
20 March 2019

Taking Care Of Mom

The postpartum period is always a tricky time. It's natural for all of the focus and attention to be on the much anticipated, adorable, and wonderful newborn baby and easy to forget Mom's recovery time and healing necessitated by delivering said adorable baby.  I'm always focused on finding our new rhythm and routine as quickly as possible postpartum which sometimes means cutting sleeping corners when I should be resting and stressing about silly things that shouldn't matter at 9 days/2 weeks/etc postpartum. I'm sure you can relate. I always remind myself that I've never looked back and wished I would've gotten my act together soon - I always wish I'd taken it easier and enjoyed the fleeting newborn days a little bit more. 

My OBs have always stressed the importance of keeping up with my prenatal vitamin regimen at my postpartum visits and I'll admit that sometimes I do and sometimes it falls off the priority list and ... I don't. So! The timing of the opportunity to try out and share about Care/of Vitamin's genius personalized service felt very fortuitous. 

I took a quick five minute quiz to determine the best vitamins for my needs and a few days later my 30 day supply arrived at the ready! The quiz was easy but in depth and asked exactly the right questions about my current health needs and goals (how much sleep am I getting? how often do I feel stressed? am I looking for healthier hair, skin, and nails? am I nursing? etc ... )

Each packet has a new quote on it ranging from funny to inspirational and the first one I read gave me a little cackle, "You can't be the kid standing at the top of the waterslide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute." - Tina Fey (always a great way to start my day!).

With Spring right around the corner (hallelujah) and being cleared to exercise post c-section I'm slowly dipping my feet back into the figurative exercise pool for both my mental and physical health. Healthy living is a domino effect for me and if I'm making the time to take vitamins and make healthier food choices I'm more likely to be motivated to be more active and make the time to exercise. I've noticed a significant change in my energy levels and mood ever since starting my Care/of regimen and wish I'd started sooner.

I love that Care/of is flexible and your packets can be switched up month to month. Next month I'm going to request some vitamin D and down the road when I don't need my prenatal vitamin anymore - switch to an appropriate multivitamin.

What's in my current packets ...

Everything was explained in detail and I appreciate that if I choose to stop taking something next month - I don't have a 1/2 (or more!) empty bottle of whatever left to expire and go to waste leftover.

The kids and I all reap the benefits of my healthier routine and mornings go a lot smoother around here too!

If you're curious, take the quiz, get your personalized vitamin recommendation, and use my code CAMP50 for a whopping 50% off (!!!) this month only - click here!

Many thanks to Care/of for sponsoring this post!


  1. I just did the questionnaire and ordered my vitamins. Thanks for the code! I'm excited to give them a try.

  2. Thank you, Grace. I will check out the link. But first, priorities - where did you get your cardigan? ;)

  3. This was awesome! I signed up - I've been reading this great book that my doctor recommended called The Hormone Cure and the top 3 things her quiz recommended for me to take were also the top 3 things that Care/Of recommended! And I was looking for a source. Thanks!!
