
22 August 2012

three years old

and already acting like we're 40 years in with commemorative videos, Velveeta and all.

*not sure why Vimeo titled this the very specific and sentimental "Movies" but I also seriously questioned how to spell Sebastian's middle name at 1:32 in the morning during production so the odds of it being a user error are pretty dang good.

**if the clip won't play for you try clicking here instead!


  1. CONGRATS!!! YAY!! And Happy, Happy, Anniversary!!!

    1. Very well Anniversary.

  2. I'm one of those creepy blog stalkers you've never met, but I love your blog and this was too cute not to comment! Congrats and happy anniversary!

    1. Me too!!! Congrats!

    2. me five!! I'm here via Jenny Uebbing! Loving your blog! Congrats and happy anniversary!

    3. Me six! I came here via Conversion Diary. Congratulations!

  3. Wait, what?! Three kids?! Are you pregnant again?!!!! AHHHHHH!!!

  4. Whaaaaa???? Congratulations on, well, EVERYTHING! Moving from one on one defense to zone defense is awesome, I promise!

  5. Three. . .it's a magic number. Yes, it is! Congratulations!!! Beautiful vid, fam, and pics. I don't even know you people, except by blog proxy, and it made me cry. But, references to med school, intern year, and pregnancies do that to me. I'm a gush.

  6. Congratulations!!! Happy anniversary, too. That is amazing news about another Patton baby, I'm a loyal blog/instagram follower and just love your writing.

  7. Congratulations!!!! How exciting :)

  8. Happy Anniversary and Congrats! So exciting!

  9. Yay!!! Can't wait to hear all the fun and crazy stories with tres kiddos!

  10. Well you must be pregnant again:) (from all the comments) but the video isn't working on my fancy smancy work computer.. Congratualtions none the less and Happy Anniversary!!

  11. Three of mine were glued to this movie. Their favorite parts were Julia and Sebastian ripping/eating the ultrasound pictures. My favorite part was the baby announcement.
    (my least favorite part was having Gabriel sit in my lap during the movie, since he reeks of pee)

    Off to watch the movie 40 more times.

    Happy anniversary and congrats on the newest Pattonite. Babies are awesome.

  12. ahhhhh CONGRATS!!! this is so adorable! how sweet. and, happy anniversary to you guys! :)

  13. Congrats and Happy Anniversary! Ya'll make marriage look good!

  14. Happy anniversary and congratulations! Happiness and health to you all!

  15. Congrats!! I am crying (and preggo myself, if that makes my crying slightly less creepy). How exciting! Julia and Sebastian will have all sorts of new adventures with their new sibling - I can't wait to read all about it!

  16. Congratulations! What wonderful news!!!

  17. Whoopie! Three years full of love, adventure and all the goodies that come with a brood! Very big congratulations to you and Simon on your milestone and bigger congratulations to the 5 (!) of you. Big families are the best.

  18. Watching the video, I was already marveling at how much living and loving you've packed into three years and then BAM! Terrific video and wonderful surprise! Congratulations on...everything!

  19. Congratulations! I'm also one of those creepy blog stalkers and your announcement made me cry. Perhaps I shouldn't admit that, but yours is the only blog I read regularly, I feel like one of my best friends just told me she was pregnant.

  20. what's really special is that this is also number three for me: the THIRD time i've tried to comment on this blog without getting deleted / redirected before i hit "publish." [you and i feel really close now.]

    i am leaving the world of Camp Patton comment box virginity today to say congrats on the 2 big 3's in your life: 3 years of your awesome, unique, hilarious and wonderful marriage, and 3 new souls created in your union. love it!

    i am getting married in exactly one month, so i am trying to catch up to you. thanks for all the inspiration and laughs! i check my google reader at least THREE times a day and get progressively grumpier/more bored at work if you haven't posted anything, sooo keep it up!

  21. I am also joining the club of criers. Cheers to the Patton!

  22. Three!!! Congrats man! It looks like you guys have been through the fire in the past 3, this should be a breeze... or something.

  23. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I"M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will try not to squeeze you too hard when i see you, and i hope you're not feeling ill!!!

  24. Well that was just adorable and congrats!

  25. congrats Grace! You're a stronger woman than me!

  26. Oh my gosh, creepy blog stalker crier club here! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Congratulations!!!

