
07 October 2016

books, boots, food, and Matthew

Linking up with Kelly!

1. Wellllll, the kids didn't have school today because of the hurricane and we've seen nary a raindrop ... yet. Better safe than sorry though, of course! It's windy and what Julia describes as, "wonderful weather" because she's a winter lover and hates to be hot - the apple fell far from the tree there.

unrelated + gratuitous photo of the boys: Coolio and Theodore in their matchy match shirts

2. I just realized that I read Overseas instead of Along the Infinite Sea as intended but luckily the latter was available at the library (no wait!! party emoji!!) so I'm digging into that this weekend. So far, so good. I really enjoyed Overseas - I'm just a big Beatriz Williams fan overall. I just put myself on the hold list for The Couple Next Door after my friend (and librarian!) Mandy told me she enjoyed it more than The Girl on the Train. I'm only 36th in line so see you in 2k18, Couple Next Door :)

3. I promise to keep blogging about it to a minimum but I'm going to do my third round of Whole30 starting on Monday. I slip into gross (aka convenient) eating habits pretty easily and as a result - feel gross etc. Simon says he'll join me but will be, "heavily modifying" -- aka not really joining me but, that's okay. It was Jolie's idea to do it together and she always has the best meal plans and is VERY generously sharing them with me so I sort of feel like I'm already 89 steps ahead of the game. It's been two years since my last round so if you've done it recently and have any new and hot (or old and cold) tips -- I'd be MUCH obliged!

4. Ever since I got back from my solocation I've been daydreaming about getting a group (I was going to say "grip" but I'm 33 not 17) of moms (and non-moms - so shall I say ladies?) together in a similar beach/pool/relaxing/kidless setting. I'm sure it's next to impossible because I'm hopeless at organizing that kind of thing but I'm going to keep on dreaming and maybe it will magically become a reality? I'm not talking about a retreat or a conference - just relaxing. Again, daydream!

5. I know that I'm not and will never ever be any sort of authority or expert on blogging (novice por vida) but if you have any questions about blogging (monetizing, where to even begin, design, etc) -- let me know and I'll add them to an updated post on all things blogging I'm working on for next week. You can email me if that's easiest, too!

6. Loft is still going strong with their 40% off everything sale (code: FALLFEST). They have some of the best looser fit peplum on the market, in my humble opinion. This bell sleeve blouse is so pretty and this longish cardigan looks like the perfect weight and length. I'll stop there.

7. And because Bosco (my official blog assistant) is NO help - only babbles and stares - I thought I'd enlist your opinions, if you don't mind. I'm looking for a pair of warm/hot weather friendly everyday ankle boots and here's what I've narrowed it down to ...

A. (my right/your left) the Lucky zipper boots (official name)
B. (my left/your right) the Jeffrey Campbell Cutout boots

I like B better because the little cutouts on the side and they allow for more ventilation but A feels better and fits better, if I'm being honest with myself.

side view ...

What say you?

Alright, I hope you're staying safe and dry in the wake of Matthew!!

Phoebe is ready.

Happy weekend!!


  1. The author of Well Fed is just releasing Well fed Weeknights. All recipes are Paleo and probably 95% are Whole 30 and the 5% have modifications. Her recipes are always packed with flavor and make me feel like a gourmet chef! Good luck!!

  2. Buy the boots that feel better! They're both great anyway, but you deserve to be comfortable from the first day wearing them.

    I did a September Whole30 and it went really well. Meal prep saved my life. I tried to keep it really, really simple-- no fancy Whole30 meals for this gal! I focused on making things my boyfriend would enjoy as well (he didn't do it with me). Also, I ate a LOT of eggs for dinner, because by the time I got to 7 p.m., I was in no mood to cook anything more difficult.

    Also, I recommend almond butter. Because almond butter.

    1. ditto to the almond butter! I don't know if you get bored of meals too easily, but I had a successful Whole30 by alternating two breakfasts I liked, one snack (apples & almond butter EVERYDAY) and three dinners. I did leftovers for lunch. Maybe that's lame, but I had no time for fancy prep for every meal.

      Also my hubs LOVED (and still requests) Cracklin' Chicken. It's messy but delicious and salty. Best thing to do is buy the thighs in bulk, de-bone at once, and then they're ready to freeze/cook whenever.

  3. Hey Grace!
    I like B better! I will also add I have had Lucky boots and while I love everything else they make, the faux wood covering on the heel of mine started peeling off!!! Good luck in your choice.

  4. I like A better!
    Good luck on the Whole 30 😬
    Um can I come on the kid free pool relaxing mom vacation??!!

  5. Okay that photo of Phoebe!!

    Yes to relaxing moms.

    And I highly recommend the ponte leggings from Lou & Grey from Loft! Softest and opaque.

  6. I like B better. Can you get another size that works better? Fit is everything. also, I'm starting a whole 30 monday as well. Rock on.

