
06 April 2015

as great as it gets

Last year on Easter I was 38 weeks along with Phoebe, the weather was glorious, and it was the start of a week of vacation for Simon and this year I'm 28 weeks along, the weather is glorious AND it's the start of a week of vacation for Simon once again so ... no complaints from me. I will note that I think I might be the same size at 28 weeks this time around as I was at 38 weeks with Phoebe but I have no one but myself and my weakness for Reese's Eggs in pastel colored foil to blame. No one.

The older kids seemed to truly grasp the meaning of Easter this year as Sebastian sang, "happy birthday to Jesus!!" all the way to Mass (standing room only and we stood despite doing two things I never ever ever do: 1. setting out the kids' clothing the night before 2. setting an alarm and YET we were still tardier than usual. Way to be, Pattons) and Julia was very concerned that the Easter Bunny had forgotten all about us as her mean parents made the kids wait to hunt sugar until after church and some super successful family photos in front of a neighborhood warehouse garage door because ambiance ...

all those pearly whites.

And the hits just kept ON rolling ...

Theo was staunchly opposed to having his photo taken but was happy to step in and ruin my Simba moment with my teeny tiny little dancer bebe ...

... and then he was like FINE ... I'll take ONE more ...

... but I won't like it.

And then a super sweet framer of the ladies ...

Phoebe (will be as tall as Julia next week, I do declare) went with her go-to smile, Julia was recovering from a meltdown over Sebastian looking at her for .3 seconds too long, and Grace was getting ready to go coach a softball game (according to Simon). Again, framer. 

Onto the backyard hunt!!

a few minutes into the fun when the egg count went a little something like ...
Julia - 18
Sebastian - 2
Theo - 0 {even though he was ultra prepared with the teeny tiny basket that usually holds his diapers on his dresser ... planners-r-us}

the non-walker - 1

Simon chided, "Julia, I hid - I mean the Easter Bunny hid 24 eggs ... you cannot monopolize 20 of them ... "

... but he eventually reigned victorious and was VERY proud of his findings.

All in all ... a very successful day, I'd say.

I hope YOU all had a very Happy Easter and that you were able to spend the day with loved or liked ones. I don't take holidays spent together for granted after Simon's paid his holiday shift dues. Hopefully I never ever do but human nature, forgetfulness, and time can getcha, I suppose.

Happy Easter Monday to you and yours.


  1. Love all the pictures.

    With my 5 kids, the Easter Bunny leaves a very special note telling each kid which color to find. 10 blue, 10 purple, 10 yellow etc...but you are beautiful and smart and probably thought of this already!

    1. haha we did think of that but the boys have trouble with colors. Maybe next year :)

    2. Haha, great idea!!! Next easter I ll have 4 kids hunting eggs!!!

    3. Haha, great idea!!! Next easter I ll have 4 kids hunting eggs!!!

  2. My husband only put Reese's cups and eggs in our family basket this year and I almost texted him today to be like..."Ummm... if you want any Reese's you'd best hit the Easter Candy Sale Rack ASAP". But there might be a few left for tomorrow...

    1. ha!! seriously. SERIOUSLY. Same situation here ....

  3. Haha! So cute and funny! If nothing else you are ALWAYS entertained.

  4. That picture of the boys, I am still laughing at it since I saw it on ig yesterday....that Theo, I just adore him! Your kiddos are seriously just so dang cute and I can't believe how grown up, and yes tall, P looks! After the loot was collected yesterday I finally threw away a HUGE bucket of candy from Valentines Day....seriously why do kids get so much candy?! We have 2 new ice cream pail size buckets full to the brim and my thighs are not thankful for it one bit!

  5. I NEED your shoes in my life! Where are they from/what brand are they?

    1. From Rackroom shoes :)

      Here's the link!

  6. You are too funny! I love how you share your hilarious family stories!

  7. I actually matched my family this year, hoping to get some greeting card family photos but my nearly 2 year old wasn't having it. Go figure. I feel ya, fun times! Your photos are still cute! :)

    1. we have thee worst photo luck ever. I don't blame your 2-year-old .... I think it's in the brochure they come with at birth ha

  8. LOVE Julia's dress! Please tell me it's a recent find?!

    1. yep! super recent Garnet Hill (and it has pockets - which she loves)

    2. Yay, thanks! Don't know how you do it, but enjoy following along!

  9. All those tiny kiddo white chuck taylor's are PRECIOUS. As are Phoebe's arm rolls.

    1. hahah I know - love them! and thank goodness for bleach pens!!!

  10. Not trying to playa hate, but the "I'm sooo big" comments?? I was a natural tiny-baby-carrier of 4 and actually felt self conscious because I never wanted people to assume anything or feel bad about themselves. Not sure if you need some affirmation, but you look good! And would no matter your size.

    1. oh gosh - no definitely not looking for affirmation. Just going off of how my clothes fit and feel this time around :) but thank you!!

  11. I'm pregnant with #4, 32 weeks far, and people are saying that I look gigantic soooo I won't make it to the end. I reply back: I ve been huger before.I ll be huge again. You just forgot how pregnant I get by week #40. Just sit and wait!!

  12. I'm pregnant with #4, 32 weeks far, and people are saying that I look gigantic soooo I won't make it to the end. I reply back: I ve been huger before.I ll be huge again. You just forgot how pregnant I get by week #40. Just sit and wait!!

  13. Loving the family pics! Hilarious and so true life realsies! :)

  14. All precious no matter what expressions! Happy Easter!

  15. Happiest of Happy Easter dear Pattons!! Everyone looks awesome as usual, even with the tears. Hugs from VA!

  16. Those littles are just too sweet! And HOW are you so teensy at 28 weeks with your FIFTH? Because I'm 28 weeks with my THIRD and I'm telling you I am twice as big as you!
