
31 August 2015

growing up

Initially I typed that title to read, "growng up" so I might just be growing down but I'm not the subject matter at hand today, for once.

For a long, long time I think I've sort of felt like I've been firmly planted in the baby and toddler trenches and while Julia isn't even into the wilds of kindergarten yet I have to admit that the two (maybe three?!) older kids are most definitely not toddlers and they are growing up.

Duh, it happens. And I know that and it's bittersweet but right now it feels mostly sweet as they sway further and further into uncharted independent territory. Territory that I like to call, "Pleasantville."

The other night a child that would normally throw a long and loud fit until parental assistance came stumbling into their room did the unthinkable. They quietly came into our bedroom to calmly inform us that they had wet the bed. I was so shocked by said child's calm demeanor that I was sure I was dreaming some bizarrely unrealistic and pleasant dream but nope, real life.

The next day we were going somewhere as a family when two children got themselves dressed. This isn't terribly out of the ordinary but they normally need to be redressed in something a little more size and weather appropriate but this time only their shirts were backwards and their shoes on the wrong feet so, we let it be. 2/5 of our job? done!

I could lie and say that I recently had to pack up all the newborn clothing because Bosco is in solid 0-3 month sized clothing now but the truth is that I just stuffed all the newborn clothing in a sort of empty dresser drawer but still, he's growing up.

And a few weeks ago I bought Simon some new (no holes! above the *gasp* knee! ever so slightly fitted!) shorts and he tried them on and he proclaimed with great disgust, "I feel like eye candy on a pleasure yacht* ... "

... so I guess you could say that he's growing up too.

*I have no idea what a pleasure yacht is either


  1. I can so relate to not wanting to put the baby clothes away! I procrastinate until I run out of drawer space. I'm always excited to put my little one in the next size up, but at the same time it's bittersweet to see her grow so fast.

  2. Hooray! Isn't it wonderful when your kids are suddenly not quite so needy? I understand the "bittersweet" feelings, but mostly I'm on the "sweet" end of the spectrum.

    I will never, ever forget the day we were trying to get out of the house and I was busy getting the 1 year old ready. I looked over, and my oldest (6) had her shoes and coat on and had strapped my youngest (6 months at the time) into her car seat. She looked at me with a big smile and said "we're ready to go!" I literally cried tears of joy.

  3. This made me laugh the hardest I have all day (it's kinda been a little frazzling). "Eye candy", hehe. I'm currently feeling freer now that my oldest can buckle herself up!

  4. I know everyone tells you it gets easier as they get older, but it really does! We have 5(6 heading our way in a couple of weeks) , but our oldest 2 our 10 and 8. It makes such a difference that they can help so much. People look exhausted when they see me coming with my brood down the grocery aisle, but they must realize I did not birth them all at once. They came one at a time and can be taught to put away laundry and cook dinner!!! I actually feel like I do less around the house with 5 then I did with 3 little ones.

  5. lol Simon's comments crack me up to no end!!

  6. Simon's comments get me every single time. Hahahaha!

  7. I love this "growing up" in the small things, too! Today, I almost pulled all of my hair out, but we've had those small glimpses of greater maturity, and boy are they a godsend!

  8. I have a 2 month old and 2 year old. It's nice to know that there is an end in sight!!

  9. Ha! My husband still wears cargo shorts. What can you do. Gotta love em :)

  10. I remember this time all too well. Independence comes in stages, they will back track from time to time, but they are indeed growing up. You got this Mama. You do. They are awesome kids with fantastic wonderful parents. God's got your back always.

  11. Ha! Right before I read your asterisks, I thought to myself, "What's a pleasure yacht?" Such a great photo!

  12. I can totally relate. My oldest is 5 and just started 1/2 day kindergarten...and frequently I think, wow I've got this...or I'm such a better mom now even though I have more kids (#4 in Nov). I think I finally realized that there IS an end in sight, even the most difficult kids get a little more civilized and they can be taught to be helpful, and dress themself, and carry laundry upstairs, and clean up the shoes when the 1 year old scatters them all over the kitchen. I can't explain it but I feel like I am finally (after 5 years lol) "getting" this mom thing. (And I know I will probably be humbled all over again in 2 months when the next baby comes but there's a saying "don't borrow worry" that I am living by for now).

  13. My oldest is 13 and we can now leave her at home. Alone. While we go out with just the younger one. Sometimes she watches him for 15 mins while I pop out to the grocery store as well. By myself! I don't know if I ever thought the day would come. Holy freedom Batman. (having said that it is KILLING me seeing them a little too close to leaving the nest...I just want to hug and squeeze them endlessly which they totally let me do...ha ha) (Also? Simon is hilarious)

  14. Oh my gosh, "eye candy on a pleasure yacht." I'm dying.

  15. Totally different from the more common "drudgery yacht".

  16. That's a beautiful picture. I'm not ready for CT to grow up. Ugh. Each stage is so wonderful (right?) but I get excited for the next, too.

  17. Somehow, through a combination of age and necessity, all 3 of my kids are suddenly in school all day. Already. My oldest is only 8. I thought the days of tiny people everywhere would be endless but they aren't. Aaaaaand I think I'm supposed to be sad that they're gone all day but....I'm kinda not :) I have peace knowing they're all tucked in to the places they're supposed to be and I'm so happy to see them at the end of the day.

  18. Let's be real. You're going to tell us your pregnant in two months and you'll need those NB clothes soon. HA - ALL THE LAUGHS! ;-)
