
22 April 2016

Friday Favorites

ooooooh. look at that creative post title, G-money.

You didn't happen to thieve it from almost every other blogger out there, did you?

I know. I'm sorry.

But the shoe fit. And I wanted to hang with Kelly today.

let's go!

1. the voxer app. both Kate and Ruth told me about this app (essentially a walkie/talkie) and why I didn't jump on it sooner ... I don't know. I'm sure so many of you can relate but it's virtually impossible to talk on the phone because the kids will sniff me and out and conjure up some emergent situation so it's nice to be able to "talk" back and forth with people without pounding out a text (I know - so laborious) ... I'm trying to get Simon to get it too. He'll cave eventually. (also - voxer has no idea who I am - I just love the app :))

2. OLD NEWS but the zombie apocalypse clip - funny$. Watch them on Ellen too.

3. I don't type enough about the weather (wink so hard) but the weather has been pretty amazing so we've been outside a lot where the kids are obsessed with riding their fleet of bikes around and around and around.

I have to take the plasma car away about once a week because fights. We should probably find a less violent home for it or buy three more. I vote the former but don't tell my little fight clubbers.

4. these coffee pods - cappuccino pods, whatever. I got my hands on a sample pack and went into panic mode the other morning when I realized they were gone and immediately ordered more. I'm not a, "must have coffee to function" person and coffee has never gotten me out of bed but these! they get me out of bed!

5. these shoes - I'm just waiting for them to go on super duper clearance and not sell out in my size.  I don't ask for much, Hanna!

6. I found this article so interesting because I think I have to admit that I am that highly sensitive person (although I hate low lighting and obviously enjoy my morning cup of caffeine)

7. The trash truck comes twice a week here in Tampa which completely makes the boys' (and Phoebe's - if she's not in the middle of something important like dumping my makeup, scaling the pantry shelves, or clogging a sink) lives so you can imagine their excitement over "sweeps week" where we could put virtually anything out and they'd haul it away.

Here we have them using 'the claw' to take an old mattress away. I don't know who was the most amused: the boys watching, me watching the boys, or the truck driver chuckling and watching me hold a runaway Phoebe with Bosco on my hip while snapping pics of the boys watching the claw. As soon as he drove away, Sebastian sighed a heavy sigh and lamented that he missed him already. Come back soon, laughy driver!

And with that I will bid you farewell.
I hope you have something fun planned this weekend!



  1. Love it! And loved that article--but her suggestion to turn on pleasant music to drown out unpleasant background noises::: if only I could. hahaha!

    1. Then the two conflicting noises stress me even more! Our house doesn't need anymore noise.

  2. That certainly is a fleet of bikes! We had those plasmas at a school where I used to work and the fights would drive me bonkers. I tried one out once myself but couldn't understand the appeal.

    Have a lovely weekend! :)

  3. That article is killer! Such a good read! And while I'm definitely on the sensitive side of 3PM latte is pretty much non-negotiable!

    1. Ha ha! Coffee does taste better in the afternoon

  4. My 2 year old son LOVES the garbage truck. This morning after it left he told me he was "sad".

  5. I'm going to need that app, and those shoes. I think you and you alone have made me want clogs, bad. I keep looking but of course every pair I like, my size is sold out. The search continues!

  6. The picture of the boys is so sweet!

  7. Do your boys know about '20 Trucks' on YouTube?...YouTube Kids if you want to keep the creeper uploads of their hands. If you are in need of some catchy truck songs to get stuck in your head, this is an answer to your prayers.

  8. So much love for this post Grace. I wish we had a claw truck come by. Sigh...

  9. My boys used to sprint outside when the "garbage guys" came down the street. We live on a cul-de-sac, so they could sit on the steps and get 6 or 7 houses worth of watching. Our regular driver would honk and wave when they went back up the street. The simple days.....! :)

  10. Oh my eldest used to run to the window of our then apartment to wave to the garbage men..
    that pic of them on their bikes.. too cute.
