
02 July 2014

spiked + sparkling lemonade

FULL credit for this delightful concoction goes to my sister-in-law, Mary.

I've tried lots of drink recipes (I see you, Pinterest) that always look so great but I always come back to this winner of a cocktail. I think you'll enjoy it too. Please know that while I love, love, love any and all fruity drinks (minus jungle juice - shiver) this drink isn't too terribly fruity - even if you use a sweeter champagne. Simon happily drinks it and he generally won't touch my moscato or riesling so I'd say it's a pretty safe drink to serve to a crowd as long as you have some beer ready to sing backup.

Also, tread carefully because it doesn't taste muscular but it's pretty strong and I do not want to be liable for any poor decision making after you've knocked back one or more.

Let's just get to it.


one (scant) shot lemon juice
one (generous) shot triple sec
one (regular) shot gin

shake shake shake and pour over ice and then fill the rest of your glass with champagne or sparkling wine. I prefer sweeter but ... you're not me. Do what you want.

Garnish with fruit, or don't. Who cares.


Let me know if you make it and love it.
Please don't tell me if you make it and hate it.

and a few notes because there's always more to say:
+ beverage photography is a huge passion of mine, obviously
+ straw/no straw? decisions galore
+ I'm embarrassed to tell you how long I spent trying to get that font situated
+ an hour
+ not worth it
+ the triple sec can be found in the liqueur section of the alcohol aisle (I spent 18 minutes hunting it down only to come home and see that we had a full unopened bottle on our very dusty shelf of alcohol, OOPS) 
+ Simon said I should've just photographed a glass of water but I could never live with that lie
+ that's all



  1. ooooh, well i love it when a fellow girl loves a drink as well :) i've recently drunk (eaten?) up all my champagne float-style ( but, you say, GO BUY MORE? well, i'll just tell the hubby that grace said so :)

  2. this sounds like my kind of drink... my stomach can't take all the fruit juice and sugar in so many of them! thanks for the recipe, and love the commentary. Simon's right, i totally wouldn't have known if you had photographed water ;)

  3. Looks delicious! Ugh Jungle Juice, shiver is right. I am thinking this with some of Janssen's 4th of July ice cubes could be my 4th of July cocktail.

  4. That looks amazingly perfect for the 4th actually. And Pinterest, yes Pinterest. My worst addiction. I just did a post on various drinks for the weekend, I missed this post by like 4 days! :) Happy 4th!


  5. Sounds delish! Also, just that little bit of Simon Says had me laughing...

  6. Yum, I want to try this immediately. I love that it's light, but still slightly fruity. And for the record, I don't think it just looks like a glass of water. ;)

  7. I'm cracking up here. How you manage to make a drink recipe post hilarious is why you are a blog wizard and the rest of us are mere commoners. Cheers!

  8. That recipe is very close to a French 75 (Gin, Champagne, Lemon Juice, Sugar). And that's delishhh so I'm sure this is too.

  9. Ooh! I have all those ingredients! Well, minus the sparkling wine (that never lasts long around here...). I shall make these for the 4th of July and they shall be consumed with glee!!!

  10. Oh, how I would love to drown in this delicious cocktail! I suppose I would just have to settle with the unspiked version for a few more weeks!

  11. that sounds delish! i'll be over here sadly sipping mocktails (possibly the worst name for a drink? openly mocking you with it's lack of alcohol?) #pregnancyproblems

  12. oh, this is definitely dangerous. the combination of those ingredients + champagne remind me a little bit of our family christmas punch, which is all liquor + orange juice "for color."

  13. Sounds refreshing! I'm all about summer drinks ( or any season, ha!)

    Also totally read the line above as "don't blame me if you make poor decisions or after you get knocked up." LOL

  14. This is now top priority for consumption post-birth. I may even try to make Mike smuggle some into the hospital room because I just don't think I can wait much longer thank right away. Thank you thank you!

  15. Yum! And wouldn't you know, I've got all the ingredients on hand (had to double check for sparkling wine). 3:10, that's pretty much 5 as far as I am concerned...

  16. Only 17 more weeks (give or take) until I will be trying this recipe! 17....more....weeks....


  17. Your making me want a cocktail!!! Happy Fourth!

  18. I can't wait to try this! In fact, I think I'll be making it for the Fourth of July party I'm going to tomorrow.

  19. A witty recipe post. You're good. Looking forward to 5:00. P.S. The font is perfect.
