
03 February 2016

bachelor, bachelor, bachelor!

If you don't watch the Bachelor, I'm really sorry. There's a long and wonderful list of better blogs down and to the right in the sidebar that you might want to dip into instead of clawing your eyes out while suffering through this post. Go! Enjoy!

Now, if you DO watch the Bachelor ... let's get down to business. If you've been a reader for more than seven minutes you'll know that I'm a terrible and pathetic Bachelor Nation Fanatic. I've watched all the seasons and read all the memoirs. Sean's was great but he kept things pretty G-rated while Courtney's was a true blue tell-all that left nothing to the imagination AND I may or may not have preordered Emily's. I should probably find a new hobby at some point in my life but now is not that time and I'm fairly to very certain my Bach watching friends are about to mute my incessant texts sending yet another link to another meme/recap/interview so ... I'm just going to let it all out right here. 

 You can't deny that Ten Ben is one of the most likeable bachelors yet, if not THEE most likeable ever. He's polished but genuine and seems truly grateful that all the ladies are there for him. I am a tiny bit worried because he keeps saying he's not going to say anything about the outcome soooo did it not work out? Did he pick no one? What's the deal, Higgins?

I've always enjoyed reading recaps but I play frequent favorites to a couple ...

Favorite Recaps:

Ashley Jones: her recaps are comedic platinum and even if you don't watch the Monday night journey to find love you'll still laugh out loud. I promise. She's also recently taken to snapping through the episodes which is equally hilarious (her snap name is: ashleyjonesy51)

I want to cut and paste her entire blog over here but then I'd wake the kids up with my cackling. So, I won't.  

Sharleen Joynt: contestant on Juan Pablo's season that writes with an insider's knowledge of what's probably going on behind the scenes. She's wise and thoughtful and I'm so happy she writes both over at Flare with her weekly favorites and over on her personal blog, All The Pretty Pandas. Read and love them both, you won't be sorry.


My favorite people to follow on Twitter for their live-tweets of the show are ... 

@nickpetersonTV (he also does post-episode Periscopes that are worth watching)

@AshleyJones (has she filed an e-restraining order yet?)

and there have to be more .. Twitter is not my strong suit.


I almost hate that I watched Unreal (a show on Lifetime that gives a behind the scenes look of the show "Everlasting" that is eerily um, identical to the Bachelor and written by a former producer) because while I knew that the producers had to get creative with editing, this show takes it to a whole new level. It made me question almost everything about the franchise (I know! I know! of course it's edited ... but I just didn't think it was edited beyond original recognition) but I read this interview over on the Possessionista (who often highlights the fashion on the show ... so good) and it made me a little less skeptical of everything. Just a little.

My picks:

1. Lauren B (he looks at her and turns into an actual heart eye emoji)
2. Jojo (they seem the most natural together)
3. Caila (she was my original favorite but I'm scared he's going to friendzone her ... maybe not)
4. Becca (love her but the chemistry just doesn't seem like it's there? right? no?)

Oh, Olivia

Before watching Unreal I would say that she's said some pretty awful things and been pretty ick in general but they can get VERY!!! clever with the editing. She's definitely getting the villain edit and  Sharleen actually had a clip of what Olivia had to say about the cankles convo and while she obviously said it ... I still think it was heavily edited and cut to look well, like it did which was real bad. Sharleen was later asked by the show's producers to take the conversation down.  Anyway, with all of that SAID ... I hope she leaves soon and very soon. 

Let's wrap this up, Crazy G .... do you watch? do you judge me for watching?

And without spoiling anything (pretty please!) let me hear your thoughts/favorite recaps/anything! I don't discriminate and will probably love it ALL. For the right reasons, of course. 

Okay, I promise not to mention it again. Maybe. 

I'll try.


  1. oooooo girl! I did a little squeal when I saw the title of this post. First of all, you're one of my favorite bloggers and to see you're posting again almost got me a little teary eyed in the best of ways. And THEN, to see you do a whole post on the bachelor?!? Well lets just say I'm one of the happiest of your camper fans. God bless you Grace and your endlessly entertaining children!

