
21 May 2015

because our house is one big clusterbox at the moment ...

... many, many boxes. And many things unboxed.

judging me so hard for the tsunami of tshit just out of the tshot.

are you sick of this move yet?

Me neither.


the moving truck comes tomorrow and then I'll shut up about it until the baby comes and then you've got a whole new overblogged headache on your hands. Pick your poison, kids.

Anyway, as much as I'd like to detail this last week's events in a lengthy diatribe regarding the near fatal migraine that was thee back and forth and back and forth and back and forth with our house buyers (miraculous agreement reached! only after a certain spouse of mine used up his lifetime quota of appropriately raised voice f-bombs, I assure you) along with allllll the repairmen and inspectors and surveyors and electricians and plumbers (or "the fixers" as Sebastian calls them) that were in and out of the house and had lots to say about: five (?!?!?!?!) kids, Florida ("be careful! my niece was eaten by a gator!!" one offered ... which we couldn't tell if that was a joke so things got somber and confusing for a second), our terrible packing methods, blah blah blah ...... but I won't. I will not.

The internet always comes to my rescue.

I'm not even KIND of in the market for a swimsuit at this particular moment in time but when I dip my toes into postpartum swimsuit shopping ... Shana and the gang have got me covered. Hopefully VERY covered. But, really ... they did a phenomenal job of addressing an impressive range of (many nursing friendly!) suits for all the body types, shapes, and sizes out there. And am I the only one that wants to be bff+e with Shana? Blog crush por vida.

Oh! And one of my other blog crushes, Fran, makes me want to reconsider adding white denim to my closet ... when the kids and their sticky hands are tucked safely in bed or .... far, far away.

In case you didn't see this floating around Facebook, Sweet Nell always hits the nail on the head .... a wise wife and mother that one.

Because we'll be living out of suitcases for the next several weeks - I get to pretend I'm super on top of life (lololololol) and already have my hospital bag all set to go. These are one of the first items that went in because they really are amazing as all 23894289347823947293472734 reviews praise them to be and they haven't flinched at my massive thorax one time this entire pregnancy. TROOPERS.

I also packed a few of these. I'm that confident in my gender prediction.

I'm determined not to drop the Father's Day ball (ahem, on behalf of our lazy children) this year and am patting myself on the belly for already ordering a batch of these along with putting something else together that (of course) I'll show you in detail SOON.

Did you watch The Bachelorette(s)? I haven't finished the second night but agree with the ick feeling sage Sharleen describes. Hopefully it's smoothish sailing from here on out.

And that's pretty much it. For now. I'm off to list some gently loved appliances on Craigslist and explain to a very concerned Julia for the 99th time that yes, her hoard of glorified trash will be making the move.



  1. Moving the hoard!!! My gal empathizes on the trash anxiety ;) thanks for the shoutout. You're the nicest ever.

  2. Oh Grace. You're handling it all sooooo much better than I ever could/will. Just like with the whole residency thing. Such a superstar.

  3. Oh Grace! I feel like whining for you. You're handling it all soooo much better than I ever could/did/will. Just like the whole residency thing. *Such* a superstar.

  4. Totally blushing at the shoutout. And I'm going to check out those Nordstrom leggings asap. It's totally cool if I get one in every style, right?? That, or I'll buy one pair and live in them every single day. I could see it going both ways.

  5. Hang in there lady! I would be elbows deep into ice cream and BLTs.

  6. What do you mean you WANT to be BFFs? I totally THOUGHT WE WERE BFFS! (And seriously, thanks for the shout-out. My data-science "team" [let's call him Mike] just about had a coronary checking blog stats today. "BABE! You were featured on some camp??" Yes exactly.)

    But I have been thinking about you as we start to prepare for our own small move. Specifically, I keep thinking, "thank god I'm not trying to do this while pregnant with baby #5....) Girl, you rock. As always, despite your totally self-deprecating humor (which I LOVE)....I'm always left feeling in awe of you. Keep on keeping on. xoxo

  7. I kid you not..I have tried on about 10 pairs of white denim in the past month...trying to find a good pair. Some are too tight, kind of see through, too low rise for this momma. I found a pair at old navy that might it was only $17 so I don't feel so bad when my daughter spills carrot juice or draws on me or who knows what else.

  8. Both you and Shana are my faves and I totally want to be both your bffs. I live in Bermuda if that could help bribe you into being my friends, lol!

  9. Moving stinks! Sorry the buyers were a pain. I've heard great things about those socks we may need to try them out!

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