
03 August 2016


shirt - c/o Mindy Mae's Market
purse - c/o Lily Jade

photos by my prodigy of a daughter, Julia. 
jkjkjk - credit goes to the lovely, oh SO lovely, Laura

1. Obviously these photos were taken before I cut my hair and normally after I cut my hair I really, really regret it and pine for long locks once again but this time - nope. I just wish I'd done it sooner. I never understood why people complained about doing their hair only to have the humidity ruin it -- but NOW I DO -- as evidenced above. The shorter chop helps a little. Less to ruin.

2. I'm typing for all to see because it's time I admit that I have a serious problem. I can't stop drinking Diet Dr. Pepper and um, I need to stop. I don't know how it happened but the habit has spiraled completely out of control and I'm going to have to quit cold turkey. Just as sooooon as the Costco case is gone. Can't let the poisonous nectar go to waste.

3. I've made no secret about the fact that I love reading beauty blogs/reviews and watching tutorials and consequently have tried really hard to use and love foundation. I've tried cheap stuff, pricey stuff, fancy brushes, blenders, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g but ... I don't like it. Blythe turned me onto this tinted gel and I just mix it with a bit of ultra sheer daily defense moisturizer from Paula's Choice and I love it. I'll grow up one of these days.

4. I spent my time at the gym on the treadmill this morning Googling and watching and thoroughly enjoying Jojo and Jordan interviews. I need help.

5. As someone who was staunchly opposed to the idea of texting (why not just call?! lol - oh how times have changed) -- I'm predictably being a total scrooge about the IG story feature only because I don't need another reason to stare at my phone. I'll start using it one of these days and I've wasted an embarrassing amount of time watching everyone else's stories today but -- I liked Snapchat in Snapchat land. I'll come around, I'm sure.

6. I have a couple books to read before I get to it but I'm DYING to read Truly Madly Guilty. I mean - I'm not dead - but ALMOST. Almost.

7. I don't know why or how this happened but up until a couple of weeks ago Bosco was still in a crib in our room. We have plenty of bedrooms and we're all about kids sharing rooms so why? Why did I let it go on so long? He's out now and we're all sleeping better and I can wash my face with the bathroom light ON and read books by the light of a lamp and it's all very glorious. Caveat - of course. If you keep your kids in your room until they're 18 - you do you. I'm just a selfish b and hate tip toeing around and tripping on my shoes in the dark. End caveat. 

8. I was going to wait until tonight to tackle our Kilimanjaro of a laundry pile and watch Bachelor in Paradise but I might have to do a little sneak peek (or shall I pull a pun and say peak? not funny, G) before I wake the little jet lagged angels from their naps. I juuuuust might.

Off I trot.

Happy Wednesday.


  1. YES for Truly Madly Guilty. I cannot wait to read it! Also, one of our white noise machines died last night during bed time and I felt very Patton as I panicked. Because obviously sleep cannot happen without it.

    1. I must admit, this was me the other day at nap time when a lightening storm knocked out the electricity. Luckily my smart husband mentioned the sound machine takes batteries, but what would I have done without him?!

  2. You look stunning! Beautiful photos.

    And same about kicking the baby out too late and realizing why in the world did we wait so long?? Elise has been out for a few weeks, and I still feel like I'm walking on sunshine.

  3. Oh the siren song of don't realize you have a problem til you have four plus a day And by that point you're too far gone (and way dehydrated).

  4. Definitely should LISTEN to Truly, Madly, Guilty because the narrator is FABULOUS!

  5. Haha! This is all just so good. Except the Bachelor in Paradise part! Can't do it!!! 😂 You look amazing!

  6. As always, love your fashion sense! Don't love the fact this top is already sold out. (Insert super sad emoji face).
    You will have to give seminars on kicking children out of your grown up space. I, for one, would pay money for that.

  7. Omg I have been a JoJoJo junkie this week, too! I think I love them. As a couple. I told my husband I think they should have a "Spanish Christmas" wedding theme and put "JoJoJo" (translation: "ho ho ho"). He is a native Spanish speaker and did not laugh. Alas.

