
25 March 2013

just so we're clear ...

What the fack-feck-fick-fock-whut?

My threshold for caring if complaining about the interminable winter is boring, annoying, cliche, annoying, eye rolly, or old news is at a big fat zero because this is beyond depressing. I'm going to take a wild guess that Mother Nature must've never been cooped up in a fevered cabin with a Julia and a Sebastian because if she had she never ever would've punished us earth dwellers with a little bit of hell frozen way over.

I remember buying some winter clothes for the kids last fall at a thrift store and the clerk chuckled and asked if I was new to St. Louis because the winters were actually "pretty mild" and that I seemed to be preparing for a long, cold one instead.

Well, who's chuckling now, clerky? Exactly.

No one.

I have a busy day ahead of me crafting an elaborate and fail-proof campaign to convince Simon that we absolutely must move to the warmest climate known to man approximately one second after residency has come to a blessed close so off I shiver/chatter/shuffle.

(on a brighter note ... just 56 more days until my favorite day of May)


  1. I wholeheartedly agree! Ol' Virgil smacked us with the same crap.

    And for the cherry on top: this is my Spring Break. Thanks Mother Nature. Thanks a lot.

  2. same here. WHY. WHY IS SNOWING?! i'm annoyed. and cold. the end.

  3. Hahaha. :) Sorry for your suffering! I'm from Nebraska originally (and am there right now on break) and everyone is losing their you-know-what because it is still cold and snowy. I've spent the last five years in upstate NY though, so now this seems like it's way too early for spring! Last year, we got 4-5" on April 26th. I'll admit that was a little depressing.

    At least it stays lighter later--I'd rather have that than warm temps (well, I'd rather have both, but the world is an imperfect place...)

  4. I hear you! I was so angry during my icy commute this morning, I kept muttering "This is not okay. This is wrong. SO WRONG!" I feel as if I've been wearing my big winter coat forever and I just want it to be warm!

  5. guess where the snow came after it hit y'all? oh yeah, good ol' nyc. will this never end!!!!!

  6. Yes, yes, and YES!!! I am ready to move from ol' Misery/Missouri myself, and I have lived here my whole life long! Stupid, stupid, stupid winter!

  7. 86 for a high in north Florida yesterday! Come on down!

    But don't mind the mosquitoes already swarming you the moment you walk outside, or the ones eating your children alive in your house and car......

  8. Seriously, the snow. The snow is killing me.

  9. Keep AZ in mind, we would love to have you! 77 here today in Kingman, AZ.

  10. Keep AZ in mind, we would love to have you! 77 here today in Kingman, AZ.

  11. Winter must be having a last hurrah because I had to turn my electric blanket on again last night (after a full 2 weeks of sleeping with just a sheet). Our high today is supposed to be in the 80s though, so........

    You should prob move to Mesa.

  12. Mother Nature is getting a whole mess of hate mail right about now. The sour icing on the moldy cake is that while almost the entire city of Indianapolis is shut down, my children still had school, on a two hour delay. Load them up, take the 20 minute drive, and pray we don't get stuck. (I made it home. Still praying for pick-up.)
    Hope your snow melts fast!

  13. I know, right! Ridiculous! Yes, usually the Lou is very mild. Last march had only 10 days in the 70's the rest were in the 80's!!! Which I whole heartedly remember because I was just over morning sickness and praising God that the two little girls and I could get out of the house. Ugh!! ..."a never ending stooorryyy...."

  14. i am not sure if this helps any: but on the other side of the Atlantic oceans its the Same picture - minus the snow though but we had -20 degree celsius last nicht and a Very nasty Wind...
    they tell us its the global warming (something about the gulf stream degressing).

    frosty grettings from germany,

  15. This weather is total ass and you have every right to complain. Even her in North Carolina the winter has been colder and wetter than normal and it's down right depressing. BLECH! But Spring weather has to be right around the corner. Right???!!!

  16. So I guess campaigning for you to move to Maine and help Mike out after residency is a no-go? ;)

  17. Dying laughing. I understand your frustration, seeing as Denver decided to completely ignore spring and revert back to winter mode with a foot of snow! Ridiculous, I tell you.


  18. It is FREEZING here in Atlanta, too. Completely awful. With my kids' spring break looming on the horizon. And me totally rethinking What to Wear for Easter, as clearly, a winter dress will be called for unless there is some drastic global warming that kicks in. I'll just be grateful there is no snow. As I'm bundling up my 10-year old for soccer practice in so many layers that there is no possible way he will be able to run at all. As my brother said on FB this morning: That groundhog is a d@#$n liar.....! I'm done now.

  19. Global warming-FAIL.

    If it makes you feel any better, we are supposed to be having record breaking lows in the 30's tonight in the FL panhandle must have to go to Miami or somewhere to get some warm weather!

  20. Your weather complaining has made an impression on me because I immediately thought of you seeing St. Louis on the Weather Channel from here in Louisiana!

  21. That is a lot of snow! Freezing here in MN. It is all getting a little depressing.

  22. The high today in Orlando is 69 - and it's cold for this time of year! We'd love love to welcome Julia, Sebastian, and Theo as new playmates! :)

  23. You've summed up (in a nutshell) what went through my mind when I opened the curtains this morning and found, what else, SNOW?!!!

  24. If you'd like to come to the So Cal neck of the country you'll be greeted with 74 degrees and Julia will be greeted with a prolonged not-creepy embrace from Jordan. Something to think about.

    Unless I missed it, I've heard no word of a WIWtoEaster linkup. What the deal Grace. I don't care if you're wearing a snowsuit with ski goggles (k fine, I care a little on your behalf) you can't let us down.

    Not only is there three inches on the ground, but I had to drive Miss Courtney into DC this morning for an appointment in the behemoth wheelchair lift van.
    that is all...

  26. Ugh, I feel your pain! I'm so over the snow and the ice. I'm ready to go to the park with McCartney in little dresses and cute barefeet.
    Anyway, glad you guys made it home safe!

  27. I read about this storm yesterday and you were LITERALLY the first person I thought of. This is so not good!

  28. Not Okay is precisely what I said! Yuck. I'm on the other side of the state of Missouri and was not happy about the extension of winter! Thank God we are going to Florida in 2 days.

  29. Born and raised in Chicago, lived 30 years in Milwaukee, retired to SAN DIEGO, CA. Guess where I love to live!!!

  30. ICK! I feel your pain, but I must say I'm happy that for once it's somewhere else than here (MN). Now watch just for saying that we're going to get dumped on in April.

  31. So you might move to New Mexico ;-> ?

  32. Grace, I know you probably have heard from your sister, but it was seven degrees here yesterday. . . . having the same conversation with Patrick tonight, I hope it warms up there soon for you all!

    1. WHAT??? no! She's in India (lucky!) so I didn't hear that. We're going to Charleston next week and hopefully it's SUPER warm. I'm pressuring Sarah into meeting up with us whether she likes it or not ...

  33. the town we just moved to in has two huge hospitals next door to each other (one is Catholic) and over 30% of the town works in the medical field. And it's sunny and beautiful...JUST SAYIN!!!!

  34. Guh. These photos disgust me. Next time show something less scandalous like your most recent placenta or something.
