
21 December 2012

7 Quick Takes

Linking up with Jen on this fine Friday for another round of Quick Takes.

1. Did you enter to win an area rug from Mohawk Home yet? Good. If not, you should.

2. We got 1/100th of an inch of snow and lost power last night for a few hours. Aside from our broken Advent wreath candles we have no candles, flashlights, or sources of potential flame (that I know of) so after we visited some friends in the hospital that just had a baby (the tiniest, cutest little baby that Sebastian was very taken with and would've gobbled right up had we let him) we took the kids to Chick-fil-A to kill some time and eat some food (twist my belly). Much to Julia's absolute delight, we let the kids go into the empty play area ...

all was well until some older kids entered the prem ...
I'm 100% certain they assumed Sebastian was at least the age of a communicable human due to his size and stature and I'm 100% certain they were completely confused when all he could do was smile and flap his wings at their attempts to engage him in a game of gun shooting.

After they tired of him ... they made their way up to Julia with whom they also tried to rope into a game of intense gun firing which was met with a blank stare and a quiet and calm repeat of, "excuse me, boy - excuse me, girl" over and over until they finally realized she was no fun and let her pass ...
Sebastian to the almost rescue.

Moral of the take? maybe I should consider finding ways to socialize the kids a little tiny bit more. Or maybe not.

3. All four of Simon's siblings are kindly visiting the Camp this weekend and are arriving this evening. I made the rookie mistake of telling Julia about their visit this morning and have had to field 187 "paw? mawy? anjew? bizbith?" (Paul, Mary, Andrew, Elizabeth - if you aren't fluent in Julia) questions since then. When will I learn?

4. I'm so fortunate to get a fair amount of emails from kind souls that read the blog and several days ago I received the following photo with the subject line "embracing the grace" ...
Are my outfits and stances that predictable? I guess they are. But ... thanks for the laugh Anna! (and if you are the same Anna that sent thee nicest email a few days later ... thank you!! ... I'm tempted to throw a chunk of it up here on the blog but I'll refrain, for now! And if you are not that Anna ... ignore this.)

5. What would you say to doing a What I Wore on Christmas link-up? Yes? No? Absolutely not? No? The Thanksgiving link-up was so much fun but I don't want to deter from the true reason for the season (presents!!) with a vapidy vap post. Tell me.

6. The bigger I get ... the more these kids want to be allll over the bod ...
... it is mostly sweet but I won't deny that Sebastian's nice-touches-in-training (yep -- I've become the mom that preaches about "niiiiice touches" to her toddler) but are still mostly hit-Mom-as-hard-as-my-chubby-muscles-will-allow have me a little bit worried about the safety of the unborn Patton and the potential of prematurely ruptured waters. Or maybe I'm crazy. Probably the latter.

7. Go wish one of my favorite favorite bloggers, Jenny a happy birthday!!
Isn't she the cutest? I agree. (photo taken and posted without permission)

I've got a lot of floors to Swiffer, a pillow case or five to find, a bathroom to babywipe down, and some baking/eating to do so I'll leave you here.

Have a mediocre (at best) weekend.

Go see Jen for more, more, and more.


  1. I promise I almost emailed/tweeted/telepathically spoke to you about a Christmas link up today! Ha! Do it... I'm in!

  2. Yeah, I'd love a Christmas link up. I finally got around to posting my Thanksgiving outfit, but it was much too late to participate. Could you post a day ahead of time so I can try to get my act together to link up on time?

    I don't get #4? Is this a joke or something? I hope no one is being a jealous jerk again to you.

  3. We totally did the "gentle hands" chant after my youngest had to have surgery on her head...interestingly enough all we got out if it were self-inflicted tattle-tale remarks of "I hit Ana on her surgery", good luck with your training. P.S. baby wipes are the GREATEST cleaners ever! Lol

  4. I literally just asked the Fine Linen girls about who was hosting the Christmas link up, so of course I'm game!! It's like you read my mind.

    Hope you and the Camp have a fabulous Christmas. If you find yourself traveling through KC during the holidays let me know! :)

  5. Yup, I'm 38 weeks and the bigger the bump ~ the more the other two want to be on my lap. go figure!
    Have a lovely visit and happy Christmas!

  6.!!! Grace, Im speechless! I'm glad that picture made you laugh! It wasn't supposed to be offensive I promise! I really do just really enjoy your style!!! I am the same Anna and realized I should I've mentioned that in the email... Thank you so much for making my day!!!

    1. Dude, Anna, you're famous! I'm so blessed to know you in real life! :)

    2. feeling like a proud mama bear :) imitation truly is the sincerest form of flattery!

  7. Yes to the link up and yes to Anne's boots. Pretty sure those are my boots that I wear everyday of my life.

  8. Julia and Bash are too cool for those kids anyway ;) Have fun with the family!

  9. Christmas link up great! I've got something good to wear.

  10. Julia's caress of the baby belly melts my icy heart. You'll have to let me know if the intent was "I'm your caring big sister, baby" or "iiiii'll get you my pretty."

    I'm down with the linky but will almost certainly be a couple days late. And will almost certainly look unimpressive.

  11. I was hoping you would host a Christmas link-up (or someone would). I actually bought a cute Christmas shirt so I could be all festive. Love the way you transcribe your daughter's "language". So cute!

  12. I swear the kids tried to sneak attack me way more when I was at the end of the pregnancy. I feared for the life of Kellerbaby, daily.

  13. Christmas link-up yes do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!

  14. Hmmmm who else is going to be in their pajamas for this link up??? :)

  15. I'm with Jamie. I will be in stretchy pants the ENTIRE day, so while I'm all for a link up, I'm not sure you want to see my candy-induced muffin top in its elastic glory. :)

  16. LOVE that chick-fil-a. we've spent many an afternoon there while waiting for hubs to finish work at the seminary.

  17. Yessssss to the what I wore Christmas!!!

  18. christmas link-up? yes oh yes. thought, I can't promise that I'll have more than 2 outfits to post...most of my holiday garb is the same from thanksgiving to christmas...

  19. i'm down for a what i wore christmas link-up! esp since i think santa is bringing a tripod :) and bash is too cute looking at those older kids. love it!

  20. Hahaha I was with Anna and Morgan when they took that picture! Toooo funny. Thank you for always getting me to crack up (or at least crack a smile ;) ) with all of your posts! Hopefully Julia and Bash are up to the challenge of continuing the tradition. I'd say it might be too much for them to handle, but I've seen their stethoscope-wielding and chocolate-chip-eating abilities so I know they can do it. Hahahah :)

  21. I love the idea of a Christmas edition of WIWS! My question is if you attend a vigil mass on Christmas Eve are you still considered eligible?
