
29 February 2016

three quick and easy snacks I'm loving

 ... and she just toler(h)ates.

I don't know about you but after I've gotten the kids down for naps ... I sort of feel like I've made it 3/4 of the way through the game and breathe a litttle sigh of relief and feel like I should reward myself accordingly.

And so ... naturally I reach for a handful of chocolate chips. And generally the handful turns into another handful which turns into five more handfuls and then 43 minutes later I feel the beginnings of a crash and burn just in time to get dinner started. So smart, that Grace.

So, I'm not saying I don't still indulge (I went all in on Saturday and made wacky cake with the non-nappers) but it helps to have some solid back-ups for when I'm feeling grabby with the semi-sweets.

option #1: plain Greek yogurt + almond butter + chia seeds ... as simple as it sounds. I've talked about chia seeds before (many, many times) and they have yet to go out of style here in the Patton household. I really am not the biggest fan of plain Greek yogurt but with the help of a tablespoon of almond butter ... I'm coming around. And one of my friends recently told me she can't stand almond butter but I wonder if she might like cashew butter? It's on my list to try after my vat of almond butter runs out. The kids love this concoction too despite hating plain Greek yogurt like their maternal guardian.

option #2: La Croix + frozen berries ... no, no, no, NO please don't be one of those people that tries to pass off calorie-less/tasteless liquid as a "snack", Grace. I know, I was in your boat too. I've tried La Croix and didn't understand what all the fuss was about but then it was on crazy clearance (wonder WHY) at the store so I picked up a couple cases and threw in some lemon juice and frozen berries and ... game changer? no. But, now I've come to crave it like Pavlov's dog as soon as the three little kids are safely down for the naptime count and it's a nice alternative to my creeeeeeeeamer and a spoonful of iced coffee that I really love.

I made the mistake of making a glass to photograph one morning while Phoebe was awake ...

And now she's hooked like me.

On a similar note ... I recently found this water bottle on Amazon and it's helping my (formerly VERY sad) water intake quite a bit. It's also helping the boys spill water all over the house but ... worth it. 

option #3: softish boiled egg + fancy salt - I was turned onto the concept of fancy salt by Bliggety Blythe and her post on good food and now I can't stop seeing that salt everywhere I look. I haven't bitten the bullet because we're working our way through a container of Pink Himalayan salt (only the fanciest for the Pattons) from Trader Joes but when it's out ... capital F Fancy Salt Game on like capital D Donkey Kong. The kids LOVE these eggs so I always make a few more than I plan on eating. I just follow these steps but boil the eggs about one minute longer so the yolk isn't totally runny but NO MORE because then you'd just have ye old hard boiled egg. Boring.

Not boring.

Always groundbreaking concepts ... culinary and not around here. If you've got some other (quick! and easy!) options that won't send any blood sugars soaring .... I'd be much obliged.

I feel like I need to extend a hearty congratulations to Leo for last night's win. I still remember feeling like he was cheated way, way back in the day for not getting a nod for his Titanic performance (I was in high school and my opinion mattered, thankyouverymuch).

And try as I might I can't not type a little line about our brand new niece that was born last night! First time aunt and I'm feeling p-r-e-t-t-y proud. You should hear the show-and-tell-with-photo monologue that Julia has lined up to talk about her very first cousin later this week at school. I feel like her fellow classmates should be warned and offered an out in advance.

Happy, happy Monday.
And Happy Leap Year 2K16 too.  


  1. I stumbled on a food blog written by a Danish high school student (!) who has great recipes for healthy food and snacks. Her recipes have no or almost no sugar but seem interesting. I'm going to try the healthy chocolate truffles.

  2. I'm a big fan of greek yogurt (expensive AF Chobani since it has the least added sugar of all) with a drizzle of honey and walnuts, maybe some craisins or fresh blueberries if my sweet tooth is killin' me.

    La Croix (or all sparkling water) is basically the only way I stay hydrated unless I'm at the gym. Grapefruit is a fave in our house (sliced grapefruit in it is fab!) but lime is closing in for a close second.

  3. Your little link to the water bottle made it so easy to click and Amazon Prime my way right to ordering! And congrats on being an aunt for the first time - you never realize how much you can love someone else's child until you become an aunt!!

  4. I really despise plain greek yogurt but adding a scoop of vanilla protein powder (I use Her Natural Whey) makes it likes treat. I also put in fruit and a handful of the Target brand honey/almond granola... and then the heavens shown down.

  5. I make fruit smoothies pretty much on the daily for myself and my son, who is a few months older than Phoebe. I get the cheap-y frozen fruit mixes from Aldi- mostly mixed berry- plus I throw in a fresh banana and some almond milk, since the wee man has a dairy sensitivity, and blend away. It takes approximately 2 minutes and easily makes enough for he and I.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Energy balls/homemade lara bars. Pinterest it. I made brownie bites which was basically almonds, dates, coconut, & cocoa powder blended together and omg.