  27. Loved Movie! Happy anniversary and CONGRATS!!!!!! So happy for you guys and hope you are feeling well!

  28. Love it! Congrats! I was so hoping you were going to be pregnant again soon! LOL I think God gives special grace to those pregnant who still have one (or two) young enough to eat the ultrasound picture.

  29. Very exciting! Congratulations all around! You're going to beat our current record of five kids in under seven years.

  30. This was an awesome way to reveal baby numero tres! Congrats : )

  31. Woohoo!!!!!!! Congrats! Start training Julia to change diapers now :-)

  32. this is the coolest pregnancy announcement ever!! Congrats you two! (and 3,4,5!)

  33. Oh Grace. I'm all weepy now. What incredible news! And happy anniversary to you. Must go find Kleenex.

  34. Best. Announcement. Ever. Happy Anniversary!!!!!

  35. congratulations. wonderful news. and happy anniversary.

  36. Congratulations! What a sneaky way to announce your pregnancy.. you definitely threw me off your scent. How far along are you? So exciting!

  37. Congratulations! And happy anniversary. We, too, were pregnant with our 3rd by our 3rd anniversary. It's a wild ride. :) I hope you're feeling well.

  38. Happy anniversary and congratulations!! This is so great- so many of us expecting at the same time!

  39. Yay!! Yay!! YAY!!!! So happy for you. And, yes, you have PLENTY of love to go around. When a new baby comes, your heart always grows and never divides. Big smile on my face!!!

  40. Congrats!! So happy for you and your beautiful family!! and Happy Anniversary too!

  41. Congratulations! What a wonderful announcement!

  42. Congratulations!! What a surprise ending! Praying for you all.


  43. Congratulations! You make me believe residency is survivable! :-) (Greetings from Lisa in Colorado)

  44. Ooooh my gosh. So over the moon for you and Simon. Can't BELIEVE it's already been three years. Three wonderful, love filled years!

  45. Tell Simon the traditional 3 year anniversary to your pregnant wife is a part-time nanny. You've earned a nap!

  46. Super precious! Congratulations! I can only imagine how excited Julia is about having another younger sibling... Happy Anniversary!

  47. Congratulations on your anniversary and new, expected baby! What a fun way to announce it.

  48. Congratulations!! I got goosebumps watching! Here's to many more happy, fruitful years for your family :)

  49. Congratulations! How wonderful. Oh, and my son loved the video.

  50. I don't even know you, Grace, but I almost cried at the end! Probably because I'm 28 weeks along with numero deux. That was the sweetest video and even though I didn't listen to the lyrics, I loved the song too. ;) Congrats on 3 years and 3 babies! And thanks for the Phil and Teds recommendation. My daughter loves it and hopefully her sister will too in a few months! :)

  51. Yay! Congratulations! (I admit to not reading all 53 comments... you are loved!) :)

  52. Yaaaay baby love! And happy anniversary! So many good things all in one little video.

  53. Congratulations Grace and Simon!! So happy for you guys! Beautiful video and such a great announcement.

  54. Oh my goodness! Congratulations! You are such a wonderful mom and your three kids are incredibly blessed. :)

  55. whoa, i was totally not expecting that ending. hooray! i can't wait to read all about it.

  56. Why yes, I am weeping at the end of this video. Oh wait, no one asked.
    Seriously THE best announcement I've ever seen, so happy for you guys!! Happy anniversary!

  57. Oh Congrats, so exciting. Now life goes from squared to cubed! Congratulations on three years!

    I may be in St. Louis this Sunday... any chance we could meet up?

  58. Awesome news! (Also, I don't want to hear anymore about how you don't have great taste in music. Ever again.)

  59. Happy, Happy Anniversary and Congratulations on your new miracle!! How blessed (and slightly insane) you both are!! Yes indeed there is enough love (and snark) to go around!! Blessings and grace to you and Simon...

  60. what?!? congratulations!! can't wait to hear more!

  61. Sooooo happy for you all!!!! Congratulations and happy anniversary!!!!!! Hooray!!!!!

  62. That is wonderful! Hope you are feeling well and getting rest.

    Kristin (Niewald) Manuylo

  63. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Yes! A whole new camper! It's like Christmas! Congratulations to the clan, so very very exciting.

    (And I LOVED the slideshow. I was like "That's my favorite. No. That's my favorite." But for reals: Cold DC Grace Standing Next to Kissing Couple. Does it get any better?)

