
27 July 2015


Last Thursday I woke up to a crying Bosco and a wet bed and shirt c/o said crying party's leaky diaper after a night of helping Julia through a (short-lived!) stomach bug and was soon greeted by the happy tiding via Sebastian that Theo had removed his very, very soiled diaper and was giddily streaking all over the house. ALL over the house. No room unscathed.

Don't cry for me, anyone. Oh, but every single child was doing just that before I had time to climb out of bed suit up to report for zoo keeper duty.

And then I blinked and it was 1:30 and time to think about getting everyone down for naps. Time flies when you're having fun but it seems to fly when you're in a frenzy too.

So if it seems that I'm slow to get back on my blogging feet ... that's why. Forgive me. I'll get there. Soon!!

But here's what's been going down during those eternal blinks ...

Julia and Sebastian got married ... an arranged marriage ...

... arranged by Julia.

Phoebe got dressed up for the occasion ...

... Theo wasn't allowed because he refused to wear pants and "diapers that you could see" weren't allowed according to bride/celebrant/master of ceremonies and he's not potty trained NOR is he trying.

Sebastian has a new and sudden passion for dressing himself ...

... even if his pants/shorts are on backwards ... doesn't matter. Out in public he goes and refuses to turn his duds around. You do you, Bash.

Resident roosters ...

... I promise they are both in diapers and I'm in my uniform (running shorts + nursing tank).

If I feed Bosco for .04 seconds too long ... Phoebebadger takes meal matters into her own paws ...

no shame ever.

Not pictured:

+ Sebastian taking it upon himself to clean his room and closet during his notnap last week. If you know Sebastian ... you'll know why my jaw is still on the figurative floor all these days later. He doesn't know how to fold blankets so he just rolllllled them all up. I laughed till I cried. No, no! I don't need to get out more or ever. Swear it. Anyway, now I know he can clean and when he claims, "I'm just toooo tired" .... I'll know his pants are on FIRE.

+ Every Patton family member looking like they have Chicken Pox because ... mosquitos. We've tried deet, no deet, essential oils, all "gnatty" (laugh, maybe) spray, and now we've resorted to dressing in pants and long sleeves. Phoebe gets them especially bad which is sad because she wants to LIVE outside. I've got it on good authority that this stuff is the holy grail of repellent ... I'll buy a case of it if it actually works. (update! a kind fellow Floridian alerted me that this stuff works too ... already ordered, thanks Laci!!)

+ Bosco smiled a real unmistakably social smile. Once. I've tried in pathetic vain to get him to do it again but ... nope. 

+ I keep washing my hair and feeling smug that I have time to shower and then realize that I didn't rinse the shampoo out and my hair is even worse than pre-smug-shower condition. Postpartum brain always makes my pregnant brain look sharp.

+ the Bachelorette finale TONIGHT. Team Shawn, bb (but I don't hate Nick but still ... Team Shawn). Or Elf. Or Calvin Harris. Or Ryan Gosling. I can't keep up with all of his doppelgangers.

Be back soon.
Like tomorrow.
I think.


  1. Hey!

    I'm a Florida girl, born and raised.. we grew up using this
    to keep the mosquitoes away.. but apparently they now make a bug guard formula
    My mom bought it in bulk back in the day and still using her stash on my crew. It also doesn't go bad.. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing, but zero bug/mosquito bites over here.

    There are also citronella plants you can plant in your yard to help keep the bugs away..

    1. awesome. Thank you so much!!!!

    2. I was going to suggest the same...Skin So Soft is the bomb

  2. Long time reader (sweet waffles, I love your blog), commenter never. Until now.

    So we have several children that are actually allergic to mosquito bites (their mother, yours truly, gave them that lovely gene), so we were pretty crazy about finding a solution to lessen the torture. And have literally tried everything. And ended up with something that always, always, always works for us...

    Dryer sheets. No, I am not kidding. I buy the fragrance free (we use Bounce if it matters) and you rub that over your arms and legs and even face if you'd like. It has NEVER failed us. Not once. (Now if we were to go camping or hiking for several days, it might not be powerful enough, but for general use most days...heavenly.)

    If I lie and it doesn't work, it must be a desert solution. And I apologize. If it does work...HAPPY DAY!

    ***Crossing my fingers for you***

    1. really?! We have those. okay - trying! It's mostly the legs they like - ha.

      THANK YOU :)

    2. Another never-comments-but-allergic-to-mosquito-bites vote for Bounce dryer sheets. The best!

      If I do get bit, apple cider vinegar takes out the itch the best. Good luck!

    3. Another never-comments-but-reads-loyally (and also is allergic to mosquito bites) vote for Bounce dryer sheets. The best!

      I think apple cider vinegar works best on bites to take the itch out (and it's a lot less messy than creams).

      Good luck!

    4. Super allergic to bites as well and we use dryer sheets and also these sticker patch things from amazon:

      You can stick them on the kids clothes or I stick them on my clothes as an adult if I'm outside late.

      For bite relief vinegar or hot water on a wash cloth but not so hot it will burn :) works great!!

  3. That wedding pic of Julia and Sebastian looks *almost* like yours and Simon's wedding pic. So close...

  4. Go buy a few ThermaCELLs! They use a little butane cartridge and a magic repellent pad thing... I don't even know HOW they work, they just do. Bonus, you don't have to cover everyone in bug spray! My kiddos and I get eaten alive in minutes outdoors, but these things WORK!

  5. Long time listener, first time caller -- THIS stuff is a dream. Safe for kids and midwest mosquito tested:

    Smells delish too!

