawberry ice cream!" This is my shout out to Strawberry ice cream. Holla. Crap, now I need some. Hang in there. You're gonna have a cute baby and look fab right after. I can already tell ..:)

  31. You are adorable!
    Can't wait to hear the name, see the pics, etc.

  32. I cannot believe how cute you are. Also, you pretty much have to name your kid either Brideshead or Cordelia, since you're already covered 2 of the 4 siblings in Brideshead Revisited. Do we know if it's a boy or girl yet? I'm hoping girl, cause Cordelia is a great name and Brideshead is an awful one.