  64. Congratulations on all counts! Also: this video is so adorable and funny and sweet, and you made a gorgeous bride.

  65. Happy anniversary and congratulations! We're expecting #3 as well. Now the fun really begins!

  66. De-lurking to say congratulations on three years and baby #3!!

  67. Congrats to the Pattons!!! Great news!

  68. Congratulations!!

  69. WHAZ DA FRICK!? So incredible. Thank you for your absolutely amazing witness to the JOY of married love.

    PS: I'm all for inappropriate lyrics.

  70. Genevieve Simone or Ella Honore for a girl, Henry August or Matthias Germaine for a boy. Just throwing those out there......

  71. you guys are cute...glad y'alls is makin' more babies ;) congrats---on the anniversary AND the new bebe!

  72. Just read and screamed "shut up!!!" apparently Mary Kate heard thru the wall and has spent the last ten minutes of "nap" time screaming the same. Please don't hold back on blogging about e joys of pregnancy whilst raising toddler monsters! So so happy for y'all!!

  73. That was the cutest video ever. Congratulations on #3 and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Sending you hugs through blog-land.

  74. CONGRATS!!!! SO excited for you guys!!! ...And Happy Anniversary!

  75. Aww, I don't even know you and I was crying! Loved the video & congrats!!

  76. I found your blog about two months ago through a link at Jen's Conversion Diary and have been following you ever since. I just wanted to stop and say a quick "CONGRATULATIONS!" My husband and I welcomed our third little blessing (Augustine Xavier - now a whopping 18 pound 3 month old... it must be the middle name) mere minutes before our fourth wedding anniversary, so I feel like we are traveling a similar journey. Thank you for sharing your beautiful video {and life} with us. Praying for you! ~Kathleen

  77. Loved watching this! Congratulations on three years and a new addition! I can see Julia is already taking kindly to the idea. Haha! Again, congrats Grace! So wonderful and exciting! :D


  78. Dear Grace (and family)! Biggest congratulations to you all! I'm Abbi (Jaeger's) sis-in-law and she introduced me to your blog a few months ago. LOOOOOOVE it. Makes me feel better knowing there are moms out there who have days like mine ;). Will be praying and thinking of you all! Awesome news. xo, Aggie

  79. congrats!!! happy for you!!!!

  80. 3 under 3 is the way to go :) congrats! when are you due?

  81. Congratulations! So glad to hear of adorable, growing familis here in STL!

  82. Love, love the video! It made me tear up a little, I'll admit. And congrats!

  83. This was fabulous! Congratulations on the plus 1 more :) I am the big sister of 3, with two younger brothers...maybe Julia will realize the true power of being a big sister ;)


  84. Congratulations! So happy for you all :)

  85. YESSSSS! Best best best bebe announcement ever. And many, many episodes of Dora on the laptop for you. For the next 2-4 years. Absolved. Happy anniversary, ya'll sure make gorgeous kids.

  86. congrats on baby tres! the video was precious, and i cannot wait to follow (i.e. blog stalk) the hilarity that comes with life with three kiddos!

  87. Hooray!! That was really cute, and you're awesome. Good luck!

  88. "Yay!!!" I yelled at work, which is kinda sorta creepy because I don't really know you, but I do indeed GET you. I am excited for you all. Such blessings!!

  89. CONGRATULATIONS!! You are totally amazing. Love you, Pattons!

  90. Holy Shitballs! Congratulations. Oh, I can't wait to see the material this brings. You just made my day! :)

  91. This is my first time leaving a comment. I read your blog all.the.time. Just watched your video and now I'm just sitting here crying in my little cube at work in Minneapolis, MN. Congratulations Grace! What a GOD IS GOOD!

  92. Happy Anniversary!! Congratulations on Numero Tres!

  93. CONGRATULATIONS PATTONS!!!!!!!!!!! I maybe-maybenot shed a half tear that i hid as a dry contact lens acting up. I am so so incredibly happy not only for your 3 year (WOW, already!?) anniversary, but for Pattonbaby numero tres! Who would have thought that around 5 years ago with you sitting with some weird large fish hung above your head and Beeelly Geee regaling you with his war/life stories in 2265 that you'd now have such a beautiful, fun, loving family. I assure you, not Vicki :)

  94. YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I had a sneaky feeling midway through that you were going to announce the wonderful news!!! I'm so glad that you didn't disappoint!
    So excited! And happy anniversary!!!!
    Your Due Date Twin,
    Kelly Jo

  95. Ok so I watched the video and now I hate you a little. :)

    Happy Anniversary and Congratulations again!!!

