
20 October 2016

Simon Says

Making applesauce pancakes for dinner while wearing a (diapered! I promise) fusspot baby so his wife could put a teeeeeny tiny dent in their Vesuvius of a laundry pile. And take this photo. Also - that clock is wrong and battery-less.

Every single time I pull out my phone Simon says, "please don't put this on Snapchat."

After he caught Phoebe squeezing honey allllllll over the kitchen floor Simon said, "am I misremembering? or were all the kids this insane?"

While I was in freak-out-clean-the-house mode before we had company for dinner, Simon very calmly said, "no one's pinning this .... I think we can relax."

After Julia lost her first tooth and I wanted to make sure he'd put it somewhere she wouldn't find it he showed his sentimental colors by answering, "oh, I hid it. In the trash."

While on a walk with all the kids and trying to get some of the more verbal and yell-happy children to keep the noise to a minimum Simon seriously said, "kids, please learn to modulate your voices."

After I told him that the car next to mine in the gym parking lot had been broken into (smashed window and all) and that we were lucky they hadn't touched the van, Simon said, "of course they didn't, we have the best security system in the world - a minivan with five car seats."

One night after dinner Simon said, "I'm telling you this so you can hold me accountable: I took Instagram off my phone. I was spending too much time looking at memes."


  1. Husbands are the best, aren't they?

  2. I literally LOL at these. I'd love to be a fly on your wall! :)

  3. We may or may not have had the same honey incident with our 2.5 year old last weekend....

  4. JUST today I was thinking of Simon Says / Julia Styles / Bash Chats, and hoping for an update. Believe and receive!

  5. 😂😂😂Love!!

  6. My mom *always* told us to modulate our voices! I think she took it from Ma Ingalls; not sure if Simon picked it up there...

  7. That last one was amazing! Love these every time you share!

  8. That last one made me LOL. A few weeks ago my husband said, "Ok, so I think I finally know what a 'meme' is..."

  9. haha thank you for this! Love it.

  10. Omg this is making me miss you guys 😭 Forteleza forever

  11. What was worse: the honey or the Julia flour incident?

  12. I often get in bed at 9pm with high hopes of going to bed "early" and then find myself at 12:30am cry laughing at memes on IG and pinterest.

  13. These are hilarious. It's a tie for my favorite between the tooth in the trash and pinning your dinner party :)

  14. Ha! Simon is too funny! I'm dying at the "modulate your voices" one

  15. Love the gray with the jade inside. Also love your boots!

  16. Modulate your it. 😂

  17. This bag is so dreamy☁️☁️☁️
