
01 April 2013



I promise this won't become a regular thing until ... it does. It might. Forgive me. (went there)

Easter Scrooge: I didn't even think to purchase Easter baskets, toys, candy, eggs, or anything at all for the kids for Easter morning because they are way too young to know and care and um ... I'm a mean and lazy parent. Anddd then a quick glance at Instagram when I was up with Theo in the middle of the night on Saturday and I scrolled through gram after gram after gram after gram after gram after gram of the cutest baskets with the yummiest candy and the coolest toys for little girls and boys all laid out and it all had me feeling a little bit guilty. They were thrillllled with the one candy filled egg our parish handed out and my aunt and her family visited earlier in the week and set up a little hunt for them and they didn't even kind of get it ....

Lies!! they loved it (once they figured out the complicated rules of pick up the egg and put it in your basket and yes, you can have more than one egg in your basket at a time and yes, there is an animal cracker in every single egg!)

the audience of coolios

we-hellll ... maybe Bash didn't quite get it. 

I explained my Insta-guilt to Simon later in the day and he said not to let Pinterest get to me ...

Qdoba: Is what we ate for Easter dinner. WHAT IS MY PROBLEM? We all know cooking isn't my forté but Simon wasn't on call, Theo's on the powder and is a 3-month-old and is out of the mostly needy stage and my brother was in town and (again!) I didn't think to make anything for Easter dinner. I'll hide behind the "coming down from my crazy meds" excuse but we all know I could've pulled something together. I knew I had effed up when Simon had to call multiple restaurants before he found one that was open. I need homemaking help  < ---- a gross understatement.

Cheating on Jillian: I couldn't sleep the other night (a curse of mine) and so I combed through dozens of workout dvd reviews because you know me and my addictions. I decided I wanted to try the barre method and ordered this one because you don't have to commit to a "short" 56 minute workout like most of the bar method dvds boast and can just do whatever you have time for. I opted to do 11 minutes of upper body and 23 minutes of straight "barre" (a chair) and holy sore. I loved it because Sebastian was awake during nap time (of course he was!) and I didn't have to lay on the floor a lot (just for 2 minutes of upper body) so he couldn't crawl all over me and make the workout 94 times more difficult than it needed to be.

Thrift Shopping: On my walk-run-walk-walk-walk-walks I still only listen to Thrift Shop on repeat. I put the new Pitbull song on my pod today so healthy variety? All mine.

Have you written any confessiony type posts lately? tell me.


  1. Basher fitting entire purple egg in mouth! Easter at its finest. I love it!

  2. ooh i've been looking for a new workout dvd! i have "the bar method" which is an..ahem, older lady. the cover on the one you did looks more promising.. ;)

    i see no problem with qdoba for easter. (says the girl who's husband cooks every night...oops!)

  3. I gave my 14 year old daughter jelly beans again in her Easter basket. She hates jelly beans and I never remember that. Well, I remember that one of my 8 kids doesn't like jelly beans; I just never remember the right one. (Her brother traded her for his Cadbury eggs. He had bought himself some the day before and didn't want any more. Little Easter miracle there.)


  4. Don't feel too bad, we had McDonalds for Easter dinner. We went to brunch with my parents and spent the day with them and by dinnertime I realized I had nothing to make for dinner. Drove all over Webster and Rockhill until I found McDonalds open. Whoops!

  5. If it makes you feel any better at all...and it probably won't...we have had eleventybillion dental bills of late, which makes the well run dry all too quickly. So, not only have I outlawed all soda, candy, etc. in our home. To add insult to injury, the Easter Bunny brought new toothbrushes and toothpaste for my kids. ;) Annnddddd...both of the littles absolutely despise brushing their teeth. WTH??? So, to summarize, I not only didn't bestow candy and soda, I actually purchased instruments of "torture". And enjoyed it.

  6. We didn't do baskets either. I just didn't see the point. We have plenty of toys as it is. I love barre work outs, my favorite is Barre3. It's an online subscription and for $15 a month you get to watch unlimited videos that range from 10-60 minutes.

  7. Ummmm I may have picked out all the good jellybean flavors and only let the kids have the ones I don't like. Licorice jellybeans in the easter eggs! Yum!

    I don't like to share...

  8. We purchased everything from the dollar store because "we" forgot to pack anything. In hindsight, an animal cracker in an egg would have been equally as joyful. Or with our child, raisins.

  9. Well, I'm glad to know we weren't the only ones who had a lame dinner last night.

  10. I think this year was the first that I did baskets (my girls are 4 & 2), so don't feel too bad. I did a few pieces of candy, a TON of fake grass, a cheap plastic bowl with a frog design and...that's it!!! I did get felt baskets that weren't explicitly Easter, because I hate having random crap around that I just have to throw away. Which is ALSO why I didn't buy any toys. I would have just bought cheap crap toys that no one really wants, so I resisted. I did buy some Jesus books online, but one was more intense and so I just gave them the one age appropriate one. Next year I'll do books for both and maybe a movie each as well.

