
29 March 2018

e for excitement

I almost ran with the title, "excitement excites me" but I couldn't be confident that anyone would get the reference (Arie, night one) so I went with the other exciting title on my heart. Here are a few exciting things on my horizon that I wanted to share with the e-masses.

Thought this was fitting for opening day. Bosco wants to be justlike Sebastian and I'd say he's ... succeeding.

1. RCJH. Rock Chalk! The Jayhawks are going to the final four this weekend and while I personally didn't attend KU, my parents, Simon's parents, Simon's grandparents, and Simon did (for med school - still counts? I think!) and I grew up listening to my mom telling us to, "wave the wheat" (something Simon told me he doesn't think people say anymore but I'll carry the golden torch, Simon) so - Rock Chalk Jayhawk, bb.

2. Easter! We've gotten accustomed to celebrating major holidays with we, ourself, and us - our nuclear family but love when we get to see extended family. Three of my brothers and my lovely sister-in-law are flying down today and we can't wait. Will I be putting them on Easter egg hunt duty? Absolutely.

3. On another fun note, I'm patiently waiting to get my reports from my 23andMe Health + Ancestry test that I recently sent in to learn a bit more about my specific ancestry and health. The process was pretty simple, I spit in a tube, registered my kit online, and dropped it in the mail. I've been wanting to do a DNA + ancestry test forever and am excited to be working with 23andMe to learn more about Grace M. Patton. The reports take about 6-8 weeks so I'll be following up soon in a future post!

4. The new Fitbit!! I'm a big Fitbit fan - and always like to know the latest and greatest. The new one's getting decent reviews and the big selling point for me is that it's waterproof. Will I bite the bullet? Time will tell. So many puns, so little time.

5. This book! Christy recommended it and she's yet to steer me wrong. I'm about to dig in and I'll let you know how it goes!

Have a blessed Triduum and Happy Easter!!

23andMe sponsors only the portion of this post that pertain to 23andMe. The remaining contents of the blog are not sponsored or endorsed by 23andMe, and are solely the opinions and expressions of yours truly.


  1. Have you read Need to Know? Christy recommended it recently on Instagram and my copy just came in to the library. I'm super excited! I'm also almost done with Eligible per your rec (sidebar) and am loving it! It took me a bit to get into it (it was TOO much like P&P at first) but now I'm enjoying the characters and seeing how she modernizes the plot (Lydia's big dilemma was not what I was expecting!).

  2. I got the "excited about excitement" reference! Such a ridiculous season :D
