
11 June 2015

37 weeks

pants - c/o émoi émoi
blazer - c/o Isabella Oliver
watch - Amazon
shades - ASOS
shoes - Amazon
bag - c/o Lily Jade

37 weeks + 5 days. Because those 5 days ... they count right now. Call me Baby, I care not. 

Term, baby, term. Not to be confused with full term (39 weeks) just like I'm not 9 months pregnant quite yet. Vices - we've all got them. And apparently term is when I start thinking certain outfits look presentable enough to wear out in public, photograph, and post when in reality said outfit might be suitable for a business casual board meeting with a bizarre shoe choice requirement. Those aren't platform Birkenstocks and I promise they look better with a dress. C'est la craziest life.  Or something.

I feathered my nest to perfection the other day by 1. washing a few newborn onesies and 2. ordering some diapers and after seeing both up close and personal I firmly believe the baby will be too big to wear them once he or she arrives. I just feel it in my ribs. And everywhere else. We'll see! One of these days.

Theo was born at 37 weeks exactly, Sebastian at 39 weeks + 5 days, Julia at 38 weeks + 2 days, and Phoebe at 38 weeks + 3 days ... and aren't you glad your brain is now littered with that pertinent Patton information? I thought you might. But I always swear I won't go into miserable/antsy/end of pregnancy mode and then, hello. Here I am, checking in once again. Predictable as ever. Okay, not miserable ... just mildly irritable. There's a difference, I'm sure. 

A group of the nicest girls ever (ever!) got together and got me a pedicure AND prenatal massage AND a sitter. Truly, nicest ever. I went for the pedicure yesterday and it was one of the more memorable hours of my life ... so unbelievably good. And the massage is this weekend ... and it feels a little bit like Christmas Eve as I wait in overly eager beaver mode for my appointment.

Okay, I'll go before I start giving you the rundown of my grocery list, the number of shifts Simon has left as a resident, and my plans to give the boys haircuts tomorrow. You can only handle so much chronicles-o-Grace and I imagine you hit that limit three paragraphs ago.

Off we both trot. 

capital X and O for the road. 


  1. Do you hate me for predicting that baby will arrive before the massage?! Somehow they just know how to steal the spotlight away from mom relaxing;) Kidding- enjoy that time alone. You look amazing and that diaper bag looks like perfection. (Yes, it is I…crazy bag question girl!)

    1. cracking up. Not crazy!!

      and no! don't hate you! ha. I would be shocked though!!! :) Thanks lady!!

  2. I think the great news with your pregnancies so far is that you haven't had to go postdates with any of them!! So I hope this trend continues...(I don't want to curse you by suggesting that this bodes well for your fifth delivery!!!!). Have a wonderful massage, and I think you are about the cutest pregnant lady I have ever seen!

  3. Blue is your color!! Maybe it's a boooyyy!! :)

    1. haha maybe!!!! We REALLY need to nail down a boy name. ANY boy name at this point!!!

  4. I am a broken record over look great! Have you done a hair tutorial that I missed? Not that I would request one from you because, apartment living, and impending fifth child. But, you always have the best relaxed curls..and I need that in my life!

    1. you're the best. I've done a few! but they are all the same --- just hairspray it all and wand wand wand ... I'm so clueless!!!

  5. You look beautiful! Glad you're getting some pampering.

  6. You look so good! Any "feeling" about the gender yet?

  7. Replies
    1. aw, thanks Laura! That really means a lot because I feel anything but!

  8. Love the blue nail polish. Any day now.......

  9. A stunner. Even in the dark days of #thelastmonth. May your heartburn be non-existent, your tootsies still lovely and a massage before labor. In the meantime.....keep us entertained on that speedy internet you got, lady!

  10. Hope that pedicure gets things rolling for you! My mom gave me one the night before I went into labor with Gemma... I'm sure being four days overdue had nothing to do with it. Wink. Glad you're getting some time to yourself before baby + move!

  11. You look wonderful and have us fooled that you're irritable or anything else not peachy keen.

  12. I thought you might enjoy: I misread "prenatal" as "perineal", was a bit surprised at your open discussion of it, and then had a good chuckle...

  13. I agree with everyone else! You look gorgeous! And your hair!! Can't believe it's already 37 weeks!

  14. You look fantastic! You at 37 weeks = me at about 6 months pregnant! Enjoy every minute of your massage & maybe stay on the table a few more minutes & they will feel pity for you & massage a little longer. =)

  15. 1- you look so beautiful, I am always amazed at your late pregnancy tininess.

    2- I cannot believe you're 37 weeks! I am on legit baby-Patton look out from here on out

    3- SO glad you got that pedi, you DESERVE IT-- enjoy the message!!

  16. The moment I saw those shoes I knew I needed them! I' not usually an online buyer due to sizing issues I've had in the past, but I just can't pass up those beauts. Do they fit you true to size? I'm usually a 7 1/2, but sometimes I find I need a 7 for heels and wedges to feel secure enough that I'm not going to "walk out" of the shoe. Also, I noticed one size is about 10 bucks cheaper than the other...what the heck shrek?! Oh well, I' too in love with the shoes to care that much (giant eye roll)....maybe.

  17. I just had a real moment of oh yeah Grace is a PERSON. She sat down, and typed this. She a tiny bit thinks she might be boring people (nope). Simon took those photos (Julia?) and probably you both complained about something or other, and possibly laughed a little. You're a human, and you're thousands of miles away. The internet is so damn weird. (from England, where it's night time, I should be getting to bed - and the muggy heat just cracked with a nice thunderstorm) (the BBC described it as 'uncomfortable' - it's only been 25 degrees C maximum - what a bunch of over-reactors we are)

  18. You look beautiful as ever Grace Patton!!
    Gabi S.:)

  19. I'm working Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday nights. Just sayin.

  20. You're getting so close! And you look incredible!