  11. Well, we didn't do any cooking - so it's not like I made some masterful dinner, I just showed up at my inlaws and gorged on food all day. . . feeling somewhat like a lazy teenager... but mostly just happy with the great weather!

  12. i hate that i love thrift shop. seriously one of the best/worst songs ever!

  13. Confession: Grace has no clue who the Easter bunny is, and why he didn't bring her anything yesterday. There were no dyed eggs, hunts, jellybeans, or chocolate, and her "basket" (that I gave her today) bore a verrrry striking resemblance to the Target bag that her gifts were purchased in. Suffice to say, you're in good company.

  14. Animal Crackers! Why didn't I think of that? Instead I was stuck cleaning skittle and jelly bean drool off the carpet. What is your fave Julian DVD you were talking about in an earlier post?

  15. Oh Grace, I didn't do a THING for my son this Easter. I worked all weekend, which is probably not even the equivalent of three tiny children and a husband doing a residency, and guess what--? The people who babysat him colored eggs with him and sent him home with a cupcake. I was so glad that they were able to do that with him. But no Easter basket, no bunny. He's only two, he wouldn't even remember it. And I was feeling doubtful about the Easter bunny, so that solved that, at least for now.

    Recent confessional post:
    Feel fee to join the (on-going) conversation. c:

  16. You are just too funny. And it's always so much fun stopping by this blog to see what's going on with you and your cute little family!

  17. You need to fall in love with the crockpot. Put in the stuff, turn it on and walk away for 5-8 hours then like magic you have dinner. As for the whole Easter basket thing, Jerry and I made a deal 25 years ago. Christmas was big on gifts (stockings...etc...) but Easter was the Triduum, an Easter egg hunt when they were little, and a chocolate bunny. Done. It's worked and all my son cares about now are the German donuts that have been made now for five generations. So decide a a tradition that you feel confident you can repeat each year and feel at peace.
    BTW - they say confession is good for the soul...feel better? I know I do because you always make me laugh. Give yourself a break my friend and go for a walk...alone if you can. Hugs from VA!! Happy Easter! Mary

  18. You need to fall in love with the crockpot. Put in the stuff, turn it on and walk away for 5-8 hours then like magic you have dinner. As for the whole Easter basket thing, Jerry and I made a deal 25 years ago. Christmas was big on gifts (stockings...etc...) but Easter was the Triduum, an Easter egg hunt when they were little, and a chocolate bunny. Done. It's worked and all my son cares about now are the German donuts that have been made now for five generations. So decide a a tradition that you feel confident you can repeat each year and feel at peace.
    BTW - they say confession is good for the soul...feel better? I know I do because you always make me laugh. Give yourself a break my friend and go for a walk...alone if you can. Hugs from VA!! Happy Easter! Mary

    1. Agree with you Mrs Mary :)
      Christmas brings tons of presents already. Keep the Easter as holy as can be ---- less gifts but to the point! Books,I love giving books. I think will make that as our tradition.

  19. Ha! I just wrote a post for today all about how I am the laziest bia that was ever a mom. Read and make yourself feel better.

    Also, I'm sorry I'm not sorry that the main reason I get excited to put together Easter baskets is because I only buy the candy I like (and then eat all of it), and I make sure I do it at Target so I can buy myself stuff.

    For Easter dinner? I was supposed to make homemade desserts, and I bought a box of brownie mix and three ready made pies.

    And, damn you for even talking about a new workout vid. My collection is growing and I can't stop!

  20. Hahaha, if/when I get married and have kids, if I do give them Easter baskets I will feel guilty because I feel guilty now when my parents give my siblings Easter candy. So don't feel bad about that, think "I'm training my kids to be unmaterialistic, saintly ascetics!"

  21. First of all, let's chat about Julia's boots. AMAZEballs! Also, I think Thrift Shop is apparently very spiritual and Eastery because my pastor's sermon on Easter Sunday was called "I'm Gonna Pop Some Tags" and he did actually play the track behind Thrift Shop (the wordless, Holy Spirit version) during the sermon. I was like "what the heck is he talking about...." And there go Grace and her Peeps (like Easter candy! get it?!?!), jammin to the Billboard top 100 on the regular. Shorty out.

  22. Just sucked it up and hit publish on a confessional post that had been sitting ye olde drafts folder for upwards of a month. Probably going to regret this in about two minutes...