  6. Bug Soother!!! I swear by it! Made by a family company in Iowa where Mosquitos are terrible! I get the worst bug bites and so does Ted, but never when we are wearing Bug Soother! I bet you could reach out to them for a Sponsored Post too! It's not greasy and it smells awesome! It's sold on Amazon or

    It's AMAZING!!!

  7. Something that's worked well for me out in Colorado/Wyoming is "Repel Plant Based Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent". Might be worth a try for you guys!

  8. Yes! I was also going to say Bug Soother--so good for babies too. In a total not creepy way I could send you some because you can't go 2 ft without seeing it in the Quad Cities. Or you could just ask you grandma instead. :) But between that and dryer sheets we've been pretty good this summer.

  9. I'll add another vote for bug soother. It works. It smells good. Everywhere sells out of it on bad gnat years in Dubuque.

  10. No matter how much "mosquito repellent" I shower myself in, I always come home with some bites. It is always me Chris never gets one. But someone up here told me that dressing in dark colors attracts them, so I guess my zella leggings are doing me no favors. :(

  11. Ok- what happened to your life in the past week?? Stomach bug? Poo all over the house? A smile?!

  12. Mosquitos love me! And the best thing I have found is Avons skin so soft spray... It keeps them away. I use it when we are visiting family in PR. I swear by it!

  13. While in Mississippi (for the hub's residency & fellowship) we had good bug repellent luck setting a few of these lanterns from ThermaCell around our deck.

  14. Oh no! I have had many a thought of making for the Mason-Dixon line after this past winter. But I hate bugs worse than shoveling snow.

  15. this: i live in alabama, and you just have to kill them or they will always win and you will always smell weird.

  16. ah what a week!! Love hearing about the adjustment to a family with five kids!

  17. Yes yes yes to those who have said Skin So Soft! Born in Florida and raised in Georgia and it was always stocked in our house, so I really hope it works for you guys! Now my husband and I live in Arizona and I'm all mosquitoes, que? But every time I visit home it turns into "dawn of the heathen nightmare bugs."

  18. The wedding picture of Sebastian and Julia is the best! Sorry to hear you had such a cruddy week with kids being sick!

  19. So every summer of my life (until marriage) I went down to Mexico and spent weeks upon weeks there. Mosquitos love me, and the thing we used was long sleeves, but also vapor rub (loads of it) and we carried dryer sheets in our pockets after we had rubbed them on our clothes. Weird, but it worked for us. When we didn't do those things it was crazy itchies for days.

  20. If you need itch relief for the mosquito bites, spray benadryl with caladryl gel on top works wonders! My entire neighborhood is infested with them, (Virginia, but close enough, right?), and I can't stand any minor discomforts and I'll try everything at once to make it stop and let me tell you, the bites were gone by the end of the day. Also, apparently mint plants near entrances keep them from coming in the house if that's a problem. Good luck!!!

  21. At the risk of sounding crazy, try to limit the amount of bananas you consume during these mosquito crazy months. They are especially attracted to people that eat a lot of bananas. Scientifically proven (by me). I also second the dryer sheets and skin so soft combo.

  22. For the bites that make it through your regimine of protectants, bentonite clay (remember the Aztec facial Miracle thing? Same stuff) will take away the itch and swelling in about fifteen miraculous minutes. I swear by that stuff. No Florida Mom should be without it. Also works on fire ant bites. Have you discovered those yet? *shudder*

  23. Long time follower! We live in Alabama and have known a lot of people who use skin so soft. We never did because dryer sheets! My MIL takes garlic capsules that she swears is keeping away the mosquitoes...Or at least the vampires. Also, for the bites that do get through try a compound pharmacy. A lot of them make an itch-away gel that simply can't be beat. And generally lasts a long time so it's worth going the extra step. Good luck Pattons!

  24. We live in Alabama and have used a plethora of repellents but I prefer dryer sheets (ditto on the keeping it in your pockets comment) there's less smell and...idk texture? That most aerosol kinds leave on the skin. My MIL swears that taking garlic capsules is keeping the mosquitoes away...Or atleast the vampires. When the bites do manage to get through try a compound pharmacy. Most of them make a clear, itch-away gel that really can't be beat. A little goes a long way so it lasts and is worth the extra effort. Good luck Pattons!

  25. I've only been reading your blog a short time (a few months) but I just wanted to give you a quick comment. This post CRACKED me up. I'm super impressed by the blogging you are doing after having a baby and moving. Super impressed. Thanks for posting. :) Also, if any of those mosquito things work, let us know! Mosquitoes love love love me. The other day I laid down on our hammock to read and somehow came in with 25 (give or take a few--but my husband seriously counted) on my back shoulder. They had a feast.

  26. I've heard that eventually their little bodies build up the resistance to all those bug bites and the first ones of the season look way worse than they do later on. Plus, you're in a whole new environment, so hopefully this will be a short lived thing and their little bods will learn to heal up those yuck bites. (George got 'em too and subsequent bitings have not been so bad) I swear by the Benadryl topical gel they have at the store. Works like a charm on bug bites after the fact.

  27. Grace, I follow you on Instagram but haven't read many of your blog posts before. Today I was reading through your archives thinking "how does she do it?" because these days, my life is cray with an almost 1 year old and almost 3 year old, but you look like you've got it together! Anyway, just wanted to say, thanks for being inspiring but also for keeping it real so I can believe I'll get there someday! :)
    P.S. I bet you don't hear this a lot, but I'm grateful for all your CIO posts, because we are doing that now and it is no fun but I am losing my brain so it's gotta happen. :P

  28. " I keep washing my hair and feeling smug that I have time to shower and then realize that I didn't rinse the shampoo out and my hair is even worse than pre-smug-shower condition. " this is me. everyday.

    also we just got a mosquito deleto for the very same swamp that is our backyard and it's helped a lot!
