
15 November 2010

judge away. . .

I've been having a difficult time finding a good book to sink my hungry teeth into these days. After too many minutes of browsing the library shelves I returned home with a mediocre book with a super cheesy title (not to be revealed to the masses...but it may sound something like A Miracle at St. Cecilia's...maybe). It has been getting the job done...eight minutes of mindless reading before bed and a page reluctantly devoured here and there throughout the day. I was clearly not nearly discriminating enough while picking out the blessed book as Simon recently picked up the book and read the description out loud to me...trying not to laugh TOO hard...

"If you like the series Touched by an Angel...this is the book for you..."




and back to the biblioteca I go.



  1. i watched that with my gramma for YEARS

  2. hahah----hahahah, touched by an angel.... this book's for you.
    I big-time, BIG-TIME need something to read before bed (something NOT my google reader, which is the biggest time vacuum EVAH.) I've been working my way through this pilgrim book, that I've had since sept. and keep renewing....I'm all the way up to page 60, woot woot, that's like a page a day!! (haha) it's just such a depressing book. Why do I do this to myself???

  3. I just read "Love Walked In." It was really good. I also like all of Jennifer Haigh's books.

  4. I just saw an ad on GMC (I don't know what that stands for but it is a Christian TV channel I think) for Touched by an Angel in syndication and all of it's glory. I know you will be tuning in!