  23. Since I have a litany of confessions, I won't go there( I'll save them for my diary, which I may one day turn into a blog), but will give these tid-bits:
    1. Martha Stewart & pintrest are the spans of lucifer! They lie and deceive you and make you feel like a failure of a parent! Don't listen to them!!
    2. I too don't like wasting $ on items I'll just throw away or items I find annoying to hear or clean up( ie. gum, stickers...) so, we spend a bit more and invest in a book, puzzle, something religious, a chocolate bunny and peanut butter cups, few jelly beans( because those are just as bad a stickers to me) something for outside play. Not much candy!
    3. Tissue paper instead of grass for the baskets (again the annoying clean up factor)
    4. The great thing about Easter and other holidays, they're an annual thing, there's ALWAYS next year!
    Or, next Sunday since it's still Easter!

  24. I confess to curling up on my couch to read this hysterical blog when I should be unpacking my belongings into my new house. There is sh*t from hell to breakfast everywhere I look but I couldn't help myself. Thanks for the break and the giggles!

  25. Barre Method is KILLER. The version I have -- there is a short 30 minute "beginner" one but the guy is so annoying I cannot stand it... so I man up and do the 60 minute one with a less grating instructor. I hate every. single. one. of those 60 minutes. But it makes my booty look good and I am a vain and shallow thing.

  26. No but I've been planning one. I'll give you a run for your money, Grace Patton.

  27. You're not the only one with confessions Mrs P:
    - I didnot prepare any Easter Baskets for the kids (guilt-trip like crazy when I saw Lindsay's, Colleen's and Lauren's baskets!)
    - I did not cook Easter dinner/lunch either. we met up with my mom and she treated us for lunch.

    Nice green outfit! love the pearls.

  28. Still listening to thrift shop non-stop (rhymed, holla!) as well. I told my little brother he needs to learn the saxophone part and lay that beat down!

    Getting that DVD now. My co-worker loves the barre method but the classes are absurdly expensive.

  29. Thanks! That workout DVD and two others have been added to my wishlist. My birthday is on Saturday, now I know what my mom can get me. :)

  30. Okay, thank you, I'm not the only one. I didn't get an Easter basket or even do an egg hunt or even dye a single hard boiled egg for my daughter's first Easter. I felt kind of badly about it, but she's ten months old! She certainly doesn't eat candy, and she doesn't need toys, and she doesn't know or care about any of it. Although at least your children have footwear. I got Nell all dolled up in her Easter dress... and didn't even own a pair of shoes to put her in. Whoops.

  31. My kids' Easter baskets were not pinterest inspired. Unless it was redneck pinterest because I found three grocery bags in our laundry room, wrote their names on the bag, and stuck a few things in. Classy, I know. But, the kids didn't care one little bit and we had a lovely easter in spite of the fact that their mama is the opposite of a domestic, pinterest goddess.

  32. I also did not realize that Easter is mini-Christmas these days. When I was a kid, we got a basket with candy in it. Period. No gifts . . . that's just crazy talk.

  33. I haven't posted any "confessiony-type" posts lately, but I totally hear you about not doing anything for the kids for Easter! My son is only two and literally has no clue!! I felt bad at first but once I realized that he didn't care about my stories of the Easter bunny, I let it go, lol!

  34. I hate that we have begun to make Easter a gift giving occasion by filling baskets with toys. I have always included a chocolate bunny, but that's it.

  35. You know what? I almost feel guilty about giving my kids Easter baskets. Often, I feel like I do these things because we're SUPPOSE to. I love to do things for our kids, but Easter is not about that. I even said to my husband that night, maybe we shouldn't do Easter baskets because I don't want them to think that's what Easter is about. I'm torn really. I had the same feelings when I scrolled through instagram... I felt though, that a lot of parents overdid it. They went all out and that made me feel bad. Stupid really!

  36. All righty, then. You sucked me in with the Barre video. I ordered it. I'll let you know if I'm cursing or blessing you next week.....! And I am the biggest Easter scrooge that lives - and my kids are old enough to know. Years ago we went to one "family" Easter basket, because I just hate all the candy. They usually each get a small "non" candy gift as well. This year, we went to visit family and all their kids were having their own basket, so I went that direction again. Giant pain. We haven't died eggs in years, and do an Easter egg hunt at a friends, with small plastic eggs that contain a VERY small amount of candy. I'm a total holiday Grinch......!

  37. I only have one toddler and was too overwhelmed to do a basket. We came down from naps and my husband (saint) had taken the fruit basket and filled it with new plastic drink straws, a bubble wand, and an old-but-never-played-with stuffed lamb. Viola! That's why he is consistently the better parent.

  38. I lurve how Julia's mismatched boots each match her stellar leggings. Props to you for teaching her how to match patterns with color and... more color.

  39. If you are the Easter Scrooge, I am the Easter AND Christmas Scrooge because Ryan didn't get anything from us for either holiday...Hope we don't get visits from ghosts at night!
