
30 July 2015

birth story epilogue

you thought it was over?


No, this will be the last installment. Probably.

I just had some super quality phone snaps that needed to live in blog post infamy from when the kids met Bosco.

I was a tiny TINY bit worried about Julia's reaction because she really, really wanted a girl and at the logical age of four ... I wasn't sure if her heartstrings would be pulled in the direction of even the cutest newborn baby boy. But! She was great. And so were the rest of the kids ... minus Phoebe who is still 50% air kiss/gentle hair stroke and 50% scratch his eyes out/hit his face when it comes to bebe B. She'll come around.


Here we go ...

Theo still asks to hold "Bowl!!" a lot. But only lasts about four seconds .. if we're lucky.

Please appreciate poor Cinderella's view.

Here we have Cinderella in a more comfy position ...

... sporting the headband (as a necklace ... or a noose?) Julia had brought for a potential lady baby.

Sebastian still occasionally calls Bosco, "her" ....

we're working on it.

This might be my favorite ...

... Theo engrossed in the fancy wall mounted screen.

And then we have Phoebe who had just hit her head on the hospital bed but looks to be muy devastated by Bosco's arrival ...


And again with the glow of the screen ...

... precious.

There was a little tiny miscommunication about getting a gyn (the service Simon was on the last month) surgery covered while I was still in the hospital so Simon had to leave all of our offspring in my hospital room for a few hours while he covered the case ...

... which was juuuuuust fine. Clearly.

Those poor postpartum nurses. Phoebe kept pulling a certain cord that meant EMERGENCY .... I don't think they were very amused. Ooooops again.

And 30 seconds of footage ...

... that's it. For Now.

#tbt complete


  1. Love Theo's face in that first one!

  2. Simon had to scrub in?! oh one for the books!
    you're cool and awesome Mama.... I am the doc in the house and I don't think I would have been ok if D left me to go to an emergency budget/finance/accounting sort of case. hehe

  3. Oh man I don't know how you handled all of them in the ro with you!! I was with my three kids after I had my last little one for an hour and was ready to pull my hair out!

  4. LOVE that video! Theo's little smirk once he see's Bosco and Phoebe is all get me out of here, I don't care about this tiny human cause I"M THE BABY!!! Sweet pictures!!!

  5. Phoebe takes the cake in the video! Too precious!!

  6. We had two boys and I was pregnant with my third. We never find out gender but my oldest REALLY wanted a girl. REALLY! He picked a ballerina stuffy and everything. Then...boy! I stressed major that he would be sad but he handled it well. He did tell me that two brothers was "fine" but "now I want five sisters." :) guess he doesn't know how this works!

  7. I just love your whole adorable family!

  8. This made me tear up! Ah my womb is on fire. I want another one. 😢

  9. I didn't recognize Phoebe without her yellow cardigan.

  10. That video is just priceless. Theo is so cute!!

  11. I might be reconsidering my decision not have children. I feel like I want one, I want the name to be Phoebe (regardless of gender), just to call him/her "Feebers". That was flippin' adorable Grace. ADORABLE. #overthetop

    Congratulations, you've got the cutest family EVER! And thanks for sharing!

  12. Theo's face in that first picture is pure gold. And the force with which Bash throws open the door to meet his new sister... er, brother - fabulous!

  13. Theo has the best expressions! And I love how in the video Pheobe couldn't be bothered. That girl cracks me up!

  14. sooooo cute! My ovaries just exploded.

  15. Theo in the video! And J sounds so cute, "Where's the new baby??"

  16. Dying laughing. I can't wait to have another so that my kids, too, can bask in the glow of the wall-mounted screen. I mean, renewed siblinghood.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Those pics are serious treasures. And Theo is my friend. I like him.

  19. So sweet! I love the TV pictures- mine does the same and is always looking off in another direction in pictures, which I then feel like I have to explain (he saw an airplane, there was a fire truck, etc).

  20. "Phoebebadger doesn't care" is all i could think while watching that video. Such a presence, that little lady. And so happy for the Patton family!

  21. I'm pretty sure Theo's face in the first pic is exactly what I look like when someone hands me a baby. #twinsies

  22. Theo's reaction combined with Phoebe's confusion and disinterest is the best! Lol
