
14 January 2012


A rare and semi-precious gem. Julia showing affection ... sort of.

My dad sent me this article containing book recommendations for Downton Abbey fanatics.
The cutest new blog by a fellow teaching retiree (go prove her husband wrong and follow along).
Jenny renamed her witty blog. I love it. 
 Jessica told me about this mean website. Very mean but sometimes very funny. 
Simon has been loving this song and clip
Now that the weather is finally freezing (yay.), I think I'll make some fried ice cream.

Have a great Saturday. I have plans of the grandeur variety to fold some cold and neglected laundry, mop the floors (as opposed to the ceiling) and organize my dresser. 
yee to the haw.


  1. yea! for new blogs to follow and stalk :) If you do end up making fried ice cream you *have* to share (pictures and such). And what a coincidence! I am also folding neglected laundry and organizing my dresser. How strange... perhaps this is what all amazing people do on Saturday?

  2. Thanks for the snaps (anyone else remember Clueless?)! What a cah-razy coincidence, I also have a pile of cold laundry staring me in the face, but I am ignoring it and internetting instead.

  3. You like Downton Abbey too?! Yay! We took out our deep frier this weekend (it's boring around here) and someone needs to stop me! I'm deep frying everything. I'm justifying because I have to use the 3 bottles of oil it took :0

  4. let's clarify that when i told you about that blog i wasnt saying it was cool. i was saying it was mean.

    i do not want to be the source of negativity, thank you very much.

  5. ahhhhh i love this song too! alicia showed it to me last sunday and i sat watching the entire thing.

  6. sometimes the only blog i read is "get off my internets." and then I feel bad. but i do love it so.
