
06 October 2011

odd marriage

 I think I've mentioned about 90 times that the Goodwill a few blocks from our house seems to always have scads of brand new tags-still-attached Target clothing.  And not necessarily in weirdly small or large sizes and not always the ugly, clearancy products that no one wanted.

Anyway, I'm beginning to think something is a little bit rotten in the state of this interesting Goodwill-Target marriage and am on the hunt for the rub. . .but I'm certainly not complaining at all.

case in point ... this entire outfit
(looks-to-be-white-but-is-really-pink-and-white striped aphotogenic trickster)

'retailing' for ~9 leaves of lettuce at Goodwill
retailing for ~50 lol at Target today

I'll give you a minute while you collect the bits and pieces of your blown minds.


Why do I share? Why do you care?
oh, I don't know. Julia asked me to leave her in peace so that she might eat and savor the five stale gummy prenatal vitamins she found under my dresser and Simon was asleep and I had hit my nesting chore quota (one small load of laundry) for the day and was tired of thumb twiddling and felt like playing frugal fashionista for a cold minute and thought you might like to enjoy the fruits of my scavenging.

 you're welcome.

maybe I should try this on J's locks?


  1. Are you wearing those whitey tighty's underneath that outfit?

    Also, my mind is blown.

  2. Haha, I love the first picture. I hope that an onlooker was thinking, "Why is that young woman taking a picture of the men's underpants?"

    But, as much as I love the first picture, I love the second one more. That outfit is adorable! I'm gonna have to come hit up your Goodwill!

  3. well, I'm still picking up the pieces of my mind... I'll admit, I'm a little scared of going in our goodwill. I guess I'll get over my fear to save some moo-la.
    OH!! the hair thing... when I worked for a preschool I remember an Indian family that shaved their daughters head (a cute buzz cut) when she turned either a year old or 18 months to encourage it to grow back thicker (and super luxurious). I think it's pretty common in that culture. I wouldn't do it. I guess I'd pick scissors before a buzz.

  4. We have a new Goodwill opening up mere blocks from us. My husband calls it the "Gucci Goodwill" because it has a new building, which seems ironic now that I think about it. The only thing I wish Goodwill did is organize their sizes, like Savers. Does yours?
    Also, I adore seeing retail vs. thrift prices. It makes me happy.

  5. Holy crud, those are some LARGE underoos.

    I wonder if Target just gives their old stuff to Goodwill directly? If so, you are living near the right Goodwill, my friend.

  6. haha! that 1st picture was a little scary.... i didn't know you could sell used underwear? i know you can't on ebay! :0

  7. It's really common in Japan to shave your child's head when they're a year old for that exact reason! (I have a japanese friend who wants to do it, but her husband won't let her...) Anyway, I support it. But when Julia grows up and wants to go to counseling for the trauma you subjected her to with this haircut--I'll deny deny deny my advocacy.

  8. We did the same hair trick with both of our baldy baby boys. Boston's grew in thick and luscious and Tagg's, well, Tagg's is still working on it, ha ha.
    Super cute find at the Goodwill!
    So, I was thinking about this the other day because I had been watching some maternity shirts at target like a hawk. I purchased one a while ago, and it's stretchy enough that it can be both maternity and non-maternity (gold, right?).. anyhow, my target had piles and piles of them and I have just been waiting for them to go on sale so I could snatch a few more up. But one day they were just gone. There is no way they could have sold that many overnight. So maybe they just donate them as a tax right off sometimes? Who knows.
