
02 December 2012

What I Wore Sunday

If ever you needed pictorial evidence for why certain people need to steer clear of non-maternity clothing (no matter how stretchy said clothing might be) at certain points in their pregnancies .... hello.

I just sent Simon on a wild Craigslist chase for a dresser to replace the piece of Ikea particle board that currently houses the kids' clothing because this baby cannot be welcomed into the world without his/her siblings having a non-particle board dresser. Don't mind my crazy. He did get to play nine holes of golf on the way to Timbuk-ssouri so don't you dare start feeling sorry for the battle-ax's spouse.

So ... here are some non-rhetoricals for you ... Was it 74 crazy degrees in your neck of America today too? Am I the only indulgent mom that spends 93% of her days peeling and separating clementines for her piglets these days? Are any of your kids unintelligent enough to eat and enjoy clementine peels? Do other husbands/significant others/whatevs claim to like bare Christmas trees (zero ornamentals)? Did anyone else have the pleasure of purchasing a toilet auger this weekend? And how young is too young to expect a toddler to pick up his mess? I'm hoping 13.1 months is old enough because the thought of bending over to pick up 300 spilled and scattered Q-tips makes me start sighing heavily and oh, is that my brow sweating? I think it is.

the funfit:
shirt: Goodwill (altered)
skirt: Target
wedges: c/o Blowfish
necklace: giveaway win from INPINK
bump it: 33 weeks

the kids' Mass behavior:
Julia: C+ (mostly decent except for when she weaseled her way up the communion line sans shoes) 
Bash: B- (also mostly decent except from when he gave himself a case of self-inflicted and severe whiplash while protesting the always torturous sit on your father's lap)

Linking up with Fine Linen and Purple and the gang this week .... I hope you do too.


  1. You look stellar!
    Love the whole look.
    Both my kids got a D- in mass today. I lost graces instead of gaining them...

  2. Amazingly beautiful! Love the pencil skirt and keep rocking the heels!

  3. Okay, I don't even know what you're saying about not wearing maternity clothes- you look seriously fantastic. It must be a day for less-than-the-best Mass behavior... not the worst, but still annoying and distracting.

  4. You look lovely. I'm a big fan of the shoes - I own blowfish slip-ons that are one of my favs.

  5. You look awesome! I covet your whole outfit (minus the bump.... Not yet! :) For real, I love it!

  6. You are SOOO cute!! I love your outfit and I love those shoes!

  7. Non rhetorical answer 3 - my two year old definitely eats orange peels, calls 'em oranges, and walks around saying "try some? try some?" when he sees me slicing. Love my critter :)

  8. Looking good lady! I just ventured out and bought a skirt this color. I am 0 weeks pregnant and will not be able to rock it as well are you are right now! :)

  9. this is why i put wreck-it ryder in the nursery during church :) he surely would have failed mass today. on our last venture to target, he emptied an entire container of cherry tomatoes into my full cart.. so at the check out, while he was busy alternating between flirting with the 7-year old (and her mom) behind me and trying to climb onto the conveyor belt, i was picking tomatoes out of the bottom of the cart (do you KNOW how hard it is to see them? they're red. cart is red), because if i'm going to spend $3.99 on tomatoes, you better believe i'm getting all 37 'toes.
    p.s. lovvve the outfit. you are hott! 2 ts :)
    p.p.s MY SISTER IS PREGNANT!!!!!!!!WHJGSJH2WBb2763 ok, sorry. she told me i'm not allowed to post on facebook but she said notaword about camppatton!
    ok. i'm done.

  10. Mmmm, k...take that skirt off prontito, because I wore that exact particle of clothing today yet I am 7 months post-postpartum and I actually felt good abount myself. Yet... you look more awesome. You go girl!

  11. I Lu-hu-hu-hu-ve your outfit. You are seriously rockin' that bump!

  12. Looking good girl. And yes, Clementines. And inclemently nice weather. And barely lit Christmas trees. Is yours, perchance, also a Kirkland's Best? Do tell.

  13. Talk about looking smokin'! Wait, did you say I looked smokin'? You probably did.

    And yes. Everyday on the clementine front. And I keep buying them.

    You best be doing a What I Wore to Christmas Dinner link up. I already have my outfit purchased. Don't let me be all dressed up and nowhere to blog.

    1. I am so glad I am not the only person beginning to mildly obsess over what I'm wearing on Christmas in the hopes I'll get to share it here. I mean, forget the gifts, I think I need to buy some new shoes for ME.

  14. You looks just DARLING! Stripes are my favorite. Have w lovely week xoxo

  15. My fav outfit of yours yet! Lookin good pretty mama!

  16. only you could look amazing in horizontal stripes at 30+ weeks pregnant. Love the necklace and the shoes!

  17. Love it all. U look wonderful.

  18. Lovely as always, grace!!!!

  19. We have also been eating clementines like crazy. Every time I try to eat one my kids come up and demand I share it with them. And how do you say 'no' to that? I don't, however, share my pie or Almond Joys.

    Love the skirt!

    And my kids start picking up after themselves as soon as they have mastered the milestone of grasping.

  20. Thank you so much for posting your kids "Mass Grades" - It sincerely makes me feel more normal when Paul misbehaves during Mass - we were blessed to go to Mass by ourselves this weekend while the Grandparents watched Paul...and I felt a little guilty - but then realized I got to spend the whole Mass paying

  21. Ok. I can never emphasize enough how CUTE you look preggo! Really. My kids eat clemntines like candy, but they are all old enough to peel themselves, finally. And it's going to be 75 here today and I just hung sheets on the line. And my kids are wearing shorts. Can you say Christmas-spirit??!! Nope.

  22. Such a cute outfit. Are you sure you're 30+ weeks along? You make pregnancy look great!

  23. We eat cuties here - the kids can peel them all by themselves and there are no seeds! And we sing the stupid Barney Clean Up song because it gets our little one to put all the magnets back on the fridge after he makes his thrice daily mess with them.

    I haven't even mentioned the outfit. Super cute as always, and Simon was right about the shoes - they are the piece de resistance.

  24. Grace, you look amazing!! I love sailor stripes, and your pairing with the green and pink is so perfect to this preppy girl. I say definitely nix the maternity clothes in favor of things that hug your bump in such a classy way like you did =) Your Mass grades are hilarious =)

  25. a) Um, you look ridiculously adorable. Seriously, I love this outfit.
    b) Yep, 93%. The child LOVES those things.
    c) Am doing my first linkup on Christmas traditions on Wed and I have a feeling you have some awesome ones. Would love to have you join!

  26. I am such a sucker for stripes. You rock them.

  27. Oh if I can only look half as adorable as you when I'm pregnant that will be a big win.

  28. Oh Grace, you are truly the loveliest of all time.

  29. I'm jealous of your outfit, as always. Love the stripes. Love the color of the skirt. Can you just put together outfits on polyvore or pinterest, so I can copy your style? I am clueless about fashion.

  30. I'm jealous of your outfit, as always. Love the stripes. Love the color of the skirt. Can you just put together outfits on polyvore or pinterest, so I can copy your style? I am clueless about fashion.

  31. Grace, you look like a page out of a maternity catalog. That is meant to be a compliment.

    Happy Advent. Watched your vlog. I am sorry, but Julia is adorable. You have been misleading us.

  32. Hush, lady, you look fantastic.

  33. Stripe and mint green is somehow a classic combo. Love it.

  34. Late to the game, but I seriously love this outfit. I just want to steal the look. I might actually. Must find a striped top that doesn't make me look the size of a barge, because that's what horizontal stripes are wont to do on my... erm... curves.