  8. Super excited there is another down to earth Catholic mom that guilt free- not- watches the bachelor franchises and wastes time googling them ������ #forrealsz

  9. All I can I say is the Chad Bear get fully Chad...

  10. Super excited I am not the only down to earth Catholic mom that guilt free- not- watches and keeps up with the whole bachelor enterprise 😂 #forreals #husbandhatesit

  11. Such a beaut! And yes--the freedom of your bedroom to your adult self at night is like !!!!!

  12. I'm grouchy about the new IG stuff too. I didn't want to do Snapchat and now I'm getting sucked into it on IG. I don't need that in my life!
    I'm super excited to read Truly Madly Guilty too...semi-obsessive checking my library app, waiting for my copy to come in...even though I have about 9 books here to read, including the new Emily Giffin which I believe you didn't like too much? I'm on the new Jane Green right now which is enjoyable!

  13. Stunning pictures!!! And I am not so sure how I feel about the whole insta story thing.....just when I really started to like the snapper. Hmm...

  14. Totally one of my favorite moments when we kick babies out of our room! It's always so gloriously luxurious to be able to read in bed and turn the light on when it's dark out! Of course, it usually (well, always, in our case...) just means that there'll be a new baby sharing the bed in a matter of months but that comes with its own reward of not being pregnant anymore :P

  15. Amen to kicking the baby out of the room! Also, on Pinterest looking for maternity style inspiration and you come up pretty often. Which I think is how I found you 3 years ago when I was pregnant with my first. Then I found out we knew a bunch of the same people.

  16. Currently Brooks is laying beside me in the big bed and Lucy is sleeping on a mattress on our floor. And I cannot tell you how many times I have literally dreamed about having a grown ups only bedroom. College can't be that far away, right?!

  17. I have never been able to like foundation either and I've tried it all. So since I'm way older than you and STILL don't use it, I guess I'm not growing up either! And how do you wear pants in August in FL? It makes me hot just thinking about it. I got pants in my last Stitch Fix box and I couldn't even make myself try them on.

  18. I love DDP and have quit cold turkey at least 4,000 time. But I love it. Try adding vanilla at dang good

  19. I was the exact same way with DDP...then I randomly tried sparkling water 6 years ago when I realized the fizz is what I loved the most. I was forever changed and to this day drink at least 4 La Croixs e'ry single day (well now it's generic habit had gotten expensive) and order soda water at restaurants cuz plain ol h20 don't cut it like co2

  20. Have you ever tried Clinique Even Better foundation? It's a liquid to powder compact that's SPF 15. I love it and have been using it for 20 years! It cleared up my acne when I was a teen and has been glorious. Not everyone loves it but it might be a good fit for you- super easy, super light, not greasy at all. ����

  21. Bachelor in Paradise does not disappoint. It's delicious. Ever tried a BB cream? Tinted moisturizer essentially.

  22. I just finished Truly Madly Guilty and LOVED it!! She is one of my very favorite authors. The only one who writes the things I secretly think but have never said out loud. I find myself going "omg Yes! Exactly!" So many times :) Love her. I also just watched BIP last night. Can't even feel guilty lol

  23. No kidding, I've tried searching my favorite bloggers sites to see if they have blogged about "giving up soda." Since you've now confessed, I'm all ears as to how you're going to replace that devil of a liquid. All my close girlfriends don't seem to have the addiction I have (2-4 cans a day ugh) so I need a virtual buddy. Please tell us you've got a brilliant plan. I need it. Always love your posts!

  24. I told myself I was going to finish reading the 805423 other books I have before I bought Truly Madly Guilty but here we are a day later and I'm halfway done with it and I will have approximately 76 dollars in library fines but YOLO. You win some you lose some.

  25. #4, yes! Currently getting my fix on their snap stories- if you aren't following them on sc you really should be!
