
10 June 2016

here, there, and everywhere




What else? There have to be more.

Linking up with Kelly!

1. Let's just start things out with a BANG. Sebastian loves to help me bake and is always, always asking if we can bake some cookies. So we DO but when it comes to cookies and having cookies in the house I have no self control so I steered his passion over into zucchini bread territory this past week and he wasn't disappointed, thankfully. I subbed in 1/2 coconut flour because we are only half healthy but Simon (coconut hater) and the kids still devoured it. WIN.

2. Earlier this morning Julia was hard at work with paper, scissors, tape, and the need for, "the kids to just leave me alone" while I was cleaning the kitchen. Several minutes later I looked up to see that she'd fashioned cat ears for herself and these three kittens ...

... please note the craftsmanship quality of her ears vs. everyone else's.

3. About once a week the non-nappers find themselves needing an extra hour of sleep by way of a 6pm bedtime and last night was that night. So, I took the nappers (well, the ones that walk - sorry B) on a puddle jumping walk (no stroller!) while Simon stayed back with the other three and I think they thought they'd died and gone to heaven.

They lead charmed lives, I assure you.

4. I've only watched Monday night's episode of the Bachelorette so I don't know what went down on Tuesday but I do have to say that I like Chad better than I like Evan. I know, I know - Chad is awful but Evan throwing down the ultimatum so early in the game? Not a fan. Good think Jojo and I are bff's and she has me to turn to for advice.

5. It's really, really rare that I have reason to get dressed up but we have a dinner to attend that warrants wearing something something slightly fancier than my church dresses and I'm trying to steer clear of black. So, of course - the abundance of navy. Grace Risk Taker Patton. I love ordering from ASOS because the returns are so easy (no printing of the return label, thank you very much) so I picked a few things out last night and thought I'd take an informal poll. I'm a little weary of the wrap dresses because I have yet to love a wrap dress from ASOS but I still might risk it.

a. double layer dress - I've never worn anything like this so it could look terrible. Or not!

b. floral wrap - I'm pretty sure this is a faux wrap so the fit could be a little too tight or a little too loose but I love the color/pattern so much I might just have to try it.

c. navy lace (also comes in grey) - aside from the sleeves, the dress is fully lined (even thought it kind of looks likes it not in this picture) and it might be my favorite.

d. ruffle neck - the ruffles could look not great on a non-model but I love the length and color.

e. wrap maxi - too much? I don't know.

What say you? I'm tempted to try the dress that I've seen over and over again on a few of my friends and just be a copycat. We'll see. 

6. I'm going to count this for two.

7. And I'll cheat again by using number seven to say I hope you have a wonderful weekend!




  1. my votes:
    A, C, D

    you can totally pull off that double layer dress.
    And the "sexy" back is a little over there but not too much. But what are you going to wear for coverage???
    D -- the ruffles are cute.

  2. I LOVE that navy lace dress. If I had an event that warranted it, I would totally snap it up. I also love "the dress" although I've only seen it on one person. I think it's best in black or the jewel tones though.

  3. I love options A and C, they are both AMAZING! Thinking I may need to copy you for some upcoming weddings this summer :)

  4. I agree about Evan and Chad. Chad is a terrible human, but Evan is whiny and his ultimatum would have gotten him a big see ya from me (followed by Chad's exit). Alex would be next too. I can't stand when contestants focus on the villain and it's all they talk about!

  5. C is gorgeous, also a fan of D:)

  6. I can absolutely see you in A! I think B would look fabulous on you as well. But, it doesn't seem as "fancy" as A. Good thing you and I are bff's and you have me to turn to for advice. ;-)

  7. I personally don't like Evan either, and we ALL know he is going home soon since she will not end up with him (I'm sure he's a very nice guy but totally not her type). I know everyone has Jordan as a front runner and while I liked him initially too, now something just seems a little insincere with him. I'm so torn who the final guy will be! I want it to the that Jim Halbert lookalike - the one with the arms. *whistle*

  8. E!!!!!!! I think I'm the only one rooting for E, but E E E! ;)

  9. C or D look the most like your style I think.

  10. Are the kids' cat ears taped directly to their heads?! Perfect 😂

  11. My wardrobe is almost entirely comprised of things you can also sleep in but... I used to do costume design in a former life. I think C would look best on you.

  12. definitely C and totally agree with you about Evan.

  13. A or d seem like they would look best and fit your style

  14. I vote for B and second runner up C

  15. I love Maggy London dresses so I have to go with that one! I have an event next week and I'm pretty sure I'm copy catting now too and ordering it! :)

  16. C, D and E. You could totally pull off those ruffles but I wish the dress were in a brighter color. Still, with your blond locks, it will work. The other two are knockouts as well.

    Puddle jumping. It si awesomesauce, even at my advanced age :)

  17. I vote for C or D. I dont know if I would do the black shoes with D like the model is wearing...maybe nude? A stylist I am not. You always look pretty so whichever you choose will be perfect,I am sure.

  18. I think you could really pull off D!

  19. Love A and C! A is probably my fav though

  20. Love Love C. That would be beautiful with just the right touch of elegance!

  21. I like C a lot too. or A. And I LOVE those cat ears. Masterfully crafted.

  22. A or D. I wouldn't consider wrap dresses formal attire. In either case, you would look beautiful in any dress.

  23. e! all about that navy wrap dress!