  96. WOW!!!! Congratulations- so happy for you guys and very cute way to announce it :) Can't wait to hear more!

  97. Congrats Pattons! Very happy for you (even though I don't know you)!

  98. I know I said this on twitter already but I'm so happy for ya'll! Congratulations!!!! I'm so excited for y'all and this new blessing!

  99. I lol-ed through the whole video and then teared up a bit at the end (although, lesson learned - don't read the comments until one watches said video...) - congrats on your three squared-ness!

  100. Congratulations Grace!! So happy for you and your growing family!!

  101. Hooray! This is so exciting! Congratulations!

  102. Congratulations!!!!! Loved the 'movie', love the song, love the story, loved it all! Awesome news. Having three kids is crazy fun.... now go rest please!! xo

  103. Oh My God, what if I had skipped the video?! I would've missed my favorite kind of news :) Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations !!!

  104. I don't even know you guys and only cyber stalk about once a day but this was so sweet and cute and funny, I got tears in my eyes. All the best with your new addition!

  105. Yes, I'm a cyberstalker too and I got waves of goosebumps! I am so happy for you, God bless you all!

  106. Graaaaace! I am so happy for your awesome family. I told ya, you make cute ones so keep 'em coming! And happy anniversary. This video made me cry. And gave me baby fever. The end.

  107. Oh also, since I am somewhat new to the camp, what is your MO with pregnant blogging/ just being pregnant? Do you find out the sex? Do you tell names? Do you let all of us readers vote on names and pray that it turns out ok?

  108. Grace, although we have yet to meet, that was adorable!

  109. Just started reading, so I picked a fine and exciting time to jump on the Camp Patton bandwagon!
    Happy anniversary!! Congratulations!!!

    !!!!! (just in case the above sentences were not exclamatory enough)

  110. I'm obsessed and am on time 4 watching!!! Happy anniversary to the best couple everrrr!!!


  111. Adorable! Congrats x3 (and x3).

  112. I know that Julia looks all kinds of pissed off, but the picture in the yellow skirt and plaid shirt melts my heart! So cute!!

    Congrats on 3 years and baby #3! So happy for you guys! :D

    Well, actually send J my condolences. ;-)

  113. Ahhhhh love love loved this so much!! Happy anniversary and a million congratulations to camp patton on the newest member! Such wonderful news!!!!

  114. WAHOO!!!!! Totes cried and am as excited for you as I would be if we were real friends :)

    1. also, is this how you told Simon?! I hope so.

    2. Me too!!!! How did you tell Simon?? And when are you due?? And congratulations!!!! So excited for you!

  115. Love, love, love hearing the news this way!!! Congrats on your third anniversary AND the wonderful news of #3!!! I've heard from reliable sources that the third baby is always such a good baby....
    Love to you, Simon, Julia & Sebastian ~
    (great) Aunt Renay <3

  116. Congratulations to you and your family! Praying for a happy healthy pregnancy!

  117. Yay for cute babies and more awesome stories from the Pattons Five?

  118. Congratulations!!!!!! God bless you guys!!

  119. Wonderful news! Congrats Pattons! Poor Julia, can't wait to see her expressions of "joy" when another little intruder enters her world :)
    Prayers coming your way for a safe, healthy, and happy pregnancy!

  120. Almost didn't get through the whole video, but I'm glad I did! Congratulations on both accounts!!!

  121. SHA-ZAMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!! New people are always exciting!!!!!!! Congratulations! You are rich.

  122. This is fantastic! Great announcement!!!

    And happy anniversary!!!!!!!

    how many more exclamation points can I use before I hit my posting limit and it turns cheesy?!?!


  123. More stalker congratulations from here!

  124. Congradulations - wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy! another recent stalker :)

  125. Thаnk you fοr the good wrіteuр. Ιt if
    truth be told was once a leisure аccount it. Glanсе сomplicateԁ
    to more introducеԁ аgгeeablе from you!
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    is herе http://wwωеs/2012/05/21/drаgonѕ-dogmа-revіеw
    аnԁ http://drаgondogmareѵiеw.
    com/ - funԁamentally lookin to assist you!
    my website: Swings Sets

  126. Congratulations and happy anniversary!

  127. Congratulations!!! on both anniversary and baby! (I may or may not have let out a little "OHMYGOSHGRACEISPREGNANT", which may or may not have caused the hubbie to ask who Grace is, which may or may not have led to some teasing about my "internetz friend")

  128. So awesome!!! Congratulations! I tried to watch the video yesterday, and didn't think it was a big deal until I read Ana's blog this morning and I was so excited that I knew something must be buried in the video...kind of like reading the spoilers before the finalee of the Bachelorette, but oh well, still exciting!

    yay!! Another Camper!