  2. I love Ashley and Sharleen's blogs and I also love the blog I Hate Green Beans! ( I love all the nicknames she comes up with...Ben = Peter Brady. I'm almost more excited for the blogs than the show each week! I think Olivia is pretty awful, but I'm also afraid it might get a little boring when she leaves. I don't really buy the chemistry between Ben and Becca...I think she will be the next Bachelorette.

  3. yes yes yes. I think your picks are spot on.
    Also- I agree about Olivia. Every time she is on I cringe a little. I feel bad about how unfortunately she is edited. How is she ever going to find another job as a news anchor?!
    75% of the reason I watch the bachelor at all is for the recaps (25% because it's an entertaining train wreck). I love TV&Jelly , and the Vulture recaps are top notch.

  4. WHOA are you back? Blogland celebrates! :)

  5. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that I might enjoy the Bachelor recaps even more than the actual show? Now, I have even more to read. My favorite lately has been

    1. Yes, pinterest told me to! My favorite.

    2. Yes, pinterest told me to! My favorite.

    3. I was going to suggest this one as well. And she's got the Six Degrees from Bachelor connection, since she's Sean's sister Shay's best friend. :) I'm a little embarrassed that I know that.

  6. I started watching the Bachelor during Juan Pab's season purely to get a full lol out of the online recaps...and now I'm hooked. I also loved/was terrified by Unreal. I'm glad other Catholic mamas out there share my guilty plesaure ;)

    1. I'm glad you kept watching - his was such a terrible season! The guiltiest! haha

  7. I have the unfortunate predicament of not having hulu plus OR cable so I weep sad, sad tears that I'm perpetually a week behind. DOES ANYONE EVEN CARE WHAT WAS ON LAST WEEK?? Also, I've searched the entire WWW for previous seasons and all I came up with was last season's Bach in Paradise - which I watched in its entirety. Did you buy them? Maybe the Tampa Public Library has them ;) lol

    1. did you try YouTube? You might have to dig but I think there are some seasons there! That's how I watched Unreal!

  8. Ahh YES! My love for the Bachelor has only deepened as more of these blogs come out. So good! You should check out She makes me laugh out loud at least eight times per recap. And @PrincessProbz does some hilarious tweets during the show.

    I'd love to see Ben pick Lauren B. And then Jojo can be the next Bachelorette.

    1. yes - I'd love Jojo to be the next Bachelorette!

    2. I read somewhere that they said the next Bachelorette was definitely going to be non-white, so wouldn't that pretty much be Caila? Unless they went beyond the last remaining girls and looked at Jubilee or Amber, which I can't see happening!

  9. Yay! I hope you recap or talk about it every week. I love Caila. She's my pick, but I'm a bit concerned about the friend zone as well. I like Lauren B, but not as much as I did at first. I know it can be editing, but it seems like all they talk about is having a great date/seeing a "life life" with each other and nothing at all substantial to support that. I just think they're in lust more than anything. I would like to see them actually talk about SOMETHING before I give my stamp of approval. ;)

    Did you see the clip they put out on Bachelor Live about Ben telling TWO girls he loves them. Crazy talk. I think that's why he's not saying anything about the outcome. Oh drama.

  10. please don't stop texting bach content! I'll stop texting about bach dreams though... -_-

  11. Eeee I try so hard not to get sucked in but I DO. The Twitter account @bachelorolivia "Olivia's Mouth" is good for some LOLs

  12. I got MouthofOlivia to follow Ashley Jones and I feel like we're bff's now.
    An old roommate went to hs with the twins & we were told one of them, probably the one that literally got driven home, had an boyfriend the entire time- which the photos of them in her room now makes sense. LOLOL.

  13. I'm all in on the Bachelor now for the first time ever ... so much so that I've been watching Sean and Catherine's season on YouTube in little clips since I know it has a happy ending, ha. Why have I stayed away for so long??

