
06 August 2015

diy two ingredient face + body scrub

I've been wanting to write this (super simple) post forever + ever so today's the day! Yay.

I know I did a more complicated version of this a few years ago back when I was swimming in time but in the name of no time and simplifying ... this one is better. And easier.

I might even go so far as to say that is one of my own personal life hacks. I might.

Whenever the stars align in my favor and I see a tiny window of morning shower opportunity ... I selfishly snatch it right up. I know night time showers are all the rage for moms but I feel 1,899 (yes, that exact amount) times better if I can shower pre-noon. And it's all about me me me in this house, obviously. So, I want the four minute shower to count ... even if I forget to rinse the shampoo out of my hair (often) and Phoebe is banging on the door to the tune of, "ma! ma! MA! MA! MAAAAHHHH!" the entire time. So! Enter this little homemade scrub that I can throw together in a matter of seconds.

forgive the stellar photo quality. My artistic vision was thrown off with Sebastian asking, "why your hand so dirty, mom?!" and Theo sneaking a generous lick.

2 tablespoons of coffee grounds
1.5 tablespoons of oil (coconut, or other -- maybe not vegetable or canola or Valvoline? it's your life though)

We are coffee snobs around here ...

Costco brand 4 lyfe.

I just scoop the used pod contents into a little bowl (pictured with Vanna's dirty hand above) and then pour in a little oil and sprint to the shower and scrub away. Face and body.

Nell sent me her sister Molly's infused coconut oil as a sweet baby gift from her awesome (baby skin friendly!) shop that smells amazing and so of course I'm super partial to it but you can use any old coconut oil (make sure it's warm enough to be liquid ... solid coconut oil wouldn't be super fun to mix with the grounds).

A closer look.

The oil + grounds combo leaves your skin feeling super soft and your shower smelling pleasant and supposedly the caffeine is good for cellulite? Who knows. Not I. But ... I'll fight that fight with my caffeinated weapon every chance I get.

I could drone on and on about why you should at least give it a shot but I won't. I made my maiden voyage out of the house and into the car and into a public arena (Target - mistake, HUGE mistake) this morning with all the kids in tow and Bosco and I need a minute or a million to recover.

his face says it ALL.

I feel you, B.

Happy (how is it only? how is it already?) Thursday.


  1. OMG, Bosco's face and that scarf!!! His expression does say it all, I can barely take my 2 to Target so 5 would have me staring off into space too wondering WTF just happened!!!

  2. He looks worried, so worried that he might have to go back to Target! noooooooo

  3. So adorable - he is a serious chap, isn't he! You are brave - I remember taking 3 children in tow to the grocery store - never went back to that store after that day!

  4. Does the coffee stain your skin?? I guess it just washes off, but I feel like I would be rinsing obsessively in fear of missed spots and splotchy brown patches.

    Also, love that Bosco. Throwing some serious baby shade.

    1. Jessica, I do this and I thought the same thing...but it doesn't, especially if you use used coffee grounds! And your skin will feel ahmayzing after. It is awesome! Just requires some rinsing of the tub to get all the grounds out.

    2. See I'm not so much worried about the staining as I am that I'll try to drink the stuff of my face because ... coffee.

  5. Took my three to stupid Walmart the other day.... Never again, at least until Grace is in college.

    The Valvoline comment made me laugh! I'm wondering if the coffee grounds can give me a caffeine boost by osmosis? Worth a shot. (Pun not intended)

  6. I was on one of my first trips to the grocery store with all three kids (for just a few items, mind you!) and I ended up in tears. All three kids were whining/crying/bickering and it was just driving me crazy. A lady was walking by and as I tried to herd the kids out of her way, she said, "Don't worry. It's really hard." I said to myself, "It IS really hard!" and just started crying. I don't know HOW you managed to do it with five under five. Many hats off to you!

  7. That face is priceless. Clearly he has learned the ways of the world at a tender age. Too cute

  8. I can't wait to try it! You use old coffee grounds or pre-used coffee?

  9. And Bosco's concerned face is the best!

  10. I think the Target visit needs its own post. Brave mama. Hopefully it has stopped raining down there!

  11. So happy you posted about this today, I have been meaning to try something like this at home. I have done sugar scrubs before, but the last time I got a facial they did a "caffeine facial" where my face was basically turned into an espresso bar. It smelled amazing and I loved every second of it!!

    And baby B's face! Priceless!

  12. Had to share this with you. I have a VERY cracked phone screen and when I read the title of the post I read 'face and doody scrub' and I may have thought momentarily that the no good very bad day continued but you had some how figured out how to turn changing diapers into part of your beauty routine :)

  13. You're the sweetest. I'm so glad you love Molly's products as much as I do!! And his face!!!

  14. Huge mistake as in you spent $457 because...Target? Or huge mistake as in the oldest 3 needed to use the bathroom and you can't fit the cart though the door and they are fighting over who gets to hang off the far end of the cart and everyone is whining about being hungry even though they didn't want to eat scrambled eggs for breakfast? Not that I would know anything about either of those scenarios...

  15. Oh my goodness, I cannot imagine a Target run with 5 littles. You are a hero to me, Grace!

    Also, I like the scrub idea. I wrote a post about a similar scrub just a week ago. It had coffee and coconut oil as well, plus a few extras as well. It is here if you want to check it out:

  16. Bosco's face says it all. Too funny. That coconut oil looks divine. I bet it smells awesome too. Have a great day friend.

  17. Thank you, thank you! I've been avoiding sleeveless shirts do to a chicken-skin situation that occurs on my upper arms every summer. I read your post this morning and whipped up the scrub before my shower,and now my arms are all "what chicken skin?"

  18. Great recipe! Can you do a 5 under 5 or how you do postpartum post? I've been reading your old posts 2 under 2, 3 under 3, 4 under 4 ... and would love to hear how you survive those first few weeks and months since Simon goes right back to work? Also this is my first time with newborn plus school drop off and pick up (baby due Nov, oldest in Kindergarten).

  19. Your little Bosco is a serious cutie!!! And our boys are so close in age mine was born in May. I had to take him with for my first week back at work and ummm not much work was done so I seriously can't imagine taking 5 to the shops. Also I was always in awe of how close your babies are thinking how do you feel ready to go physically haha but our boy just hit 3 months and if it weren't for the fact that my csection scare has to heal I'd be ready for another one, I mean I have two arms hah;) Bosco is so stinking cute tho!!

  20. Oh, Bosco. OH BOSCO. How are you so cute?

    I want another newborn now now now.

  21. I saw your snapchat (I have no idea how to use it so I added and unadded you multiple times lol) but I saw you went to Splitsville! I love Channelside. You need to visit Taverna Opa if it's still open, I heard rumors it closed 😕 I have a house in Florida near Brandon we'll be down in November hope to run into you! Creepy?? Maybe.

  22. Oh man, totally feeling Bosco's face. I will have to try this scrub! As easy as it comes.