  129. I'm a huge fan of your blog! Congratulations to you and the family! The video was awesome! I can't wait to hear more about your adventures with 3 kids :)

  130. Congrats, Grace and Simon!! Grace, your blog always makes me smile. Please keep it up!

  131. My 16 month old and I were dancing along to the song enjoying the pictures, now I'm laugh-crying and he's scowling at me and shrugging. So happy for you! What a wonderful whirlwind yall are caught up in!

  132. Such fantastic news! Congratulations to you and Simon! Happy Anniversary, Happy new little Patton! What a gift for your anniversary and your life. Such a beautiful love you share. Thanks for allowing us to share it with you.
    Will keep you in my prayers.

  133. LOVE that he's Sebastian Xavier! Mine is a Xavier John.

  134. Oh, YAY!!! I'm so happy for you all. Love the video, the song, that photo of Simon studying with Julia sleeping between him and his book, all the rest of the photos really, and most of all your announcement.
    Cheers to three of everything good. God bless!

  135. I've been stalking your blog for a couple of months now (came from Jen). You are TERRIFIC at blogging! As a mom of 4 kids, CONGRATS on your pregnancy! That's WONDERFUL news! It's fun to have more than 2! Keep blogging - you are a natural!

  136. Yay! Congratulations! I may have teared up a tiny bit but then you had to show the pictures of the big kids eating the baby. Oh goodness. ha!

  137. p.s. What is the name of that song? I love it!!

  138. Totally awesome. Patton Family of 5 takes St. Louis.

  139. Yay! Yay! Yay!

  140. gah! totally teared up at the end! congratulations and happy anniversary you two! :)

  141. Is it weird that I came back and watched this again today? Answer: probably. Loved it even better the second time, just like the Hunger Games.

  142. Been totally slacking in blog reading the last few days, and look what I missed! Ahh! Congratulations!!!

  143. Cutest. Thing. EVER!!! Seriously. Since I've already congratulated you on today's post, I will now congratulate you again on yesterday's post. On your anniversary! And #3...woop woop! Blessings!

  144. Great song, great video, and great news!! Congrats Pattons!

  145. I even knew what was coming and still got chills and ohmygosh best announcement EVAH. Dying. DYING! Yay :D

  146. Many, many congratulations!!! I'm a new reader here; love your sense of humor. We have a three, two, and one year old; it is a great adventure!

  147. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I think I may just have to go make my third baby after this! Such a precious blog! Glad I found you!

  148. omg the pictures of the kids eating the ultrasound picture is hilarious and so great. i mean really.

  149. Happy anniversary and congratulations to you and your family! So happy for you! :)

  150. Just wonderful! Congratulations all the way 'round!

  151. That was so cute! It's the best baby announcement I have ever seen! Congratulations!!!!!

  152. O my gosh. Greatest News!!!!!!!!!! Congrats Pattons:)

  153. (You don't know me) but CONGRATULATIONS! I loved the pic of you sitting with your hub on the couch and the baby drinking the bottle through the eye... and the one of you in the Subway station (I think) and the people making out behind you... that's a keeper.

    Great news. Great witness.

  154. I am also one of those stalkers, congrats Pattons!

  155. Jeez, Grace, I am so so SO sorry. I don't know how I missed this. I'm the worst inter-friend ever. Congratulations! And that video is so adorable!

  156. Grace, what do you use to make your lovely montages/slideshows? I want to make one with videos and pictures of my summer for my blog. Thanks a bundle! Love the blog :)

    1. Picasa!! free and super easy once you get the hang of the "movie maker" that is where I store and edit all of my photos though so I'm not sure how it works if you store your photos somewhere else.

      good luck!!

  157. I m a new reader to your blog and I have to say that is the best darn pregnancy announcement I have ever seen! Congratulations and happy anniversary! Oh your taste in music is superb. Really.

  158. Wow, I guess I wasn't a reader back when you posted this, but seriously the best pregnancy announcement ever! I love it, Grace!
