
15 June 2014

the perils of haircuts at home & other unrelated things


"just a trim" gone wild.

only a haircut a mother could love.

Hey! At least I didn't bust out the razor like Simon did to poor Sebastian.

I hope you all had a great Father's Day. We did! Donuts and naps and beautiful weather and a teeny break from a long Diet Coke hiatus. Amen. Alleluia.

Anyway, here's some internetty things I thought you just might enjoy like I did ...

I always love reading Big Mama's Fashion Fridays and this week was no different because I discovered this tank and now my train of thought goes a little bit like this: change a diaper, embroidered tank, change another diaper, embroidered tank, open six string cheeses for the hungry mice-children, embroidered tank. You pick up what I'm throwing down.

Danielle redid the Camp's blog design a few months ago and was awesome and so easy to work with but on Friday afternoon I effed something up with the post titles and so I emailed her (somewhat frantically - my priorities are my priorities) and she had it fixed in no time. She's the best and super affordable if you're itching to spice up your e-space.

Back to the fitness tracker (is that their official name? I think so) prattle. I found this article helpful in outlining all of the differences between all that the market has to offer. 

This is my new favorite song. For now.

Another one of Rachael's posts that I loved. I covet her writing skills real hard.

The diaper bag experts have expanded their inventory ... I can't pick a favorite.

And finally, if you're wanting to bite the thredUP bullet ... you can use my handy referral link for $15 off your first order. I've been lucking out in the toddler short arena lately ... glamour-is-us.

Big week ahead! Simon finds out if/where he matched for his surgery fellowship and I guess that's it. So, medium week, I suppose.

Happy Monday eve.


  1. Ah Theo's locks! I do love the buzzcut on little boys though... but his locks! Hair grows back, right?

  2. He looks adorable!! So, so cute.

  3. Um, how did Feo get a haircut and somehow age 5 years??

  4. Aww, he looks like a new recruit just out of bootcamp! Just kidding. (Well, a little. I do live on a Navy base.) He's completely adorable no matter the hair. Love all of your links this week and sending up big prayers for a desirable locale!

  5. Oh Theo!! He looks so much older! Not a baby anymore :( My first thought was "navy recruit" so Lauren from above read my mind! Ohh he and Bash are gonna rule the playground with their dashing good looks!

  6. As someone who has royally messed up a hair cut or ten at the barbershop aka my downstairs bathroom, Theo can rock this like no other!! He is so cute!!! And fingers crossed for the big news this week.

  7. He is just so handsome! Too handsome!

  8. I had an inkling you might link to me. Thank you! As a small plug for Boston, the food vendors on the Common aren't allowed to sell any sodas except diet ones. So yes, Diet Coke, on every stand.

  9. LOVE Theo's haircut! He looks so grown up! :)

  10. Theo has suddenly turned into a man... And it is adorable.

  11. Crossing my fingers you guys match in Austin. Just because everyone should get to live in Austin.

  12. theo! he looks SO old. also... match week! holy rusty. fingers crossed! #edmond

  13. I love his haircut! They won't mistake him for a girl anymore :)
    Good luck Simon!!!

  14. Love, love, love the cut! I've always loved short cuts for boys - except for that phase I went through in the late 80s/early 90s where I loved me so hair band hair!

    My son is 11 and we're just getting away from super short now that he has an actual opinion on how he looks.

  15. My boys (2 and 1) have the same haircuts!! They HATE HATE HATE having their hair washed and they are sweaty little pigs in the summer, so my solution --- BUZZ CUTS!! They make them look a lot older that is forsure - but so much easier in the bath at night! I love Theo's look with the short hair!!

  16. Baby look gone ;( hello big boy haircut :) Theo looks very cute!

  17. Holy cow, he's EXTRA adorable with that haircut!

  18. ah! I was just telling myself the other day that I didn't need to cut Sam's locks bc Theo looks so cute rocking the shag. Whatever - he is still straight up presh.

    And, that last pic of him:

  19. Hannabert decided to cut his own hair with clippers. Then cried when he found outhe was bald.


    Also: very excited to hear the news about where you guys will end up for fellowship!!!1!

  21. That haircut isn't all that bad! My 2 1/2 year old refuses to get his hair cut professionally so I have to do it and sometimes I totally botch it, but they are boys, so it always seems to look normal enough!

  22. Oh my goodness, I love the haircut. But I can't believe how much older it makes him look!

  23. Good luck with the match!! Having gone through residency and fellowship match myself, I know the stress and anxiety well!! I'm sure he'll get #1 on his rank list.... no problem!

  24. I mean, that hair...I am loving it!!! Theo, you are still the best!!!

  25. Love the haircut...praying for the match!

  26. Theo looks darling! And bigger. Praying for the match - somewhere warm and maybe close to Atlanta. Priorities.

  27. Theo looks so old now, but still so ridiculously cute! I hope Simon matches somewhere nice and warm :)

  28. I love that haircut on him, keep it short!! I'm biased though because I keep all my boys hair short - easier to keep neat and clean and their Catholic school requires it :)

  29. That haircut is ridiculously cute. Seriously.

  30. Haha, totally accidentally buzzed a section of my toddler's hair off the other day and had to go super short. At least it's summer time, that's my excuse.

    Danielle is amazing! I just worked with her for the first time last week, super nice and helpful!

  31. If you'd like, your Theo can have some of my Teddy's hair as Addie keeps insisting he looks like a girl and I need to give him a haircut. I'll send a care package as soon as I get on that.
    Also, wasn't there somewhere in NJ that was in the running for Simeon? Or not? Because obviously I'm biased, and knowing I can hook you up with all the teenage mother's helpers you need should hopefully sway you in our favor.

  32. oh!!! he looks so sweet, even if he's lost his baby-ness and looks full-blown boy. good work momma.

  33. Perfect summer haircut. And did you save a few strands of his beautiful blond hair to put in his baby book?

  34. Okay, Theo was cute before, but this hair makes him EFFING ADORABLE. That first shot of him is so perfect and beautiful!!!
