
13 January 2012

failed helicopter

Much to my horror, Julia has learned to open doors. More specificially, she has mastered opening the door to the upstairs and the door to the downstairs. And because I cannot clone myself into a tangible guardian angel for the little tyke I'm certain she is going to fall down one set of stairs and die any minute now. I wasted the entirety of Sebastian's late morning nap (not to be confused with his early morning or mid morning naps) trying to force the climb DOWN stairs milestone.  In 45 minutes she got down one stair and I pulled out about 1/3 of my hair. Combined with the postpartum hair loss ... this leaves me with five wisps on the old nog. So pretty.  I'm actually typing this on location at the top stair where she is still refusing to budge right now. We'll see who wins the stair off ... kind and patient mom or smart and advanced toddler. Wish us luck. 

My fear was realized as just before I clicked, "publish" Julia fell down the stairs head first. While she didn't die and only suffered minor head trauma and bleeding, I just might keel over from the weight of my new yoke of guilt.


  1. I hope Julia is ok. Don't feel guilty, or at least know you're not alone. C and V learned how to climb onto the kitchen chairs. I assumed, incorrectly, that this meant they knew how to get down. I left C unattended on a chair for about 7 seconds and the next thing I knew I was being startled by the sound of her head hitting the floor. She cried, I cried, V cried. It was a sad state of affairs.

  2. Oh no! We've experienced our fair share of head injuries, too. They always bring an extreme amount of guilt even though they are accidents. I hope Julia is okay!

  3. Oh the stairs...don't worry, my kids have a got a few months on Julia, and my son STILL managed to fall down the stairs, a few days ago...sigh

  4. Poor girl. Try and teach her to go down on her belly. Feet first. I hate stairs and babies, but darn if they don't love the thrill of them.

  5. Oh, I hate teaching them stairs. Our last home had a really steep set and I was sure Tagg was going to die on them. He fell a few times, and that made him scared to try for a while, but eventually he got to the point where he could cruise up and down faster than I could keep up. Good luck! Stairs suck.

  6. Oh my gosh, I probably shouldn't be loling to your daughter falling down the stairs. You are just too funny. Maybe that will put a little fear in her heart? For a moment or two at least.

  7. When Lotus was about Julia's age, she fell aaaaalllllll the way down the downstairs -er- stairs. Not the carpeted kind, either, but the kind covered with linoleum with a metal strip on each edge. I was in the laundry room, too far away to reach her, and watched in horror as she slow-motion fell like a cartoon character, head, butt, head, butt.

    Oh the horror and guilt. Obviously, she was fine, and then got her revenge about a week later, when she managed to lock both Ken and I downstairs while she took off running amok upstairs.

  8. Gahhhh....parenting is so stressful! Hope she's ok!

  9. My friends found these super awesome (and easy) up-high door locks for the front door. Their oldest daughter is Stinky's age and a crazy pants escape artist. But she cannot tackle that lock way up at the top of the door. I think Home Depot carries them...something to consider :)

  10. Julia has a cute little pot belly btw ; )

  11. I remember trying to get Regan to go down stairs, it took months! And like you I hated that she would constantly go up them but refuse to go down unless she was carried. Good luck teaching her, hopefully she doesn't have too many more accidents before she learns!

  12. Oh goodness. In our last house Piper learned to "bump down" on her booty, but those stairs still scared me to death.

  13. Bronson still can't open doors. i thought he'd figured it out the other day and i almost died on the spot. good luck X a hundred.

  14. It happens to every child at some point. I'm not a mom and I probably can't take away your guilt-feelings, but my nephew fell down a whole flight of stairs when he was 1 1/2 and, after crying at full volume for about 30 seconds, got distracted by a ball bouncing past and that was that. He's fine.
    Oh, and I let my little brother fall off a trampoline head-first when he was a baby and I was supposed to be watching him. He's about as normal as little brothers ever are :)
    They're bendy at that age, right?

  15. this sucks, how do I know? well, I've got 4 kids and three flights of stairs so do the math and the rate of children falling down stairs is something like 50 times a day, ya math ain't my gift but you get the point...

    ps- I like your pretty white railings and blue walls

  16. Oh my gosh. That sucks! Have you tried "sit on your booty"? That's the only way my wee ones can manage to go down the stairs without half dying. They scooch one step at a time on their butts. Slow but effective.
