
26 March 2013

Wichita Weekend

Let me go ahead and bullet point our weekend for you because paragraphs sound like a lot of work right now and sometimes I regress into lazy infant mode/my current medication situation is getting the best of me.

+ the seven hour drive up wasn't terrible. Julia watched Curious George nine times in a row and slept for 18 minutes (!!!!!! call the miracle police because the last time she slept in the car she was two months of age), Sebastian was a trooper because he doesn't care about screens like his sister does and he only got really angry about being strapped in for multiple hours a few times, Theo was okay, Simon got a little stressed while driving in some thick traffic and I made fun of him BUT I almost had a total meltdown driving back on Sunday so .. karma's a big b.

+ Julia was SO excited to see "grampa and grampa" and understood their house and their house alone to be all of Wichita. Sebastian sought to destroy everything at his eye level and learned how to say please when he wanted more bacon. Well ... if "piss" counts and this mama bear is counting it. Theo was completely inconsolable for the first time in his life both nights ... maybe he missed the solitude of his Pack-n-Play in the attic? My respect for parents of colicky babies is HIGH.

+ Mary's bridal shower was amazing. If I had to pinpoint my greatest notstrengths it would definitely be interior decorating and planning parties so I really appreciated all the work that Simon's mom, sister Elizabeth, and Mary's bff Meg put into throwing the best party complete with a mimosa bar, potted plant party favors, a stellar soundtrack, and not a single game in sight.

+ the Bachelorette party was also a huge success. We went to a restaurant that served a great, relatively safe salad as far as iodine is concerned (because, you know, the party was about ME), the company was stellar and only toward to endish of the night did we see another bachelorette party toting around a naked male dummy that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. Wow.

+ Wichita State beat Gonzaga! I love a good Cinderella story and as a former Shocker (best mascot? absolutely) myself (if a few summer and night classes count while teaching) ... I was more excited than I generally ever get about sports. Shocker Nation (until they play KU).

+ the kids weren't terrible for Palm Saturday night Mass! I carried Bash up to communion and he stuck his tongue out and leaned allllll the way to the priest's hand for a serving of what everyone else was having and I lost it by way of the giggles but other than that .... no complaints.

+ the eight hour drive home was a little bit scary. I love driving on long trips because the kids know that I can't be bothered with 89 trivial requests but after we hit a few ice patches (fine ... snow, whatever) and I lost a leeeedle bit of control of the van while watching the ginorm truck fishtail like crazy in front of us I handed the wheel over to Simon while I gulped back tears of adrenaline.

+ We told Julia we were going home to Saint Louis and she was completely horrified when we pulled up to our house as she thought we were going to visit someone by the name of Louis. She was finally sort of placated when I explained that we would be visiting her tomorrow. And tomorrow never came.

+ Traveling with kids can be super stressful with sleep schedules thrown off (and I live and breathe by the children's sleep schedules ... roll those eyes!), new "strangers" in the mix, and forgotten stuffs (always) but I was oh so pleasantly surprised by this weekend. A new Patton frontier? Possibly.

+ Weekend recaps can make for stale blog posts and this is probably one of the stalest (most stale?) so please accept my half-hearted apology.

And now back to your Tuesday afternoon grind.


  1. Yep. No. Maybe. Sometimes.

    Well played, Julia!

  2. Theo's such a good sport, look at 'im!

    I have a bad sleeper like Julia. He turned two mid-February and abruptly gave up naps. I don't even. . .

  3. I'm about as decisive as Julia is... my mom just loves it! haha! Glad travels went well.

  4. Thank you, I like recap posts! I very much dislike traveling with our children as they never seem to sleep well and Sam prefers to scream the whole car trip that he wants out of the car. Yes, we all do! Jealous of your built in DVD player.

  5. What a cool trip. And I had no idea you were a WSU alum! I am KU alum, but was totally cheering for them to win this past weekend. Yes, I said totally. Ahem.

    Rock Chalk though! :)

  6. Shhhh. My husband doesn't know that the reason why I volunteer to drive is to avoid in car child care. Ha ha. Sounds like a successful trip. May your vacation detox go smoothly.

  7. Sounds like things went well! And can I just say, Theo gets cuter and cuter by the day! I don't know how you don't just chew on his cute little face all day long. And the picture of him with the glasses? I think my ovaries just jumped a little but then I got to the part about two inconsolable nights and they thankfully went back to sleep.

  8. Not stale at all, we like to read about the Patton's adventures. Glad it was a good trip...I hear you on the stressful traveling- I'm sure I'll be totally relaxed next week with the in-laws! Also, I'll be texting you to talk trash about the game in a day or so...GO BLUE!!!! Rock chalk schmalk.

  9. Theo is just so stinkin cute! I love those two pictures of him! What a little man he is.

  10. this just made me laugh out loud while boiling my 8:20 pm dinner consisting of plain pasta.

  11. Gooooo WSU (and KU, but they have enough fan already)! Those Theo pictures are adorable. Sounds like a fun weekend for the Pattons.

  12. Cracking up about Louis. Perhaps the nice lady at Costco can be named Louis later this week?

  13. I HATE shower games of any kind. They are the worst.

  14. Sea Bass trying to get the goods at Mass. Hilare!

  15. I feel the same way about basketball. Yes. No. Maybe. Sometimes.

    So glad that you at least had fun while there and were able to get a little girl time in. Yay for Bridal Showers and Bachelorette Parties!

    Party on...

  16. well I loved every minute of it.

  17. Nope, not stale! Hah, how funny that Julia thought you were visiting "Louis". I wonder what other things go through her head like this that she just doesn't communicate. So cute!

  18. I can't imagine life with a child who doesn't sleep in the car! My toddlers all fall asleep even on short drives and it destroys nap schedules. And I can see which of your children is inheriting the enviable Patton hairs!

  19. It looks like you've got things under control at the camp. What is your secret?

  20. My grandma lived in a big house with some land and a long, long driveway (think: drove the car to get the mail every day) in Wichita until I was 10. I persist in understanding that her old house is the entirety of the town.

  21. Do tell! How do you get from STL to Wichita in 7 hours!

    1. ha! is that too long? sometimes we have to stop a lot. We just go through KC ... well ... around it. I wish it were SO much closer!!!
