
12 January 2012


Muchos kudos to Kayla for the Camp's new look.  I gave her virtually no direction but she managed to design and install the entire thing in something crazy like eight minutes flat.  I've promised her my third born in exchange for her stellar services. Needless to say, she is thrilllled about the fair trade.

In the spirit of fresh, I updated the about page. I'm sure you can't wait to scurry up and over. You know you have nothing better to do. 

Sleep tight.


  1. I don't know if I'm allowed to say this about my own work but I luuuurve it.

  2. Hahahahaha. This about page is probably the BEST about page I have EVER read dealing with young children. I laughed out loud which really isn't a good thing because I'm totally sneaking looking at your blog while at work. Seriously, it's to damn funny. The last picture is of course my favorite.

  3. Your blog looks awesome! It is officially the supermodel of blogs. I bow.