  8. An aunt! Congrats to all the new cousins, aunts and uncles!

  9. Once Philip and I tried (and I failed) WeightWatchers. Anyway, they had this breakfast thing that was Greek yogurt, peanut or almond butter, apricot jam, vanilla, cinnamon and coconut flakes. It was so good.

  10. My kids are on the "nicecream" train right now. I throw some cashews in a water and blend- making my own cashew milk (or coconut, you only need like 1/4 cup) and add frozen bananas and whatever frozen fruit they want- they call it freshly soft serve ice cream... Today it was the chocolate version- the above milk, some almond butter, raw cacao, chia seeds and lots of frozen bananas... Delish! The other day was frozen banana strawberry pineapple and cherry, some days it's frozen banana and blueberry ... It takes seconds to make !

  11. I bet you guys are excited about the new niece/cousin!!! Being an aunt is the best!

  12. These eggs might just renew our crew's love for eggs. We maxed out about 1.5 years ago, unless they are deviled! I'll tell them it's all in the fancy donkey cong salt, ha! Thanks!

  13. I just became a first time aunt as well! My nephew was born on Friday and he is boootiful!

  14. Wacky cake for lifeeeeeee. But I've also found that cinnamon and vanilla and maybe a bit of honey makes plain yogurt more bearable.... Along w berries and granola, obvs.
    Congrats on the new niece!!

  15. I eat eskiel bread (toasted) with avacado spread on it and some Frank's red hot sauce with just a bit of garlic powder and it's delicious.

  16. Oh also if you need to spruce up your water game Amazon true lemon, they are like crystal light pouches (but better) and with different kinds of flavor! But sparkling water takes a bit getting use to and you won't be able to stop soon :)

  17. Congratulations on your baby niece!
    Yay Leo - it's about time!
    Also - great candle choice! Sweet sangria from target is my favorite scent - I've got 2 at home!

  18. My snack obsession as of late is a thick slice of toast topped with smashed avocado and sprinkled with coarse salt and chia seeds. I feel like it's my job to tell the world how amazing it is.

  19. My kiddo's breakfasts have actually always been a variation on the full fat greek yogurt and Almond butter combo and he loves it:) I didn't want to give him cereal so we do a blend of yogurt, avo and berries or yogurt, nut butter and apple.. figure he gets fats and protein.. I"m not sure about me snacking on it but he loves it.. And even with all the double fat yogurt the kid is barely into the chubby range so I guess it must be not so bad on the waist line.

  20. Vanilla Greek yogurt w/ honey and peanut butter all mixed up and then dip green apple slices in it...heaven :)

  21. I've been mixing PB2 into Greek yogurt and serving it over microwaved frozen berries. Really takes care of that sweet tooth!
    Also, there is no need to finish one kind of salt before purchasing another! I currently have 5 options on hand to be prepared for any situation.

  22. The Yonana machine is the best!! Makes frozen bananas into what tastes like ice cream.

  23. Congrats on being an auntie!

    I don't even have kids or a spouse but I still make snacks like you do. No shame here!

  24. Pop tarts or granola bars slathered with natural peanut butter (regular or choco flavored) and coffee loaded with creamer. That 's my 3 o clock snack and it can usually get me through to 5:30 or 6 without feeling weak or jittery...

  25. That is so funny that you look forward to your La Croix so much! We are huge "bubbles" fans in this house--and my daughter even loves them too! She won't drink juice but "bubbles" is her favorite! I figure it has less sugar...Love seeing snippets of your new house and so glad you are back to blogging!


  26. Cashew butter is awesome. I put it on sliced apples, toast,anything. With my last pregnancy a smoothie with strawberries, banana, a handful of kale, and a big scoop of cashew butter made a great breakfast. You can throw in some Greek yogurt too but I'd just add some water for liquid. For some reason creamy didn't sound good to the baby.

  27. Also, I'd chop up the fruit and kale and freeze them in little baggies so I could make a "meal" with one hand. While bouncing the new baby with the other hand.

  28. I've made those soft-boiled eggs following your recipe 3x this week for breakfast. Thanks so much for the tips!

  29. OMG the picture of her being caught in the act is hilarious!

  30. Do you use the plain la croix? or one of the flavors? I am not a big sparkling water fan, but I might try this. I too love me some creamer.

  31. Oh gurl u might've just changed my nonexistent La Croix game. Off I run to freeze berries (galloping horse emoji)

  32. omg i just made your divine eggs exactly as you recommended and wow foodgasm for reals!! Thank you for changing my life. No sarcasm whatsoever. That was incredible. Grace you are the best. :)
