
17 May 2016


thank you, Simon, for snapping some pensive pics of me, Bosco, and your finger this past weekend.

1. I rarely write blog posts in advance but I'm writing this on Monday night because Andi's book should be arriving during naps today and I wanted a clear nap time calendar. No shame. Or, maybe a sliver of shame. The teeniest calorie-free sliver.  

2. I've never considered myself to be a competitive person at ALL but then Brandilyn challenged me and a few other girls to a Fitbit challenge this weekend and all of a sudden ... my formerly dormant competitive spirit came alive. Not alive enough to win first (or even second lol) place but look out if you're my Fitbit friend because now I know that challenges are a thing. And I'm game. I think.

3. I'm hoping I'm not alone here but Simon and I (and Bosco!) went through a brief period of denial and panic when we were told (after frantically searching the shelves) that Costco was discontinuing their Kirkland formula. They brought it back a few weeks later (new packaging!) and we breathed heavy and happy sighs of relief. No one does generic like Costco. Really.

"you can eat the sand but it's going to taste just as terrible as the last 78 times you tried it"

4. Like a lot of parents (and people, of course) I spend a lot of time doing laundry, folding laundry, putting the bleeping laundry away and while it's not my favorite it's not my chore nemesis either. I've actually found that I get sadly excited about checking the washed laundry to see if I got that one stubborn stain out of that one kid's shirt and get a bit of a high if I'm successful - especially on my first try. I'm guessing that these ARE the glory days.

5. I rarely to never wear lipstick but find myself watching Kylie Lip Kit reviews after the kids have gone to bed and I'm completely mesmerized by each and every one of them. Every time. Simon doesn't even try to hide his judgy side eye.

6. I've heard so many people say that they've given up on Grey's Anatomy and while I did give up for a few years ... I've been lured back in. Big time. My excuse is that I like to watch something while I fold aforementioned laundry but I would probably be watching even if I didn't want to take my mind of some monotonous chore. I have a lot of questions after last week's episode but in case there are any other lone watchers out there that aren't caught up I'll keep them to myself.

So now that you know all my vapid not-so-secrets ... it always makes me so happy to read yours. Spill if you care/dare to!




  1. Regular blue dawn + baking soda + hydrogen peroxide. Mix equally into a paste. Put on stains old or new. Wash clothes and viola! Good as new! And it's SUPER cheap. Hope your book is great!

    1. Was just going to ask Grace what her go-to stain remover is but these ingredients I have, I am going to try ASAP, thanks!

    2. This combo will also clean your shower! And the toilet....

    3. This combo is AWESOME!! tried and true.

  2. Oh Grey's. I just don't know how I feel about it. I think 12(?) Seasons is quite enough, but I keep watching. But if there's one more fatal vehicle crash, it's over.

    1. I missed those! I need to go back ... maybe. haha

    2. Which one? The ferry crash? Airplane? Derek's car crash? Arizona and Callie's crash? Did I miss anymore?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Two words. TINY HOUSES. I am absolutely obsessed with tiny houses and the people who live in them. I could watch those Tiny House shows all day long. Seriously - Tiny House Monday is my reason for not giving up in life. Okay, well not really my ONLY reason but, it sure does make Mondays survivable.

  5. stopped buying paper towels out of consideration for the budget/environment...subsequently cleans everything using "sensitive skin" diaper wipes which co$t a veritable shitload more and probably take 1 thousand years to decompose...

  6. I also love Greys but I am a season behind. my other guilty secret? I check twice a day for updates on this blog :)

  7. My confession: I pay the neighbor girl $3 each day she walks our dog. I hope someday I will be able to find such a reasonably priced babysitter. ;)

  8. yes! Greys! I feel like I'm the only one out there sometimes and all my other friends have given up so no one to debrief/discuss with afterwards!

    1. the comments on Hulu are pretty entertaining haha

  9. I ditto Jenny with the wipe/paper towel deal. And after Jenna snapped about the lipstick I completely and fully obsessed for 24 hours to figure out which Kylie shade would be best for me and then everything sold out. Dollars saved. Next time!

