
08 November 2012

Open to Interpretation

Open to Interpretation is back (!!) and Erica and Kayla were kind enough to let me join them once again. They even let me choose the first inspiration picture and I went with this pretty from My Style Pill:

 And here's my interpretation:

We'll call the original, "blazer and burgundy chic" and we'll call my interpretation, "housecoat and hooves frump" ... I even chickened out of wearing the heels to my pre-noon OB appt partly because I felt ridiculous and partly because I felt really ridiculous. Plus I have special feather shoes reserved especially for weigh-ins.

I sort of hesitated to bust out my housecoat because I wore it home from the hospital after having Sebastian and didn't take it off until he was about 4 months old ... it even had the fossilized spit up stains to prove it (before I washed it!! Don't worry). It is very comfortable, very generous in the coverage department, and very frumpy. I love it and once I go housecoat ... I don't go back until it's at least 84 degrees outside. Sorry Sime. 

What else can I say? Oh, those pants were so tight that they gave me multiple contractions and have been put in the drawer reserved for many, many, MANY moons postpartum ... as opposed to the drawer for just many moons postpartum.

Now go see how the much more fashionably adept Erica and Kayla interpreted the pick and have a tolerable day.

shirt: Old Navy
pants: Target
housecoat: Old Navy
shoes: Blowfish


  1. What a fun idea! I like yours better because I'm not a fan of her two blazers. The scarf is a nice touch too. Went searching Target for those pants. Of course they had none left in a size even close to mine. Darn.

  2. Haha love it! You really do look great! I never wear heals with jeans either, it's cute but I don't have enough confidence for it. I love a good frumpy sweater! I was proud of myself for passing up a navy one at Old Navy on sale for $10! I'm trying a little...

  3. you are working those red pants and those wedges. those multiple contractions are most definitely worth it.

  4. Where can I pick up a pair of these said feather shoes? Indeed I need some of those-as I've gained 2-3lbs every week.. And I'm blaming my shoes as apposed to the 8+ butterfingers I eat every day. They are snack size.. Therefore calorie free. See how that girl math works?? Looking beautiful as always- I'm envious of your hair!

  5. I'd use the descriptor "cozy" rather than "frumpy." I'm sad those pants can't continue to fit you..I think they are vair preg-chic.

    I might need a housecoat.

  6. Where is your baby bump? I almost missed it;)
    LOVE this color pant...I ordered what I thought would be this color and they arrived barney purple. No returns accepted. Wonderful.

  7. soooo fabulous. I love your interpretation better. I'm all about the frump. :)

  8. so cute grace! i'm soooo happy oti is again up and running because i so wanted to participate last time but i had approx. 1 pair of pants and 2 shirts that fit over the twin bump. this time will hopefully prove a little more doable...and get me out of my daily sweatpants... :)

  9. Great outfit, and. . . can I just say your blog is really one of my favorites. You always make me laugh.
