
23 October 2012

27 Weeks

Simon suggested I "go and grab a shawl" to complete the look. Maybe next time.

Despite all the television excitement via the big Debate and the big Game last night Simon conked out before the clock struck 8:30 in the pm and left me with the great quandary of 2k12 ... "am I really too scared to go get my book out of the van in the super safe and well lit driveway?" um, yes. So I pulled a curious G and started Googling, "how to know if you're having a boy or a girl" ... something I previously wasn't terribly curious about but all of a sudden ... curiousity wracked my uterus. Don't worry, I'm back from neuroticville and am mostly ambivalent now - I think.

Anyway ... the Google led me down a lot of helpful trails:

Mix urine with Drain-o: tempting but pass
Heart rate high or low?  "normal range" says my obstetric practitioner
Have little boys taken an interest in the belly? (if yes, girl) One time Sebastian gave it a brutal beating and a bite
Facial fullness? (if yes, girl) I thought that came with preg territory
Are your cravings for sweet or salty food? All. All food, please.

So I'd say odds are in favor of another sweet and mild-mannered pretty, pretty princess but we'll all just have to wait and see.

outfit deets:
pants: Target
shirt: Target maternity
boots: Famous Footwear (similar)
smiles: genuine

27 weeks with bash
27 weeks with little J


  1. you look adorable! and tiny! team target! (lots of exclamation points, i can't help myself!)

  2. That's pretty much what my belly looks like, but I'm 14 weeks. Yeeeeeaaaaahhhh.

  3. how you are still so tiny. jeal.

  4. How are you 27 weeks already?! That FLEW for me. I guess it's because you didn't announce until later on, but still.

    Also, you are tiny. Where is that baby hiding?

  5. Look at you all cute and pregnant! I feel like a stranger since I haven't been on the internets in months unless I'm googling how to teach about the great depression... lol Congratulations!

  6. Ok, so how do you fight nature and actually get SMALLER with every pregnancy, woman??? I love ya, but all I'm sayin is science should probably start investigating your awesome genes.

    1. I KNOW! I was just thinking the same freaking unfair thing. So unfair.

  7. Ok so I am guessing that you're having another little man due to the fact that you look exactly the same at 27w with Mr. Bash man. Although, you could just have a tiny little lady in there. Either way, he/she is going to be absolutely precioso just like the other 2.

    1. I agree! Your pea-sized belly looks the same as with Basher so my vote is boy. And to add to the comment train, I want your secret for staying so small. You and I have basically the same size belly and I'm five months POSTpartum. :)

  8. Oh goodness, I love absolutely everything about your blog, especially the pregnancy posts, but seriously, I looked like that at about 12 weeks. I'm 27 now too and I look more like your last 35 week picture. Seriously. What are you eating? Or, more likely, not eating. I guess since I eat everything in sight all the time I can't complain, but still. LOL. Way to go!

  9. Okay, I hear that I'm small, but I am a giant compared to you. I seriously. . . am just amazed.

  10. Add me to the list of women jealous of Grace's notbelly. Your 27 looks like my 15 or so. Bleh. You rock being pregnant.

  11. omg. I already broke out my belly band at 10 weeks this time...I just chalked it up to the fact that it was #2. Clearly you have it under control. Nice belly!

    Also, from what I've read, the Draino thing is very true...well, at least it used to be. They recently changed their formula and it doesn't work anymore. Darn.

  12. I'm votin' girl this time around. Feelin' it.

  13. I agree with Dwija. For some reason I feel like you are having a girl.

  14. I'm guessin girl, but hoping for boy just because the boys are vastly outnumbered here in ole' st. Louie.

  15. Love the boots. And I was going to say the same thing as Paige and Diwja. You are totally smaller this time around. Unfair. Every time, I was bigger. Darn stomach muscles.

  16. I'm guessin girl, but hoping for boy just because the boys are vastly outnumbered here in ole' st. Louie.

  17. You're so tiny! And I'm guessing it's a girl! I don't know how you can stand not to know....I literally couldn't get to 18 weeks fast enough so we could find out. I don't like surprises, I like to plan ahead!

  18. You look great! This is how I know if it's a boy or girl: gain in your belly = BOY, gain in your butt/thighs = GIRL. So I guess you're having a nothing since you're not gaining anywhere ;) I love that you're not finding out - go you!!

  19. ooooooh! i didn't know you were preggers! congrats!!! (i guess i'm just a liiiiiittle behind with the blogsphere!) how exciting! you are SO tiny! seriously, i know i carried small with jack but not THAT small!

  20. i love your jeans! i wish you lived nearby so you could be my personal shopper. lol

  21. You are so cute and tiny and YOUR die for.
    Mine is thin and flat most of the time.
    Cute as a button you are.

  22. How is it that you are smaller with each pregnancy?? That just doesn't seem fair. If you weren't so sweet, funny and loveable I would absolutely hate you! You look great. Hope you're feeling well.

  23. I read a comment of yours on another blog about hair envy. Puh-leeease miss, you have the most amazing hair ever!!! :) and the outfit looks cute even without a scarf :)

    1. you're so sweet!

      I'll pass that along to my professional photog!!
