
07 October 2011


1. I have it on good medical authority (myself-diagnosed by way of baby hiccups in the upper sekch of my ribcage) that this baby is currently breech.  Commence laying upside down on stairs and any other crazy tricks a paranoid pregnant hypochondriac might find on the internet.
*update..the real doctor assured me (while impressively not rolling her eyes) this morning that the head is down but I'm going to trust my pregnant instincts and do the baby spinning magic tricks be safe.

2. My new skincare regimen includes and is now limited to baking soda and vitamin e oil. Soda for the melasma and oil for the fine lines and wrinks. Simon even tried the soda and claimed he felt glowy.

3. Simon and I are on a somewhat desperate hunt for a babysitter for Saturday night. We're selfish and want to have one long conversation pre-baby and sans Julia. Desperate hunt.

4. Simon was able to give a little jingle from work late last night and asked what I was up to...
Grace: oh, just cleaned the kitchen, put Julia down and am organizing the bathroom closet now
Simon: oh. so just kind of putzing around?

yep. guess so.
the putz and her pup

Have a stellar weekend.


  1. HAHA! LOVE the list! Don't spin the baby too much. :)

  2. i obsessed about evangeline being breech too! :0 i showed the doctor what i thought was her head (it felt as hard as a rock), but he informed me that was her butt. couldn't your husband tell though? i think you said that's what he's in school for.

  3. I haven't had to worry about this baby being breach due to the insane amount of break-dancing she does on my bladder with her head and the constant foot in my ribs :) I am sure your baby will turn if he/she hasn't already. Good luck on your baby-sitter hunt!

  4. This is such a cute photo of you and Jullia! :) I'm so excited for you and your new little baby to get here! Also, I can't believe how good you look...I'm jealous of your pregnant ankles..mine were huge! PS Do you have help coming in?

  5. You have to share your soda secret! Do you mix it with anything?
    If we lived closer I would watch Julie for you guys in a heartbeat, but since we don't I wish you luck on your hunt!

  6. Yeah, I think I need more details on that skin care regimen to share?

    Also, even though I don't know you, I FEEL like I do, and would totally watch Julia if we were neighbors. I would also steal all your clothes while you were out.

  7. ha..putzing. haha... call anni for a sitter!!! or even a recommendation from her.. and i want to hear more about the baking soda reg.
