
01 June 2016

let no milestone go unblogged ...

rogue Cheerio y todo.

Despite Bosco being 11.5 months old he has yet to master the traditional crawl that the majority of his peers have been doing for months (if not already walking!) and instead opted for a sit and scoot and maneuver around that has served his life purposes just fine.

Until now.

Yes, even with the fifth baby it's a big deal and we all get excited and crawl around like loons hoping he'll emulate our idiocy. Usually he just cackles and claps but sometimes he takes the bait and goes for the water bottle gold. 

I'll be sure to let you know when he starts walking. Next year.


  1. Such a good mom and adorable boy!

  2. my older son did the same scooting thing. We called him the "butt scoot baby".

  3. My 11.5 month old is just starting crawling as well! He's our 6th baby! Guess he finally decided it was more fun to get it yourself, then wait for one of your older siblings!

  4. Well he is an adorable and kissable babe!!!!

    I'm a little jealous that yours is just now getting into torpedo mobility mode at 11 1/2 months. My 8mo decided to start WALKING this week. I wasn't/am not ready for the chase.

  6. My granddaughter is 13 months and is still doing what we call "the gorilla crawl"... sitting, arms pull her forward while she stays in a very lady like position. Won't even think about walking. Meanwhile, her cousin who is ten months old and two pounds lighter is running everywhere he goes. Go figure!

  7. Thanks for making me smile this morning. I love it. So awesome! Go Bosco!!

  8. My oldest was a scooter and never crawled, just went to walking! He had to have physical therapy (born early) and the therapist was very worried about him skipping crawling because of some kind of neurological connections, so we had to make him crawl around even after he could walk. Crazy parenting for the win! Bosco is so adorable!!

  9. Literally love his temperament! He seems like such a calm child compared to his next oldest ;) ...what a joy! I just love the Patton family :)

  10. My son never crawled. He would lay on his back and push himself around. He had the biggest bald spot that started to fill in when he began walking around 11 months.

  11. So cute!!! My little one didn't crawl until about 11 months either, but we finally got her going by bribing her with puffs! She's actually still motivated by food...

  12. Mine was 10 months old before she crawled and 14 months old before she walked. Perfection takes time!

  13. So sweet!! His smile is so friendly - adorable little guy.

  14. 11.5 months already! He was just born!

    1. I was going to say the same thing! No WAY is he almost 1! Grace, are you sure??? :P

  15. My daughter didn't crawl until 3 weeks shy of her first birthday and didn't walk until 16 months - not delayed in anything else. Crazy little creatures!
