
28 December 2013

to the best of the best

well, well, well ... what have we here?

*images super recycled so odds are good that you've seen them before. and beforer. what?! I have my hands full.

Happiest of 30th (!!!!) birthdays to Simon!!!! I don't know how he manages to work the craziest hours and come home to the craziest kids driving their crazy mom even crazier than her usual baseline of crazy all while not going crazy himself but .... he does.

You can't count on much around here but you can generally count on a nice birthday sleep-in and birthday breakfast in bed as residency hours allows but Theo foiled that plan loud and proud circa 5 in the am and Simon took it all in stride and waltzed straight to the basement to keep sleeping while Theo crawled around and provided a soothing soundtrack of whine. Thank you and I'm sorry, birthday boy. Or shall we say ... birthday man.

And some of my very favorite Simon Says ...

Kim Kardashian style ...

Last summer ...

Last spring ...

The kids promise to make the day extra special by opening all of your presents before you even touch them (check) and I promise to make the day extra special by overestimating how much french toast you'd like for breakfast and serving you 38,000 calories in one balanced meal (check check).

Happy Birthday!!

Your Very Favorite Family


  1. awesome and hilarious. as always. ;)

  2. Happy Birthday to clearly Sebastian's father!

  3. Yay! Happy Birthday, Simon!! Today is Chris' brother Ciaran's first birthday so he is in good company. Theo was just really excited to start the day, right? ;)

  4. Happy Birthday to your Huz-babe :) He sounds pretty wonderful.

    Manda from Eat Cake

    1. huz-babe! that's amazing. adopting immediately.

      Happiest of birthdays to Simon!

  5. Happy, Happy Birthday to King SImon...the wisest of them all!

  6. Happy Birthday, Simon. Do you think you could share some sanity secrets with my hubs? We done gone cray.

  7. YOUR KIDS LOOK JUST LIKE HIM. your kids are going to be so so good looking when they are adults.


  8. Wow-I thought that was a picture of Sebastian at first-do they ever look alike!

  9. why do you have a picture of Bash posted for Simons birthday? ;) In honor of his birth I think we need to read some new and witty "Simon says" quotes ;D

  10. Happy Birthday to your hilarious hubby! Crazy to see that Bash is just Simon reincarnated. I agree on the new Simon Says post!

  11. Happy Birthday! And 38,000 is a LOT of calories. Check!

  12. Only 30?! He's young! Chris will be 31 in April (yikes). I am luckily much younger ;)

    Hilarious photos!

  13. Happy Birthday, Big Sebastian...! :)

  14. I know I'm late to the party but happy birthday Simon!

  15. This is hilarious! What was the Simon Says quote when he saw this post?
