
08 June 2015

just for clicks and giggles

minus the giggles.

Oh come on, Julia. Don't be a quitter.

Would you believe I made those dresses? Good, You shouldn't. Cordelia clothing surprised us and sent them (and others!) and now I hope the girls stop growing for a few years so that they can wear them and wear them and wear them almost forever.

Well, after two weeks of a napless existence for Sebastian I waved my white flag and finally laid the law down and bit the bullet and took the bull by the horns and many other metaphors and had the boys nap in the same room after many threats and ultimatums and ... sweet success. Complete with dancing flamenco emoji. SO! I'm going to celebrate with a nap of my own because my pesky bestie Insomnia actually just had an est end (she wears be fri) 1/2 of a heart necklace made for me because we are tight these nights.

Here's what I found in the middle of the night for you and you and you ... and maybe mostly me, I guess.

We all know I'm a birth story junkie and I'd be mortified to know the exact number I've read in my lifetime but this one!! ... this one is still the craziest.

I've been dreaming of a realistic postpartum wardrobe since I've outgrown pretty much all of my maternity garb and wore the yogurt splattered (thanks Phoebe!) pants to the OB this morning to prove it and this post was total gold. (And this shirt ... it's been open on my computer for days upon days)

Sweet Hallie told me about this author and now I can't put this book down and I can't wait to devour more of her work. It's been a long time since I've been totally lost in a book and I'm grateful for the distraction at this point of my gestation because SEPTEMBER IS TOO FAR AWAY, Mindy.

I can't tell you how happy I am that Blythe is blogging again. Or she better not be teasing us and leave us hanging again ....  impending birth or not.

It's taking all of my will power not to stock up on little gifts (one or some for myself? potentially!) from here because I'm a predictable sucker when it comes to pretty packaging and something tells me the products aren't too shabby either. I'll wait until we aren't all sharing a closet though. I guess.
Okay, that's it.
For today.
Hope your Monday hasn't been terrible.