
03 July 2014

a few of my favorite things at the present moment

Linking up with Heather this week. Go see her ... she's a lot more fun than anything going down around here.

1. Kate! She gets it right every single time. Give me those righting skills, pleese.

2. This car seat. Nuna generously sent Phoebe her new throne which was greatly appreciated because Simon repeatedly claimed we'd be reported to CPS for the current state of our old car seat (it wasn't that bad ... just well-loved!). Anyway, we love it and feel super spoiled. Buckling her in is about a million times easier than with our old seat, there's a removable insert for super easy washing, and the canopy is a secret pocket with a sun/rain cover that can be pulled out and held in place by magnets. We were caught in a torrential downpour visiting Simon a few weeks ago and the cover saved the day, kept her dry, and made me feel a little less guilty for never making my kids one of those car seat covers (you know the ones). It comes in a ton of different colors but we thought she'd like to match her siblings seats with red and black. We thought right, I think. People often email asking about car seat options/thoughts and I don't have a ton of experience but this one is a winner.

3. I'm really tempted to play it cool but I don't think I can. So after I linked to Sharleen's blog last week, she thanked me on Twitter.

Behold ...

... just one step closer to the franchise.

I just strapped on my e-helmet because I'm sure people will start throwing large thorny objects in my direction when I admit this BUT ... I don't get all the Nick hate. He's not even close to Tierra or Courtney territory. My only problem is that he talks like he's chewing on a cotton ball. Okay, enough is enough on the vapid front but I'm petrified she ends up with Josh, my least favorite. Time will tell.

4. The Hundred!! There are still some tickets left for sale and looky look who the keynote speaker is. I cannot wait. I will, but I don't want to. I hope YOU consider coming. Yes, you!

5. And full circling back to Heather. This post is a gem, especially if you've ever had the pleasure of trying to shop for children's clothing. Go!

Happy 3rd of July.


  1. So I've read the Bachelor spoilers because I can't help myself. I also don't get the Nick hatred. I kind of think the cockiness is him overcompensating for nervousness to a certain degree. Him stealing her away a lot and pissing off the other guys...well, it's working. She loves it. Instead of spending so much energy being pissed at Nick, maybe the others should start using his tricks to win her over.

  2. I do not get the Nick hate at all either....guys just be jealous they don't have his game, just sayin! He's actually my favorite! Also I've been reading Sharleen's blog and yes a nice little read indeed!

  3. Right there with you with Nick! I actually really like him.... I'm a Bachleorette watching newbie this season though so maybe I don't get it, but I feel like he's just kind of playing to win? And isn't that the point of a reality show? I don't know, I feel like I see the connection between him and Andi. And Brian (and everyone else) had said the same "I'll do whatever it takes to get her" things! (/end over-analyzing a reality show)

  4. Chewing on a cotton ball!! Ha exactly. My dislike is almost solely based on his speech and I feel bad if she needs to listen to that for her whole wedded life. Other than that- go get it, bud haha.

    1. And sharleen reads your blog? You go, girl!

    2. HahA. No no no I highly doubt that!! :)

  5. I'm just commenting that I love Kate, too. Because I can't participate in the Bachelor convo. I just can't go there with that show.

  6. If you need another bachelorette recap blog (ya can't have too many, right?!), check out

    She is knee-slapping hilarious!

  7. I've read her! Def need to add her to my reader - thank you!!

  8. I'm coming out of the wood works to say I registered for The Hundred one morning before I had had my coffee - and then completely freaked out after I had had my coffee. I'm way out of my league in coming, but I'm also really excited about the opportunity. Along the lines of what Kate wrote - I'm attempting to find something to keep me sane and hopefully a better, more interesting person. :) Looking forward to meeting you and the other lovely ladies hosting the event!

    1. I also registered for the Hundred Event and feel like I may be out of my league... but I'm sure we won't be the only ones there that feel like that! See you in August ;)

  9. I love when two bloggers i read know each other, it makes the world a smaller better place! I love Kate too.
    Liv x

  10. So cool that Sharleen gave you a shout out! And I'm Team Nick too, so far, for the same reasons that Sharleen described in her blog.

    The other day I was looking at my "follow" list in Bloglovin', and was thinking about how I happened to begin reading some of the blogs I follow. I often click on links in other blogs, and then if I find it interesting, I keep coming back. Then I realized that most of the blogs I currently follow came about from something Bachelor-related, which is almost embarrassing! I think I came to you via Amber at 3 Ladies &and Their Gent, who I got to from Shay at Mix and Match Mama, who I found through Reality Steve (a bachelor spoiler blog). Wee bit ridiculous.