  7. Check the lucky brand bashina bootie at Nordstrom. On sale! Comfort of the first with the perforation for air and the cutouts!!

  8. i like the lucky ones! (have you checked out free peoples shoes though? or steven alan? guh, i'm just throwing more into the pot and confusing things. you cant go wrong with either!)

  9. A, very cute and let's be real, comfort is everything when chasing kids

  10. Get the comfy shoes! Could you share the source for your red rug?

  11. If B isn't too uncomfortable, get B!

  12. I am a huge fan of Lucky for durability....

  13. I vote B, and I will happily join you on the daydream/non-conference/kidless relaxation retreat.

  14. Yes, please share your best tips on monetizing! I've been. Logging for a little over 4 years ( and love it, but would love to monetize it a bit more than my couple of ads. Thanks for your tips!

    And I love both boots—I've been eyeing them myself (Thank you Mom Edit), though they're not super practical for a Seattle winter. I think I like the Lucky boots better, but you really can't go wrong!

  15. At first I liked B better but the side profile of A is better IMHO. I love the zipper. Also: I wear heels and booties for a living (in the corporate world) and I know if the shoe doesn't fit, you'll try to rationalize buying another, more comfortable pair.

  16. Personally, I always choose the ones that feel better over the ones that look cuter. Because otherwise I just won't wear them! But you have to honest wiht yourself - if you don't like them (A), then you won't wear them either. So, if you DO really like A and they definitely feel better, keep those! Otherwise don't waste your money. (This is Kon Mari talking.)

  17. Grace, I have to say that whenever I see a new post from you I smile because I enjoy reading your blog so much - just had to let you know! I like B better. :)

    1. oh, thank you!! I might print this out for when I want to throw in the towel -- monthly ;)

  18. I love when you mention what books you're reading because it seems we have similar tastes. Big fan of Beatriz Williams too!

  19. 1. Pick the shoes that are more comfortable.

    I see nobody else has blog questions so I'll give you some...

    2. I just started a blog at ... something that I noticed is that you don't share your Instagram photos on Facebook. It looks like you only use FB to publish a link to your blog. Is that correct?

    3. Do you have a goal for blog posts each week?

    4. What camera do you use?

    5. Do you try to post at a specific time?

    6. What advice would you give to a new blogger?

    1. hha thank you!! I've gotten some emails and these questions are so helpful!!!

  20. B, definitely. A looks a bit like that material those use for those pads you put under rugs!

  21. Gotta know where those fox shirts are from, please! <3

  22. B!!! I have a pair of Lucky boots and they are super comfy but the JC ones are waaaay cuter, IMO.

  23. Please share your whole 30 tips, meals, etc! Wanted to try but to scared; I love chocolate, tortilla chips and diet dr p.

  24. Safe during Matthew! I hope you remain with power and your house will be dry.

  25. 1. I don't know if you eat it regularly, but the trader joe's crunchy almond butter is a life saver on whole30 for me.

    2. I like A

    Glad you guys are safe :)

  26. Toooootally possible to have a ladies internet weekend. I just got back from my second this year! Basically - someone sets a hotel or offers to host, sets a cap on people (hotel was 40, house party 20) and a fee (as low as $20 to buy a bunch of snacks and maybe some wine) then lets people sign up! Neither one has any conference-type stuff, just relaxing and talking.

  27. PS - If you ever miss the Midwest (hey, I can hope!) you can come drink wine and watch trashy TV at my house.

  28. I'm starting a Whole30 in two weeks! Gratuitous blogging would be awesome so I can see all your recipe tips : )

    And I say boot B! But comfort is key. But pain is beauty. Soooo, who knows?

  29. A! I would love to hear anything and everything you've got on blogging! I guess my specifics would be relate to increasing readership.

  30. I think boot B is cuter, but moms gonna mom, so A is pretty cute too, if it's really more comfortable.

    I will meet you at any poolside bar for introvert public hang out relaxation. Esp if near beach. A nonference. Sounds dreamy.

  31. I'm a little late to the responding game, for your booties, on this one ... but better late than never!
    I have the Lucky boots and I LOVE them. They are so comfortable, cute and I receive quite a few compliments on them. I usually unzip the "outside" zipper to create a little more visual interest, but you do you. You can't go wrong with either of your choices!

  32. I'm behind the 8-ball, but...... Jeffrey Campbell boots; would totally try and join a Mom's weekend getaway if you organized; and I'm following Dwija's train and doing Trim Healthy Mama, which seems SO much easier than Whole 30.

  33. If you want to grab attention when going out, be sure that you wear knee high boots or thigh high boots. They are one of the hottest fashions right now for ladies shoes. Knee high and thigh high boots are so popular right now because they offer a variety of looks.I find this website for Best Insulated Work Boots. You can visit this site.
