
20 January 2014

precious moments

... I meant to throw this together on Saturday as sort of a "no one reads blogs on the weekend post - it will get glossed over anyway" but then my phone (holding all of these grainy diamonds) inexplicably breathed its last and I'll scratch the l-o-o-o-o-n-g story involving the terrified look the Apple Store employee gave us when we ALL trudged in to see about a broken phone but suffice it to say that this here LifeProof case better help a mother out. (They are so confident in the waterproof factor that they promise to buy you a new phone if yours is water damaged while being cradled by said case ... let's hope I don't find out but not act surprised when I do.)

Anyway, I wanted to pop these up because all the internet needs is more crystal clears from my phone (they mysteriously popped up in my new phone so maybe Theo backed it up in the middle of the night ... who knows). But really, in a fit of lazy I found myself reading back through old posts the other night and mostly cringing but sometimes smiling over how much things have changed and how much they haven't over the course of our bout with parenthood. We were clueless when Julia was born and we mostly still are but it did a weary preg some serious good to see some of the difficult (and in retrospect - fleeting - but at the time - eternal) stages we've lived through and probably would've forgotten completely had it not been for a detailed post I pounded out on the fun SO ... I did have a point here. These are just for the sake of future nostalgia ... I suppose.

left: Theo is cutting his incisors? his molars? crying wolf and I'm an idiot? But he just wants to be rocked a lot at night and so I've been caving and some expert authors that have penned books on baby sleeping ... would definitely argue that I'm spoiling him. Sebastian ruined the moment by hollering from his crib perch around 3 in the am where I found that he'd chucked his pants and diaper before he fell asleep and woke up confused and all but drowning in his own manmade ocean. So our bedtime routine now involves serious ultimatums about diaper removal.
right: I don't know what's going on here but Julia curated this gem of an outfit and then asked for a photo and Sebastian doesn't know how to breathe without Julia by his side but he didn't take it so far as to mimic her ... prayer? I'm jealous of her childhood. Really.

left: Bash requires very very little sleep and it mostly drives me a little bit crazy but he loves nothing more than to stay up late with me (and Simon if he's home, duh) after Julia and Theo have gone down. He's so happy to just puppy dog around and say 3-4 word phrases that I do not understand but pretend that I do. He's going through the "most exasperating but most endearing" child phase - also known as, "being two years old."
right: Judge us and judge us good but sometimes we take the kids to walk the mall when it's winter and cold and everyone is going insane in the house. The kids love it and they ride the little rides that "don't move" (although curse the parents that paid to let their twins ride the firetruck the other night as our kids watched in SERIOUS disbelief) and Julia's favorite store? Hallmark.

Speaking of winter and going insane. The other day I (oh-so-stupidly) thought it wasn't too cold but didn't factor in the windchill so I woke Simon up in the middle of the day to take a walk with what he deemed, "the Easter bunny of doom and her three little Easter eggs" ... it was too cold but I swear ... our spirits were lifted if only for a frigid second. 

Friday morning. Waiting for Simon to get home for the weekend with some cafeteria donuts. Everyone is happy and confused as to why in the bleep mom is SO happy for the first time since .... last Friday morning. The promise of a weekend .... even if the weekend is sure to be filled with the same head colds and toddler coughs that won't quit and toddler death matches that never die and teething meltdowns that make you cry ... it's still good.

And thank you to Apple for taking the trite liberty to rename all the photos in all iDevices ... "moments" ...

Oh-kay. Whatever you say.

And would that make these photo-moments precious? Probably.

Alternative titles:
From This Moment a la Shania.
Hanging by a Moment a la Lifehouse.
aaaaand thatsit


  1. Your kids are really the cutest!

  2. Julia is just working towards sainthood by cultivating a devout prayer life... you should be such a proud mama!

  3. All pictures totally worth posting, so cute! And I am glad we are not the only family that walks the malls. We did it just yesterday but there is a mall here that is closed on sundays, but the doors are open? It is very strange but we let the kids run wild and free until they are tired out! Cures cabin fever for a few hours.

    And the lifeproof case can be submerged in water for a prolonged period of time and come out victorious!! My toilet cannot tell a lie!

    1. Wow freedom to run through the mall halls.....kid heaven

  4. You have the worst luck with phones!! I hope that case lives up to its name. And I don't blame you one bit for the mall walking and the cold stroller walking. You do what you have to do to survive the winter with the littles. But my only question is..... do they make a quad stroller...?!! Because I don't envision Julia WALKING with you while you push the younger 3.....! :)

  5. Julia..praying, seriously loled!

  6. Yes, I am not a fan when Ryan sees that other kids are riding rides that "don't move."
    Mean mom over here.

  7. We do the mall trick too. Or I do mid-week when I want to get out of the house. The best quarter ride is the 3 seater merry-go-round where if we time it right, another mother pays for her child and my two can hop on for free... Otherwise we stick to the amusement park ride - aka the escalator - which we ride and ride and ride and get lots of strange looks (from non-parents of course).

    1. HA. genius. I love it.

      Julia is TERRIFIED of escalators .... it's very bizarre and kind of funny.

  8. Hey, is that the Galleria? Good times!

    1. haha. West County but we generally DO hit up the Galleria!!

  9. Our mall has a carousel, which happens to be 'turned off' every time we go there...weird.

  10. Oh my goodness! That little praying (??) face… Those hands! I would like to borrow her. If we had a mall closer to our home, I would totally take my kids to walk there allllll winter. Hope you're feeling refreshed after your weekend!

  11. May I HIGHLY recommend using a diaper on to keep escapee children's pjs on? We either on the tops to the bottoms, or, more likely, the zipper of their footie pjs to the top of the pjs. Saves us much agony and keeps both the 17 monther and the 2.5 yr old from freezing to death at night.

  12. the rides that don't move. lol. i usually say they're broken and when they moved the location of some of the mall rides to RIGHT in front of h&m i cursed the mall. and i have been known to actually wheel him in backwards (it works.) so he doesn't see them.

  13. My friend once threw her life proof encased phone into my pitcher of beer. My mind was blown. Soooo if nothing else you have a fun new party trick? Life changing...I know. You're welcome.

  14. Just clicked on the link to Theo's phone antics and my housemates all looked at me as if I was crazy because I was laughing so hard!

  15. LifeProof case changed our lives! Only after Frank tested it out by submerging his phone in a bowl of water. Instant heart failure and my eyes burned with tears of joy as he removed the phone... And wouldn't you know, it still worked! West County mall walk'n is the best! Go to Noedstroms shoe department, fish tank, crayons, balloons, most posh restrooms ever! And great elevator ride, where each luck child gets to push the buttons. Winning all around!

  16. Love it. We're total mall walkers and no kidding I once considered (not really, but kind of) punching another mother when she made the ride that doesn't move, move. I was furious. Who does that? My two year old daughter's favorite store is Home Depot. She looses it with excitement about the prospect of going there. Don't get the idea that we're handy and doing home projects or anything though!

  17. So funny! And the desire to remember all of these insane mommy moments is PRECISELY why I'm blogging too:)

  18. Since the hubby has the bad record for phones this life case might be his birthday present ... Exciting? No. Practical? Very. And PS waving to you from St Louis. I have no idea where I am but my friend just had beautiful baby boy so the wee one and I are here to help out around the house for a few days. And you're right -- it's cold up here!

  19. Paul threw my phone in a sink full of dirty water and it took me at least five minutes to realize where it was. Thank you LifeProof. No harm, no fowl Paul.

  20. I (Rita and James) have broken two lifeproof cases and an Otterbox. Fear not running it over with a car, but, use it as a teething toy and its toast.