  10. I still love Grey's Anatomy and I oddly even love the train wreck of an episode where they did the musical. I don't think it's close to ending either! Finale is this week and as long as Meredith Grey is there, it will keep going. I'm still at a complete loss though since McDreamy died. That was the WORST!

  11. it'll be interesting to see what the Grey's Season Finale holds in store for us tomorrow night! ;)

  12. Ohhhh please share Grey's Anatomy thoughts! I've been watching since the beginning and have accepted that it's generally just going to be crazy but feel like it's been extra eye-rolly in the last season or two?? So many plot holes with McDreamy dying for one but even being ok with that...a lot of eye rolling since! And I liked the musical episode!

  13. I'm sadly obsessed with Say Yes to the Dress and started a "tradition" of watching a taped episode every Saturday morning while my daughter plays next to me. Guilty pleasure, lame tradition all in one.

  14. Oh, Grey's. I thought they were losing me too but this season has totally brought me back in. I've been watching since the beginning. I am so invested in the show and the characters that my best friend and I discuss the episodes and the characters as if they are real people - it's pathetic. And awesome.

  15. I'm all about Grey's. And still mourning Private Practice.

  16. feeling you on the kirkland formula - so glad its back!

  17. Apparently Colourpop ($6ish a tube) is the exact same formula as the Kylie lipkits! Google the article about it. It is mind blowing (and potentially budget-blowing because it is so much cheaper you're tempted to buy 12).

  18. I totally just sang Usher's Confessions as I clicked to open this page to read.

  19. My cousin routinely invites me to Fitbit challenges when she knows she'll be on a trip/outing where she's walking a ton and will probably win... I'm normally competitive but I like to at least have a good shot at winning! ha.

    now off to check out lip tutorials.

  20. Oh Grey's Anatomy has my heart! I never gave up on it and I continue to watch weekly. Last week's episode...the many things, I can't wait for this week!
    I got Andi's book yesterday and I haven't started yet but I am more excited than any person should be to read that book, ha! I know you get me though!

  21. Love Grey's!! I stopped for a few years after they killed George but I'm totally hooked again.

  22. I just have never been able to give up on Grey's. There have been some years where I'm less into it, but overall it's been my Must-Watch-As-Soon-As-Possible-If-Not-While-Live show. I feel like this year has been better than it's been in a couple years. Ellen Pompeo was saying that with her two security blankets (Sandra Oh and Patrick Dempsey) being gone, she's had to step up her game and she feels like everyone else has, as well. Everyone, from writers to actors, is much more engaged and not so much on autopilot. I think she's right... there's an energy this year that had faded over the years.

  23. I have such a love-hate relationship with Grey's. While I hope Shonda kills the show soon, I plan on watching every episode to the very end. And to continue rewatching the older episodes.

  24. Love Grey's! This season has been incredible. Shameless self promosh, but I cover it for Cosmopolitan and we've had lots of rad content this season -- including Ellen Pomepo's first major interview in years :)

  25. OMG I could have lived forever without seeing the Kiley lipstick videos but NO now I'm obsessively watching them...Thanks Grace!

  26. I nursed out twins but started supplementing with Kirkland formula four months in - saved us a boatload of money!

    Also, I stopped watching Grey's "live" around season 7/8 (?? whenever Lexi died in the plane crash) but recently started it again from the beginning as background noise while I work during nap time. I got through season 4 but had to take a break because I was so upset by George dying and the general story lines (Bailey doing peds with sick kids was killing me!) that it was actually affecting my overall mood. :/ So ridiculous!!

  27. when I was a med student (you know all about it watching Simon study and all), I felt bad/guilty that I was watching Grey's instead of studying.... so I just folded laundry while watching Grey's. it was all good..

  28. Don't be like my husband! He wanted to win a Fitbit challenge, so he let each niece and nephew take a turn running around the grandparents house while he sat and had a beer. I called him out on it, MANY TIMES. Sigh.

  29. Fellow Grey's watcher! Never giving up! Can't get enough! Thought I was alone!

  30. OMG you too on the laundry thing??? I thought I was alone!

  31. We were SO upset when Costco temporarily took their formula off the shelves! Not cool, Costco! Luckily our little man did fine on similar for a few weeks, but still.
