
23 August 2012

thank you + bebe #3 deets

Thank you, bigger, thank you, caps lock and emotion please, THANK YOU!!!

You are all the absolute best and I don't know how it happened because my mom always told me a spoonful of sugar will attract more flies than a barrel full of vinegar (let that speak volumes about my former teenage disposition) but it seems that my blog full of vinegar has attracted some of the nicest folks in all of the world wide webbage. Why is this paragraph quadruple spacing like a desperate for another page high school essay? Stop it.

Fine. New one. I was permagrinning all day long and basking in the sweet glow of your kindness and excitement and was even pleasantly surprised to see Julia quietly go down to the basement without begging to watch a video on the 'teebee'. I continued to be overwhelmed by the number of comments and emails that came my way that I could hardly pitch that big of a tantrum when I walked down to check on my little angel to find her stripped down to nothing but her socks and shoes and tracking the contents of a ripped off, cast aside, and especially pungent diaper allllll over the carpet. Fastest route to a fit of gags? This.

I made sure no fewer than five people knew the suffering I was about to endure before I went to work cleaning up the basement turned zoo cage and then in a moment of mental instability I decided I hadn't seen enough of Jillian Crazy Michaels lately and went to town on the insanity that is level three (but not before Julia gave Jillian lots of french kisses on the screen -- a new bad habit that I need to figure out how to cut immediately). Julia soon grew bored of watching my slow-death-by-sweat-in-the-eyes and scaled both sets of stairs to "bake up!!" her sleeping beauty brother. Fastest route to conflict of 'that was almost endearing' vs. 'shut up no it was not' emotion? That.

Is this post painfully boring yet? Let's make it worse. I'll shoot some completely unsolicited pregnancy factoids your way:

I'll be 19 weeks on Saturday (no, I cannot simply say that I am 18 weeks along but thanks for thinking I should) and am due on January 19th.

All I want to do is eat Thanksgiving food 24/7 but I settle for eggs and pumpkin butter in a tortilla instead. Sometimes with kidney beans. Even Fatbastian doesn't ask me to share.

Upon her first viewing of an ultrasound picture Julia declared that the baby was an elephant. Praise all things good and holy that is not the case for a whole myriad of reasons that I don't need to explain to you smarties.

Exactly one person asked the name of the song on yesterday's sappibration ... ask and ye shall reap an answer ...  Stubborn Love by The Lumineers.

And for those of you that hate weekly bump pictures I won't be scorching your eyes with those this time around. Nope, I'm thinking more along the lines of daily until I hit the third trimester then I'll amp it up to hourly.

I'll try to include a handsy and topless Sebastian as often as his busy eat-sleep-eat-eat-eat-smile-eat-smile schedule allows. De nada.


  1. Love it :) Carry on, Pattons. Carry on.

  2. Still so excited for you. I totally enjoy the blog as it isn't the look-my-house-is-impeccably-clean-and-well-decorated-and-my-8-kids-are-so-awesome-and-smart-and-I-homeschooled-them-and-we-just-strung-our-own-rosaries-for-kids-in-the-third-world type of blog. :) Sometimes I just don't want to aim that high. I am pregnant with number three and just moved and haven't fully unpacked and it might take a while, quite frankly. I enjoy reading about someone who keeps it real, thanks.

  3. I didn't ask what the song was because I was too busy Shazaaming it. So good! And that is you at 19 weeks?!? I'm pretty sure at 19 weeks I looked like some sort of beached sea creature. Well done!

  4. Um, I somehow totally missed this yesterday but YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY CONGRATULATIONS!! And I do not understand how it is even possible that you are 19 weeks along. That's me after eating a not-even-so-large bowl of ice cream. Do you find out the gender or are you one of those with patience I don't pretend to understand?

  5. 19 weeks?!?! Wow, that's far along! How did you keep it so quiet? I would have died of dying to tell.

  6. I missed yesterday. CONGRATULATIONS!!! And you look amazing. And things will be wonderfully chaotic and wild but so good too.

  7. Congrats! You are my official new mommy hero. Would you consider carrying and delivering my next? :)

  8. I'm going to add to my daily prayers that I look even just a TINY bit like you when I'm pregnant. Please do tell where you got that cute purple maxi.

  9. God bless you. Your hip bone is showing at 19 weeks!!?? Love your blog and love your funny, beautiful kids!

    1. Ha! I thought the same envious thing. But then I realized that what Grace photoshopped out of the picture was Julia, reaching her arm up inside Grace's shirt. What we're seeing and thinking is a hipbone on a 19week pregnant with her third child in three years woman is actually the arm of a two year old, poorlly photoshopped out.

      'Cause that's the only thing that makes any damn sense.

    2. I like that theory.

    3. Thanks Cari... That made me feel better.

  10. You're video definitely stayed in my mind all night. Esp that you started with your baptism. How many people would do it? And my husband walked in when I was watching your video, and said, "Hey, that's the Lumineers..." (my husband that is finally liking music after 11 years of marriage...)

