
25 November 2012

What I Wore Sunday

1. staring off into the abyss that contains our neighbors' wheelchair ramp
2. ditched the plaid noose and went with a natural hand placement

Upon his arrival home this morning Simon gave me one look and asked the question you're probably dying to ask, "is that vest made out of hamster fur?"

Why yes, of course it is.

When I don't sleep my face gets puffy and when I'm pregnant my face gets puffy. So because I slept from 6:00 - 6:20 laaaaaate last night/eaaaaaaaarly this morning (thank you mice, paranoia, paranoia, and season 3 of Felicitdumb) and the baby having just celebrated his/her 32 week interior birthday ... Puff the Magic Grace Face.

Anyway, Simon and I are in serious disagreement over whether or not we should put up our faux tree because he says Sebastian will tear it down immediately (probable truth) but I'm still not over last year's Christmas where we put up an ornamentless tree for 3 seconds in our room upstairs that no one ever sees/saw like grinch-scrooges. Hopefully I can recreate some sort of It's a Wonderful Life scene tonight and convince him to be daring --- Basher the Destroyer and all and hopefully it doesn't turn into some sort of Christmas with the Kranks showdown of "I told you so's" and "I told you so's".

the 'fit (not rented in its entirety from Men's Wearhouse ... shockingly):
pants: Forever XXI
tuxedo shirt: Old Navy
shoes: Blowfish (c/o)
vest: Petsmart via eBay

kids' Mass behavior grades:
Julia: A-
Sebastian: A-
I suspect they were swimming in the happiness that was 'Daddy's finally home and Mommy's scowl is finally fading' and 'if you want a cafeteria donut ... we have to see Jesus first' bribery.

Linking up with the fine ladies over at Fine Linen and Purple. You should do the same.


  1. I think the hamster is doing far more with its life existing as your vest than it would in a cage.

  2. I'm thinking my puffy face is permanent for the rest of the pregnancy and possibly beyond. Unless I can somehow stomach 3 liters of water in one day. And if that were to miraculously happen, my bladder/water bill would not be happy.

    We are putting up our tree tonight and are curious how Cotton will do at leaving it alone. I'm thinking... not well.

  3. I love it when a prego Mama can sport heels! I can't see any puffiness in your face what-so-ever!

  4. I think we are going to do a construction paper Christmas tree on the living room wall that Miriam can help me decorate with paper ornaments. I figure Joseph might not be able to reach it to tear it to shreds (unless he climbs from the top of the couch back to the top of the bookshelf.... again...)

  5. I REALLY want those wedges. I wonder if basher will throw them away soon?

  6. Love the emsemble, espesh the shoes, so cool! And I can't see a slight bit of puffiness!

  7. Yeah, girl! You look great! I have been saving a special place in my closet for the perfect fuzzy vest. Now to find one...

  8. You look fab as usual! So cute, all baby, and nary an extra pound anywhere. I'm laughing at your vest - I have a very similar one, but my husband just sighs when I wear it without the hamster comment. Simon is WAY funnier.

  9. God bless hamsters....the vest is fab :) As are the wedges and your prego-mommy-chicness!

  10. I know you are tired of hearing this, but holy cow... you look WAY TOO AMAZING for 32 weeks pregnant. Also, I called PETA. They are not thrilled with your outfit. Just sayn'.

  11. You are like the cutest, most stylish pregnant woman ever. Love the vest, too!

  12. Loving the vest. I hope you get to put up a tree! Basher the destroyer had better be on his best behavior!

  13. Put the small tree inside the playpen - the kind you make with the detachable sides and don't put any ornaments low - just near the top of the tree - no glass, just wood or plastic....

  14. What puffy face. We are not pulling up our tree yet. Violet would most certianly pull it apart.

  15. I have been dying for a vest lately. Perhaps hamster is in now? Also, I am in a similar tree sitch. I wanna, but I don't wanna.

  16. Love the tuxedo shirt. My mini tree is surviving eight eighteen year olds in college, so I think (read: can only hope!!!) your tree can survive Bash. Maybe.

  17. I say tie the tree down and go for it! Will make for plenty o' additional blog fodder and 'gram pics, js.
    that vest, I do believe is the one my daughter wants for Christmas....we call it the fuzzy vest.

  18. psh, I see no bloat! now, when a third party tells you your nose has in fact gotten wider, than yes, maybe you are having bloat issues. Trust me, it happens.

    My husband totally dishes out compliments similar to the hamster remark. Right, Alisha? Comes straight from the heart.

    Good luck with the tree -- last year wasn't too bad for us, we just kept the soft/indesctructible/despised ornaments on the bottom and our nice ones at the top. Lots met their demise. And my boy has since learned how to throw, run and head-butt, so we'll see how this year goes.

    (Sebastian was a top name for our son. Until my husband decided he'd call him SeaBass for short. Bash is much much better.)

  19. Such a cute outfit! I am in desperate need of a vest or want really but you get the point. OH netflix can be my ruin too. Show after show and no commercials!!

  20. you look awesome!! and I have a similar plaid noose ....

  21. Ha, my husband and I are having the same debate...but, I am on the NO CHRISTMAS TREE side, because I don't want to spend my days guarding it from Grabby McGraberson.