  14. Not a fan of Caila. I was at first but I've nicknamed her 'Nicholas Sparks'. I honestly enjoy some peoples' recaps more than the actual show. I'm also getting rill sick of seeing Olivia's gaping mouth putting her tonsils on display but since we lost Lace and Jubilee I still need at least one villain for a couple more episodes.

  15. Monday was my first time watching The Bachelor since 2008, and I've been insta-stalking Ben ever since. JoJo will get a home town visit!

  16. My favorite recap is definitely Sharleen's on All the Pretty Pandas. Also, Pinterest Told Me To does a great recap every Wednesday. I also like the Huffington Post's "Here to Make Friends" podcast and the "Rose Buddies" podcast (that one has some language but is also pretty funny!).

  17. You know I am the biggest Bachelor fanatic just like you....I just can't stop! I read all of those recaps, have watched every single season, may follow WAY too many Bachelor/Bachelorette people on IG or the snap and have read all of those books and I can't wait to read Emily's too! Maybe I have a problem??!! Another fav recap is Pinterest Told Me Too, hilarious!!
    My top fav is Lauren B, she's adorable and the way he is with her is the cutest! He's such a great Bachelor, just love how he handles everything and I CAN NOT wait for next week's episode....he best be taking that rose back from crazytown Olivia!!!

  18. I love to listen to here to make friends podcast that recaps each week. I can do it while I play on the floor with kids or while I pick up so it is just the ticket to making something necessary more enjoyable!

  19. Ben is most definitely the most likable Bachelor I can remember. He has a halfway decent vocabulary, says and does sweet things (like MAKING BARETTES), and I just want to smoosh his cute little face and help him find love forever.

    Caila as a person is my favorite, even though I feel like she's a walking mullet with beautiful 2016 clothes and hair, and then her cap-toe t-straps look like shoes I bought in 2004. Maybe she also has bunions and can't do open toe like me. JoJo needs to be the next bachelor because I want to look at her clothes and hair more.

    I am going now to download Unreal. I'm always so insanely curious about how these shows go down behind the scenes...

  20. You have to try Lost Angeles for a snarky guys perspective. He has the funniest nick names for the contestants and a hilar. theory about Chris Harrison being a drug lord mastermind.

  21. I look forward to Monday nights a little too much because of the Bachelor. I'm sure I should be ashamed of it, but I am not. Oddly enough only one of my girlfriends watches the show (and on a few days delay) so the only person I can discuss the show with is my uncle, who says he only watches it because my aunt watches it but I have my doubts. Another good tweeter (not sure that's a word) is JP Rosenbaum, aka Ashley's choice. @JP_Rosenbaum His tweets are pretty hilarious.

  22. I too am a Bachelor lover and recap blog reader. My list consists of:
    I Hate Green Beans
    All the Pretty Pandas
    Ashley Jones
    Guy In Austin
    Bachelor Burn Book (great if you're a Mean Girls fan too)

    Thanks for the additions to my list everyone! I may never get any work done on Tuesdays now. :)

  23. This is the first season ever I've watched Bachelor but it's because I know(ish) JoJo - she's from two towns over and I played basketball against her all through JH and HS. Would love to see her get with Ben BUT, I could totally dig her as the Bachelorette. I'm with you that they seem the most real+natural with one another because she's so down to earth. My husband makes fun of me hardcore for getting into this show, but I'm sold. I can't not watch any of the future seasons now!

    Off to go through all your recap suggestions to become even more addicted :)

  24. I don't watch The Bachelor much, but Chris is downright addicted to it. I'm not kidding. He watches every season faithfully and all the spin shows like Bachelor in Paradise. I start watching when it gets down to the last three contestants because I'm lazy. I asked him who he thinks is the top runner and he agrees Kauren B. I like Becca, but it always seems like her mind is somewhere else each season. almost like she's not totally interested. Maybe it's just her personality?

  25. Yes to Pinterest Told me To! I don't watch the show but laugh out loud to everyone one of her recaps!