  11. You look absolutely fabulous. At 19 weeks, I was NOT that teeny. Of course, all my babies were 9 lbs. Yep, you read that correctly. Whoppers. I am already living for January and February blog posts as Julia discovers that you have ruined her life yet again, and enlists Sebastian's aid as her sidekick against the nefarious newcomer....!

  12. There's no way you're almost 19 wks and still that small. I'm a couple behind you and... not that tiny. I blame all the carbs, dairy, and carbs that have been my steady diet. That, and my excellent ignoring of Jillian. ha.

  13. Again, I am so happy for you and the little Patton fam. Also, you and I are pregnancy-craving twins.

  14. You are, without question, the smallest pregnant person I've ever seen. I'm pretty jealous!

  15. Your 19 week preggo belly looks like my 5 month postpartum belly.......... I lie, your belly looks better. But shucks, I still heart you and your blog! Congrats again!

    1. Her preggo belly is smaller than my 9 year postpartum belly....LOL!! If she were't so darn witty we could dislike her...but alas...this is not to be...

  16. Congratulations Grace!! I can't wait til we are able to get pregnant with number two : )

  17. I love Grace the person but I hate Grace the skinniest pregnant lady I have ever ever seen. Ok not hate, just jelly. You definitely make pregnancy look good!!!!!!

  18. Well based on the 19 weeks picture can we assume that you won't be having another cutie patootie Sebastian sized bebe? I just can't get over how tiny you are!

    Also, I would approve of the hourly bump pics. Your blog is my brief spurt of entertainment throughout the work day... or my escape from the windowless office full of computer screens and my tired eyeballs.

  19. Grace, this is a beautiful photo. Congratulations again!

  20. So......... adding to the jelly roll call on your skinnines---a pun in more ways than one!! and a rhyme, too. I crack me up. Eat up, sistah! That baby is HONGRY!!!! Congratulations, such wonderful news!!! I am certain the remainder of your bambino's incubation will be filled with hilarity and I, for one, can't wait!! Blessings!!


    maternity picture?

  22. Aww Grace, I'm so happy for you! I have to admit I didn't watch the video yesterday, and then a line into this post I felt like a completely awful blog follower, so I apologize. And then I watched it, and then I cried. Really happy for you and your precious family, and I hope you're feeling as good as one can at 18 weeks preggers.

  23. My selfish thought is - I hope you continue to blog through the next ones. :)

  24. you look fantastic! 19 weeks already! you're a good secret keeper! so excited for you guys. and still doing jillian michael's videos? i'm impressed. i'm not pregnant and can't motivate myself to do the 30 min shred..ha!

  25. Loved the video - very sweet and way too creative. I'll be 24 weeks on my two year anniversary, and all husband will be getting is the chance to take me out to dinner so I can EAT. MORE. FOOD. Our first bun in the oven is due January 7. Here's to big things coming our way in the new year! :)

    1. Oh, and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one getting comments about "how skinny you look." UGH.

      I've been told "it looks like you swallowed an olive" and "you obviously aren't eating enough to keep your baby healthy" in the past month. The cashier at Sears yesterday actually said "Are you sure you're pregnant?" when I was purchasing some clearance maternity clothes.

      Apparently my steady, eat every two hours diet of ruffles cheddar chips, frosted flakes, ice cream, cheez-its, fruit cups and pasta just isn't good enough for some people.



  26. SHUT UP!

    I miss 1 frickin' day and THAT'S THE DAY I HAVE TO MISS???????????????

  27. I must have missed something! CONGRATS!!!

    Very happy for you and the whole fam!

  28. Aw!!! Really?!! Yup, you are skinnier than me at no weeks prego...good motivation to visit our mutual friend Jillian.

    Thank you for your courage and your openess. Can't wait to see the new little life ;)

    Count on our prayers!

  29. Awww. You look adorable!! :) My four year old thought baby numero four would be a "mouse". So sorry for you that you must birth an elephant! :) Can't wait to see the hourly bump pics and the handsy Sebastian!

  30. wtf!?!?! how did I miss the announcement?!?! I guess that's what I get for reading blogs not at home (wink, wink), which means I don't watch videos. Congratulations!!

    please tell me the pumpkin butter w/ eggs in a tortilla is a joke. please.

  31. Congratulations all the way from Portugal and soon to be a reader from Downunder ;)
    19th of January is just a perfect day! it´s my birthday ! :)

    I just love your blog.


  32. Congratulations!! I love your blog! You have a way with words. You are a great writer.


  33. I love your blog. I never comment though, I'm one of those creepers. Fantastic news, congratulations!! That is super duper exciting!

  34. awesome news...congrats to you guys!!!

  35. Yay or bump pictures!
    Oh my gosh, about the husband's uncle asked me (while pregnant with my first) so you're due this July? (It was March.) Nope, I think we want to wait another year.

  36. January! A winter baby, so fun! I wanted a winter baby every time, but apparently we are only allowed children in May.
    I can't wait for more belly pics!!!!!!! Do those exclamation points convince at all?

  37. Congrats!!! So excited for you!

  38. Wow, I have been seriously behind on my blog stalking lately, congratulations! BTW I am also expecting #3 at the end of January. Can't wait to see how well you perfectly blog my feelings about having 3! children under the age of 3 so that I don't have to do it ;)
