
21 August 2016

a little Sunday scroll

linking up with Kelly!

1. We'll start with the most riveting and work our way down ...

B is cutting some serious teeth of the molar or even wisdom variety so it was nice to catch him looking remotely happy yesterday. I've said it before and I'll say it again, teething is no biggie (didn't we breeze right through that? polite chuckle) until it happens and then you remember and it's not fun for anyone. I think he'll make it through though. I hope and PRAY.

2. I don't think I typed about it last night so I'm going to make up for it this week - apologies in advance. Bachelor in Paradise! I feel like now that Chad is gone it's been a pretty entertaining season. It was fun hearing Caila's take on things with Jared and Ashley I on the Here To Make Friends podcast this week. Nick's tough love talk with Ashley was so great and he tore up the airwaves this week both on Afterbuzz and Juliet Litman's podcast (he was the most candid on this one, in my opinion). I'm hopeful that Luke is the next Bachelor BUT I really wouldn't mind a dark horse Nick pick (never gonna happen but, I wouldn't mind!). Okay, that's it - until next week!

3. Has anyone ever asked you if you could hire cooking or cleaning help which would you choose? I don't know why but it seems to be a question I hear a lot. I would HANDS DOWN say cleaning help every day of the week even though I'm not exactly killing it in the kitchen but I got Shay's cookbook in the mail yesterday and everything looks so good and feasible that I might have to change my answer if she were to offer to be the Patton's personal chef. Only the deepest and most important thoughts does my mind ponder day in and day out ... obviously.

4. & 5. Okay so I'm SURE you noticed posts were a little scarce last week (joke alert) but it was for good reason. I'm putting my money (and time, so much time) where my mouth is and tacking the little decor projects I've been wanting to do for quite some time. Nothing crazy - and you know I'll dedicate a post or twelve to showcase all my work sometime soon but next up is the wall behind the piano.

(the vast, vast majority of the stuff on the wall will come down permanently) 

As mentioned last week I'm going to try my hand at this removable wall paper ... I'm having a terrible time narrowing my choices down and finding prints that Simon doesn't hate but here are my final four, I think ...

    a. Muted Floral

    b. Tom Buchanan
    c. Michaelis

    d. Sketch Floral

What's your vote? Or something different entirely?

6. I won't spoil the surprise (yes I will) but I may or may not have finally bitten the overall bullet this weekend. Stay tuned and your vigilance shall be rewarded.

7. Have a great rest of your Sunday!


  1. Love the wallpaper options. Strictly based on the blonde hair I'd go with B.

  2. Def C or D... or that diamond one you linked to!!

  3. I just put up this removable wallpaper (link below). I LOVE it and I think you will too... plus it's on super sale...

    1. How did this go??? I was contemplating buying it! Was it easy to install? How does it look?

    2. My husband and I installed it together and it was very simple and looks great. I guess the hardest part is getting the pattern lined up right. I've used removable wallpaper twice now and I'm really happy with it!

  4. B wall paper for sure! I think it would compliment your floors and piano so nicely!

  5. I really love B & C! I dream of wallpaper but I think my husband would rather die. Mayne removeable wallpaper will be on the table in 2020?

  6. Can we PLEASE have Nick as the bachelor?! PLEASE.

  7. I like D! But I'm a sucker for whimsical black and white floral anything...

  8. I'll be the minority! I like A or D!

  9. I love Nick, just had to join the chorus.

  10. Loving C- so simple and can go with anything when you have a wild hair to redecorate again! :)

  11. Wallpaper smallpaper. More info on the cookbook. Is it recipes from her blog? I make tons of stuff off her blog and really like the vast majority of it. Slightly sweet sloppy joes, chicken Caesar burgers, meatloaf, meatballs, her burgers all are fantastic.

  12. Yay!!! I'm so happy to share my book with you!! Thank you for always being so sweet! ❤️

  13. I LOVE D! Excited to see what you come up with!

  14. I love B and D. Is wallpaper a new thing these days? I saw it on another blog, too.

  15. I would choose having cooking help. I really like cooking and trying new recipes, but I LOVE just Having Food (people bringing you food after you have a baby feels so luxurious). I also don't care very much how clean my house is and would rather just quickly and half-heartedly do that myself (or not). As for wallpaper, I vote D! I like that it's different and interesting (while also kind of timeless) but the neutral color makes it not too busy (and, I would think, easier to coordinate with the rest of your decor). As for overalls, if you jump, I jump Jack. I rock my Grace Patton clogs on the regular and just need that tiny bit of inspiration to go back to my high school overalls (it's like maternity pants all the time! No waist line!).
